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The Affirmation

Most readers will have heard of affirmations and some will have tried them. They have been around a long time but generally they are done wrong and either don’t work or bring the goal on a temporary basis. 

Don’t underestimate Affirmations because they are easy and well known. They can move mountains if you do them right. 

Having established already in this course that what you experience in the physical world you have attracted or created by your unconscious wants, needs, fears and beliefs it doesn't take a great deal of thought to conclude that this gives you a great deal of power - potentially.

Once you realise and accept that you create all the bad and middling experiences then you know you have the power of creation. There is no difference in principle between creating a subjectively negative experience such as a loss of money and creating a positive experience such as finding money. 

To create your heart's desire, the only thing you have to do is discover how to get your unconscious to aim to create a specific positive rather than aim for a negative. This principle is what we are going to cover now: 

The part of your unconscious which does the creating has no preference for good or bad otherwise it wouldn't create all the unwanted pain and struggle in your life. It is actually a part of your unconscious which is ego-free. It simply follows orders without question. The orders it is following at the moment are those based upon the experiences you had in childhood  and which have lead it to create your life in the way it has.  

Strong cyclical experience such as going rich, poor, rich, poor usually indicate a conflict in your programming or set of orders to the creative part. If you have always experienced "poor" then there is no conflict there but a good, solid order to create "poor". See “Conflict Resolution” elsewhere.  

Sometimes the experience we have is only a means to an end. A man might try and try to make money but never succeed and the underlying cause could be that he has a fear that if he makes himself rich then his wife will be able to afford to leave him - and take his money. I've told you the unconscious has little reasoning ability.  

There are several ways to introduce new orders to the creative part of your unconscious. One of these is the technique of Affirmation. This, in principle, involves repeatedly telling the unconscious a certain thing and in time it comes to believe and act upon it. 

There is, however, a certain drawback if you do not follow the rules. Supposing a person is poor and wishes to be rich. This person sets up a regime of affirmations to achieve the desired end. They are poor in the first place because they have a program to be poor for whatever reason. After a while they become rich. Having achieved their goal they stop the affirmations and the original program to be poor kicks in again so they quickly, or slowly, lose their money once more. 

As a young person I was experimenting with affirmations to become wealthy, as do most novices. At the time I was living alone in a squalid bed-sit with no heating and little to eat - I come from a very poor background in the North of England with the programming to match.  

Within three months I attracted the opportunity to start a property letting business and within eighteen months I had over seventy houses. In the first year I collected £650,000 ($1,300,000)  in rents. At this point I stopped the affirmations. Six months later I was penniless - all through apparently chance events. I don't want  you to experience this sort of thing so the way I will show you to design affirmations has a safety feature. 

The first thing you need to know about affirmations is that they work like the drip of water which will eventually wear away a boulder. Your original programming was taken on either when you were young and more sensitive to programming or during a time of extreme trauma.  

We cannot repeat the former and do not seek to repeat the latter, though actually there are certain rituals which do use the creation of trauma - usually fear - to fix a program.  

An affirmation, as the technique is normally taught, takes the form of a statement worded in a certain way which is repeated at intervals for an extended period. For the purpose of this explanation we will say seven times at rising, seven times at midday and seven times upon retiring for the night. This is repeated each day for an extended period. To be effective it is necessary to make the commitment that you will persevere until success is achieved. 

The principle involved is that the affirmation gradually builds up a stronger command than the one you are trying to overcome. In many cases this process does release or destroy the initial negative program - but not always.  

The way I want you to do Affirmations takes this possibility into account. Bearing in mind that, using the standard technique, there may well be repercussions when you stop affirming, on the grounds that there may still being the opposing programs in place, you are going to use two statements for one goal.  

The first will put in place the desired program and the second will disable any related negative programs. This is much better than setting up a conflict because it will a) achieve your goal more quickly owing to the removal of the contrary program b) it will efficiently avoid a rebound effect when you achieve your goal and stop affirming and c) Clearing the issue will take you one step closer to the goal of being “Clear”. 

A thing to bear in mind is that affirming for more than one thing at a time weakens the effect. You will get all your goals, everything else being correct, but it will take longer. 

Another point to bear in mind is to aim for what you want rather than the means to get what you want. Aim for a holiday in China rather than the money to pay for the holiday as the holiday is both easier to achieve owing to the positive emotion involved and gives the unconscious more scope for action insofar as you could conceivably win a holiday or go on business. I cover this principle elsewhere too. 

I'll use a holiday as an example as it is a popular subject.  


"By the 3rd of October 2007 I will have been to China on holiday". 

"Each time I repeat this affirmation my programs which resist my goal diminish in their power. Before the 3rd of September 2007 they will be gone".


Now we'll analyse the phrase: 

The part in blue is variable according to your Goal. The part in black remains the same for every Affirmation. The date is set appropriately. 

First you must decide upon a reasonable time frame to give the universe time to respond to your command. The further the goal financially or spatially from where you are the longer it needs to work. If you regularly make £1,000 per week then £1,500 is not such a difficult goal as if you are unemployed, broke and wanting £500 per week. 

As a rule, be patient to ensure success. Give yourself three months for a modest goal and six months for a middling goal. A year or two will achieve most things. 

An affirmation should always be phrased in a positive way: "I will Buy and move to a nice four bedroom home" rather than "I will get out of this dump". You see the mind makes pictures of everything we think and say. The creative part acts on the pictures rather than the phrases and it often misses out the negatives in the phrasing. "Don't think of a yellow cat" and you certainly will. Try to “Get out of this dump” and you will picture it and hold yourself there. 

Don't be too specific. If you want a new car don't specify the registration number. If you want a new house don't specify the exact address. The more room for manoeuvre the unconscious has the easier it will bring things to you. 

Try to think what you really want as I said above. Don't affirm to sell your car so you can Buy a house. Affirm for the house. Your unconscious may well think of better ways and means than your conscious can. Also your emotion is behind getting the house and probably not behind selling your car. Emotion tends to turbo charge affirmations as well as many other exercises. 

Don't work to obtain something that belongs to someone else, unless they want to part with it, or to do something which will harm someone else. You may well get it but the act will rebound on you for sure. 

Avoid ambiguity at all costs as the unconscious takes the line of least resistance and doesn't care for your welfare in the same way your conscious does. If you affirm to lose a stone in weight you may get your leg amputated after an accident or catch Aids. Put in good health or whatever is appropriate as a safeguard. It can be surprisingly difficult to be unambiguous but it is worth the effort.  

Always use the second phrase to erase whatever programming has caused you to lack that which you are working for. Sometimes there may not be an opposing program but you can never tell - and better safe than sorry.



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