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How To Get What You Want In Life

Well done on arriving here.

You have shown admirable determination already.

By now you will be aware that human beings all have programming which controls their behaviour and that it is possible to remove or change these programs in order to improve your life.

The general idea is that a person should remove the negative programs to stop the negative events they are creating or attracting in life and then insert positive programs to bring about positive events: health, happiness, money and so on.

As this happens a persons awareness is also raised which improves their experience of life too.

You have already performed a number of Conflict Resolutions which I designed to clear out most people’s trapped negative emotions. This was a sort of “one size fits all” exercise to get you started and build your confidence.

Now we have to look at more specific personal treatment for your specific life situation. Everyone’s specific problems are slightly different after all.

Until now it has always been necessary to go to a psychiatrist, therapist, priest or holy man to get your programs identified and the problems fixed. And some of these weren’t very good or well motivated.

People, you see, generally want you to come across to their belief system and so holy men and shrinks all lead you in their direction. Rather than moving towards getting what you want you might find yourself going somewhere else and becoming a devotee or parting with all your money.

What I am doing here on this site is giving you the freedom to make your own choices by telling you as much as you need to know to make an informed decision and then giving you the tools to make the changes in your life that you want to make.

So no matter if you want to be a millionaire or you just want to stop hurting inside, this is where you find out how.

So far you have used Conflict Resolutions to improve your self approval/esteem and release the major negative emotions which people generally struggle with.

What I am going to do now is give you the tools you need to identify any remaining problems you may have and fix them. Then tools to bring your goals into reality.

There is quite a lot to cover so please be patient.


Finding Your Problems

There is one simple tool you can always use to find out your own or someone else’s problem areas. This is how it works: 

You need to begin keeping a private journal or diary and in it record the major events of your life and your emotional reaction to them. Record all the emotions you experience and their apparent cause. Within a month or so you will see if you keep creating situations where a negative emotion keeps coming up. You will also become aware of the things in life that get you down. 

The point you need to understand here is that there are no excuses. You are creating your life and you are making or attracting the situations you find yourself in. And if you are doing that then you have the power to stop.

If there is something in your life you are not happy with then it presumably is not there because you consciously want it to be there but as a result of your unconscious will to have it there or as a by-product of your unconscious will to have something else.  

Sometimes these things are so clear you can pin a label on them immediately, permanent depression or a job you hate for instance. Sometimes these things are more difficult to spot in yourself like a person who gets angry at the drop of a hat or leads themselves into arguments with their partner repeatedly. These things become clear as you read over your journal. 

Even when it looks like it is someone else making you miserable, you go there and it is you making the decision. You hold the power.

One of the reasons for a repeated negative emotion may be that there is still some negative emotion trapped inside you and you need to release it. Take this as the first option anyway.  

It is possible that a repeated negative emotion could also be a side effect, collateral damage as it were, of a program aimed at something entirely unrelated. For instance, you might have a program to be abused by your boss in order to copy something you heard your parent say or read somewhere. In this case the feelings of anger and frustration could be incidental. 

If it is a life situation rather than a trapped emotion which is the problem then repeated reference in your journal should make it clear what is bothering you. 

The next thing to consider with life situations such as an unhappy relationship or a rotten job is are you just running a program to copy someone. Your parents perhaps? Did they do a rotten job all their life? 

Were they always complaining how money was tight or how unfair it all was? 

It is amazing how often people are running on automatic and re-creating what they watched their parents do as they were children.  

Finally, what benefit are you getting out of the superficially unpleasant experience? There is always a payoff if you know where to look but often it is not easy to see. It may be as simple as “I am keeping myself safe by copying my dad” or it may be much more complex such as “If I stay fat I won’t be lead astray by those nice young men and ruin this great relationship by making my man jealous.” 

Of course you might just be poor and want more money…. But very often people keep themselves poor to achieve goals vitally important to them such as keeping them with a partner they think they hate or even to stop them moving from a house they have emotional attachment to. It is always a good idea to know why we do things. 

The best thing I can do for you is point you towards an excellent book written 50 years ago by Dr Eric Berne. It is called Games People Play and examines many of the personal interaction patterns which blight people’s lives. The Transactional Analysis side of his work is less useful but Games Theory is an excellent way of identifying human motivation. 

With what I have shown you above and this book you will be able to identify pretty much anything which is running badly in your life.  

Now we can move on to fixing it.


Fixing Existing Problems
Getting What You Want In Life

You have already used the Conflict Resolution, or my version of it anyway, to remove emotional blockages and alter your perception of your own self worth. I mention this because this is a very Popular intervention when used properly and yet you have found it to be easy to do, safe and painless haven’t you? 

Now I want to teach you, not the actual principles behind them, but the techniques of performing the Conflict Resolution and several other interventions; and give you some idea of when to use them.  

This will enable you to fix almost anything you find wrong with your internal or external life. 

The result of using these techniques will initially be the dramatic improvement of your life experience but it will be followed by a raising of your awareness of what is happening in your life and with this the ability to guide it better. 

There are four Intervention to share with you here. Each of them can be used to either repair things which are not how you want them or create new circumstances to your order.

For convenience I have placed each intervention in its own section of this web page.  The interventions are in the following order:

Pure Potential

The Conflict Resolution 

The Swish 

The Life Path 

The Affirmation


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