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Your Email Response Page

It is vitally important, if you want maximum financial returns ($$$$$) from your efforts that you reassure both your Visitors and Recruits by responding to their enquiries and contacting them when they first purchase from you. 

This is because your fortune depends upon getting your own team of Recruits to set up sites and recruit New Members who will quickly become subscribers for your IFGC Affiliate Business.

You need to earn their confidence and trust.

Always respond to your people's questions promptly, patiently and courteously by email.


This is the administration work we told you about before you joined.

It forms the bulk of the work you have to do for your $1,000,000s but only takes up a few minutes each day.

After all, you only need  to work with a small percentage of those who join under you.


The only difference between the Support Managers who are doing "OK" and the Support Managers who are making a fortune is that the ones making a fortune keep in touch with their Recruits.

This is so important we give you sample emails below.

Replying to their questions gives your Visitors the confidence to join our organization.  

Replying to their questions gives your New Members the confidence to get active and make both you and themselves a fortune.

Do not worry - we supply sample emails below for the hard of writing!  

Always remember that a great many people need reassurance in order for them to proceed with an enterprise such as this. They might have worked in an hourly-paid job for someone else all their life! 

They might not have written a letter since leaving school.

Almost everyone who joins us is a decent person and deserving of your help in any case. They are generally trying to better themselves and their families position.

Each one you reassure enough for them to take action will make you and themselves a great deal of money. And maybe make you feel better too.

A moment's thought will make clear that with each IFGC taking care of the Members below them, all the many thousands of Visitors and New Members below you will each get personal support and encouragement to send you money!

What a huge organization trained and motivated to earn money for you!

And all with so little effort on your part!

Besides replying to actual questions - and you can almost always find the answers in this site - it is a good idea to email all your Recruits weekly so as to keep their minds on the job in hand. 

You can email groups needing the same motivating letter using the BCC facility in Outlook if you wish.

It doesn't matter too much exactly what you say so long as you are friendly and concerned for their success.

Keep on at the few who are slow to start - just keep asking if they are OK or need help. They will soon get active out of embarrassment at being thought idle.


Your Email Contact Program

The following is a list of the minimum emails you should be sending. They are designed to cover the gaps in case either your Recruiter or your Recruit is idle:


When you first get your Web Site published:

Send this email to your Recruiter/Support Manager/Training Director.

You can always get the email address of your Recruiter/Support Manager from the ISR Affiliate Page where you login after you join this system.  And they will be instructed to stay in contact with their downline as per the instructions on the instructions page. 

If they failed to do this you can find support by contacting the Local Training Director in the Training Directors Address Book.


Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    I have just had my web pages published and would appreciate any help you can give me regarding the best way to attract Visitors.

    My ISR Affiliate Page is at

    Many thanks for your help.




This should produce a response from your Recruiter showing they are eager to help you get going. Why would they not be?

All you have to do to be successful is copy what they have done to recruit you.

Of course, this does not mean you cannot find better ways to recruit. You have learnt something about attracting visitors to your site on the Marketing Page but a little effort to find new advertising venues always pays off.

When you start No Support you will soon get quite a lot of Recruits to email so it is best to make a list of their names & email addresses in your Outlook Address Book, on a Word Document, or a database if you know how, for easy reference.

This can then be copies to the bcc line of your email editor for each mass-mail.


When you get an email notification of a new Recruit for a First Year Subscription :

You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a sale but you may not be able to email them back directly as the email you receive may not contain their email address. This is because, for instance, they don't always have to enter their email address listed correctly.

However, after payment they are taken to your Signup Page where there is an email sent automatically to you.  This is sent in by almost everyone and does contain the sender's email address.  Reply to this as follows:



Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    Welcome to The IFGC Freedom Project.

    You have just taken the first step towards happiness and financial freedom.

    I want to help you build a better life and become very rich and successful because the more money you make the better it is for all of us. 

    To do that you first need to get yourself through The Freedom Project if you have not already done so.

    If you have any problems just drop me an email.




Reply to any questions from your Recruits patiently and as best you can - without giving too much away. Just tell them they need to make the conference calls or contact a Local Training Director.  Training can be done via phone or through conference calls.  There may be power point presentations available too.

Do remember to tell them everything about the support system so they have confidence in the marketing program. 

A certain sort of person is just looking for an excuse not to proceed. Once they have joined us they can see how easy it is for themselves. Mostly, such people will become successful.


Two days later:

Two days after they purchase their
First Year Subscription from you, if you have not heard from them, send every Recruit this email:


Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    Have you bought the IFGC Subscription yet?

    If you have any problems or questions do let me know.

    Many thanks.

    All the best,



It is vitally important that you "help" your possible Recruits by giving them the IFGC Freedom Project address or if they misplaced your affiliate address. Our system automatically sends emails once they have made the due payment and they would be thrown out for cheating if they avoided this.


Three days after this:

If you do not receive a response to the last email within three days then send this email:


Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    I haven't heard from you in response to my last email.

    Is everything OK?

    Can I do anything to help you?

    Have you made your IFGC subscription purchase yet?

    If you have any problems or questions do let me know.

    Please let me know how you are going on.

    Many thanks.

    All the best,



There are very few Recruits who will not respond to the emails above, and once they respond they are going to go on and earn you, and themselves, money because you are going to give them confidence and tell them how you managed to recruit them.


After a positive response:

Send the following email when you hear that a Recruit has made their purchase:


Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    I am so glad to hear that you had the courage and motivation to complete the joining process. 

    Now it is my job to help you improve your life and make as much money as possible.

    Will you let me have the address of your ISR Affiliate Page when you get it set up please? 

    I keep a record as I want to make sure everyone gets lots of Visitors and makes lots of money.

    All the best,



You may get a response at this point that they have made the purchase but are undecided about publishing a web site or renting one.

Where your Recruit has Qualified by making a subscription purchase:

Where your Recruit has qualified as a IMA member
, (by making the purchase) but has not attended training you may need to persuade them to attend training or listen to the conference call.  Everyone need to do one or the other.

As an organization we are not concerned if they go the DIY route so long as they market the IFGC program and it is done properly.

The best way forward is to suggest they do as you have done - on the basis that if it has worked for you it will work for them.  Of course, our system is easiest and quickest for them.


Dear Colleague/(Insert name if known),

    You have shown the courage and motivation to Qualify as a full member of the IFGC Freedom Project. 

    Now you just need to market your affiliate site to begin collecting money.

    The easiest and quickest way forward, unless you are very good with software, is to attend training from The IFGC Freedom Project's Training Directors.

    To do this simply log in to your back office find out the information on training and follow the simple instructions there.

    They helped me understand how to put my site on the traffic exchanges and search engines in no time at all and it has worked fine for me.

    Will you let me have the address of your ISR Affiliate Page when you get it set up please? 

    I keep a record and help make sure everyone gets lots of Visitors.

    Many thanks.

    All the best,



Follow this program of emailing everyone and you will: 

Collect lots of Active Recruits.

Get the best efforts and results from your Recruits.

Remember, you will only have 20-50 Recruits to email over a period of a few weeks to make your fortune.

If you think this sounds like hard work to make a few million dollars, think for a moment how long and hard you work now - and what reward you get for it.


Keeping On Top Of Your Emails

If you ordinarily get a lot of email it might be a good idea to arrange your email browser in such a way that email to the address you are using for this project is automatically filed into its own folder.

You do this by using the "Rules Wizard" as featured in Outlook. The "how to" is fully explained there.

Besides all this you get an email every time a New Recruit Buys their First Year Subscription and enters your pay line. 

And every one of them must do this to go forward.

So this is a whole lot of emails....

And a whole lot of income:  Up to $8,000.00 in monthly payments.

All email systems are different but they mostly all have instructions on how to do this.



If you need help with this system first check the Main Site Instructions and then the FAQs (Which are updated as we receive new questions from our Top-Level Team) then email your Support Manager - the one who recruited you. 

This has to be the way it works as we would never be able to handle all the mail.

If your recruits need help they will email you and you must do all you can to help. There will only be as many as you have recruited yourself and most of those will never mail you.

If you really cannot answer one of their questions ask your Support Manager and so on. There really shouldn't be much that you can't answer.

If you really do get stuck then there is Support assistance in your Back Office. 

To read the section on Collecting Your Money click HERE



The IFGC Freedom Project Affiliate Course

Go-APN Home The Junction Page Interventions Pure Potential
The Freedom Project The Conflict Resolution  The Swish  The Life Path 
The Affirmation Conflict Response Downloads How To Collect All Your Money The Agency Principle
The Example Page What You Need To Do The Web Site Marketing Page The Email Set-Up Page
Your Email Response Page Actually Collecting Your Money A Final Word The FAQ Page