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The Life Path

You may have come across something similar to the Life Path and called a Time Line in the work of Dr Tad James.  

The Life Path concept I evolved from the work of Dr Tad James who developed Time Line. Dr James' work was a development of that of Drs Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the area of visual accessing - a part of Neuro Linguistic Programming.  

Dr James developed the idea of visualising our life along a line and then working on the events marked on that line to release problems and blockages and even to set new goals and objectives. Dr James’ technique is all done by visualization. 

To make it easier to use and stronger in effect I translated the Life Path into an external exercise then I polished it a little. 

You can use the Life Path to clear out trapped emotions or your reaction to negative events in your past. 

You can also use it to set things in your future, such as a nice home or a car, and cause them to happen on the basis that your unconscious will do what it takes to draw you towards them. 

Be careful what you ask for as, because it is dealing with the core programming of your mind, the LP is tremendously Popular. 




How To Work A Life Path


·         Mark out on a convenient piece of floor a line of +/- 20 feet long.

·         At one end place a sign saying "A: Beginning of 1st Incarnation".

·         One third of the way along from A place a sign saying "B: Last Birth".

·         One third of the way from the end sign "C: Present".

·         At the opposite end from A sign "D: Next Death".


All signs should be written large on paper or tape so as to allow them to be easily read from a standing position. 

The line should now run: A: > B: > C: > D: 

Between A and B mark the line as "All Previous Incarnations". Between B and C mark "Past Present Life". Between C and D mark "Remainder of Present Life". 

This line is now your Life Path and represents your previous lives, your past present life and that which remains of your present life. 

At this point of reading the course you may find yourself reacting strongly with anger or fear to the prospect of this life ending - even though you know it must. This is a result of the current Western taboo on the subject of death necessitated by the loss of religious belief. Don’t worry it is perfectly natural. 

Using this plan it is quite straightforward to clear out all the past negative programming which is limiting your future and then implant goals and wishes on your future Life Path so as to cause them to occur. As with all ritual it is just a matter of getting the message across to the unconscious. 


Example: Clearing Trapped Emotional Pain

Before using the Life Path scatter currants along it between A and C. Have a long handled brush easily available. 

To release repressed anger, stand at C facing D and holding a cup to your stomach. Visualise as well as you are able a scene, past, present or anticipated future, which makes you angry. Say "My cup is full of anger. I shall return it to where it began." 

Turn, holding the cup, to face B. Walk back along the line until you feel intuitively that you have reached the representation of the time when your anger was first kindled. It may be early in this present life or it might have been in a previous life. Where it feels right place down the cup upon the line. Stand straddling the cup and facing C. Allow the anger to well up within you as you try to picture the original cause. It matters not at all if you cannot remember, though often the most surprising memories come up to consciousness. 

Move back to A and face D with the brush in your hand. Say "I see all the events which have caused my anger in this and in previous lives. I sweep them and their effects from my Life Path and from my recollection." Progress along the line sweeping the currants to one side as you go. Sweep aside the cup as you come to it and continue to C. Arriving at C look towards A and say “I see my past life free from anger and it’s effects.” Look towards D and say "I see my life ahead free from anger and its effects." In your mind's eye you may well see your future Life Path begin to shine.  

This is all there is to the ritual but its effect can be overwhelming. You may be well advised to drink a cup of tea and eat a biscuit to "ground" yourself as it is likely you will feel dizzy or "spaced out". 

Repeat this ritual on consecutive days for anger until it seems you no longer attract it. You can then move on to dealing with the other principle negative emotions you may experience such as sadness, fear and guilt. You will have a record of these in your journal. It is also vital to remove anything holding down your Self Image and your Self Esteem. Do this by saying something like, “I see all the events which have formed my negative Self Image.” Then go on to, “I see all the events which have limited or held down my Self Esteem.”  

Clear out all the negative emotions and negative mental states that you can think of before you progress on to creating your future.


Example: Creating Future Effects

There are three factors to consider when working a Life Path ritual to bring about desired events. First you must come up with a symbol to represent the desired object or state of affairs. The clearer and more unambiguous the symbol the better it will work. A "mortarboard" hat type symbol for obtaining an educational degree is the best representation, a model is next on the scale of efficacy followed by a picture but a sign naming what you seek should only be used as a last resort after long thought has failed to produce something better. 

Secondly, you must allow a reasonable amount of time for your unconscious to bring about the desired state of affairs. A person earning £20,000 pa will more quickly raise their income to £30,000 than a person currently earning £5,000 pa. Precise instructions in this area would take up more space than is available but use your common sense and experiment. Do not aim to more than double your salary in six months but a year or two could lead to great things. 

Operating the Life Path to win great fortunes is affected by factors which we have not discussed and will therefore not always be effective. Give yourself several years to obtain a major goal and almost anything is possible. 

Thirdly, aim for the desired goal and do not limit your unconscious in how it must obtain it for you. If you want a holiday in Egypt then work for the holiday, not the money to pay for it. A desired goal generates a lot more emotional power than does money and gives the unconscious more leeway in how to bring it about. Also do not over-specify: It is easier to get a "nice home" than "23, Acacia Avenue".

For the purpose of the next exercise we will operate to acquire a yacht but it could just as well be anything else you would like to draw into your life. To set an event on your future Life Path so as to cause it to occur proceed as follows: 

Scatter the currants between A and C. Place the symbol, in this case a model yacht, at an appropriate distance along between C and D to represent the chosen time period. 

Stand at C facing D and say "I see that I shall have a yacht by (state date required)". Look over your shoulder towards A at the currants and say "I see all the memories, mistaken beliefs and other programs which stand in the way of my obtaining this yacht." 

Move back to A with your brush and begin sweeping aside the currants from your Life Path. As you do so say "I now remove all the memories, mistaken beliefs and other programs which have previously stood in the way of my obtaining a 60 foot Bermuda rigged sloop." Proceed, sweeping, to C. 

At C face D, look at symbol of yacht and say "I observe that my  60 foot Bermuda rigged sloop will arrive by (state date required)".  

Move forward to stand astride the model and imagine what it will be like to own such an item. What you will do and how it will feel. This should feel good. Say "I own and sail a 60 foot Bermuda rigged sloop."  

Ritual Ends. Step sideways from Life Path.


Careful use of the above will enable you to gain health, wealth and good company. Enjoy them.




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