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The Conflict Resolution

One of the beauties of this intervention is that it is done out in the physical world of your hands rather than as a manipulation of pictures in your head. This makes it quite easy to do for those people who cannot make pictures easily. 

You can use the Conflict Resolution to fix anything which might reasonably be framed as a conflict of will. A part of you thinks you are great and a part of you thinks you are rubbish then do a CR. The result is FREEDOM OF ACTION in the area dealt with rather than being forced to be one way or another. This makes the intervention very safe too. 

If you are creating a life situation which doesn’t suit what you think you want, like illness, poverty or an awful job you might start by doing a CR between the parts that want this situation and the parts or your mind that don’t. On the basis that some parts must want it if you have created it and that these parts must have your best interest at heart – even if it is only to do what is safe and known. 

After doing a CR on something concrete and “Out there” it often happens that become aware of our real motivation for creating a situation and can therefore free ourselves of it. 

Of course we could always do a CR on the parts who want us to be aware and those which don’t. 

Here is a text version of the CR. You can replace the red text with the words of your choice.


The Self Approval Conflict Resolution

This intervention will raise both your self approval and your self esteem thereby causing you to create a happier, healthier and more prosperous life for yourself.

Sit with your hands in front of you, palms open and facing up as if ready to receive something in each hand.

Say to yourself, "I would like all the Parts of my mind which think I am not loveable, which dislike me, which wish me ill to work together with my Creative Part and create an image symbolic of their dislike and ill will. I would like you Parts to place this image in my left hand."

An image of this symbol will appear in your left hand. If it doesn't appear clearly then imagine you can see it. The image could be anything at all but will likely be something which is offensive.

Say, "Thank you Dislike Parts."

Then say, "I would like all the Parts of my mind which think I am loveable, love me, would like to love me or who wish me well, to work together with my Creative Part to create an image symbolic of my Being Loved. I would like you Parts to place this image in my right hand."

An image of this symbol will appear in your right hand. If it doesn't appear clearly then imagine you can see it. This image could be anything at all but it is likely to appear affectionate.

Say, "Thank you Loving Parts."

Now look at the Dislike Image and acknowledge it with a nod of your head. It will return the acknowledgment. Do the same with the Loving Image.

Draw your hands slowly together keeping the Images in sight all the time. When the edges of your hands touch, fold the palms together forcing the Images between them.

Say, "I would now like my Creative Part to create a new image from these two conflicting images. This new image will symbolize the resolution of these two conflicting positions and will release their underlying memories and emotions. I will then be free of the need to take either position and able to choose my own condition as I see fit.

Open your hands to make a bowl and you will see the Resolution Image which represents the resolution of this issue. It may be absolutely anything - such as a gift - but it could be the same as the Loving image on the grounds that this would be your conscious choice.

Look at the Resolution Image and acknowledge it with a nod of your head. It will return the acknowledgment. Keeping your eyes on the image, draw your hands to your chest as if pressing the image to your heart. As it is taken inside you there may be a slight tremor in your chest or stomach.

This intervention is now complete.



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