
How To Collect All Your Money

Some of the Popular principles used within this project will be apparent to the careful reader from studying the following pages.

Others we must keep to ourselves - YOU will benefit from them but we don't want to empower people and organizations involved in less worthy activities do we?

You do not need to understand any of the explanation to make all your money - you just need to follow the Instructions accurately.

We will begin this explanation by going over some of the principles of profitable trade to ensure we are all on the same wavelength.

You may already know all about business but this site is designed to lead everyone to success whatever their level of experience.


Free Trade

To make money honestly you have to exchange goods or services for money with willing partners. More money than the goods or services cost you to produce, market and deliver. The price of a product should also be less than the value which the purchaser places upon it - then they are happy too. 

For example, a person will only Buy a loaf of bread or a glass of beer if they value the bread or the beer more than the cash they exchange for them. The cash is valued by what alternatives it could purchase.

The difference between what you sell the product for and what it costs you to produce, market and deliver is your profit.

If you can bake loaves of bread at 50c and sell them at a dollar you are making 50c or 100% profit on each loaf.

To make a lot of money you have to sell a large dollar value of product. 

- at a profit.

Because profit must always be less than sales revenue.

Either a lot of low cost products or fewer high cost products.

Each of these strategies have their advantages and disadvantages:


Product Pricing

To make a million dollars you must either sell 100,000 Products with a profit of $10 or 1,000 Products with a profit of $1,000.

Naturally, profit of $1,000 must be part of the price of a more expensive Product than a $10.00 profit. Profit must always be a fraction of the retail price of the product as it must cost something to manufacture. However, some products carry higher % profits than others.

Competition from other producers, eager to sell their wares, generally reduces the price, and therefore profit, of products. The only products not affected are products where there is no competition. See below.

It is just human nature that if a person is spending a lot of money they are more cautious than if they are spending just a few Dollars

When spending a lot of money, most people want to check out the competition. People Buy candy on impulse, if they like the look or smell of it, but they generally look at several alternatives before Buying a home or an automobile.

This caution also expresses itself in their need to spend time talking with a real person if they are spending a lot of money. How many people Buy houses, automobiles or life insurance from a machine? This is all about building trust with the client. The trust required is proportional to the retail price of the item sold.

So once you have a prospect in front of you for a high-ticket product such as an automobile they will typically not do the deal until they have spoken to the competition. The effect of this, salesmen being on average equal, is that the number of sales you make is divided by the number of salesmen your prospect speaks to.

As they say in the direct-sales world, "The last salesman wins".

Whatever they tell trainee salesmen.

So the moral of this story is that high cost Products such as houses and insurance must be sold by salesmen and women - incurring commissions, recruitment, training and management costs,

While low cost Products such as bars of candy or books can be sold by a machine - even a program/script on the Internet.

Machines work for FREE and you don't get training or labor problems.

When you get labor problems from a machine it is time to press the "escape" button. (smile)

As an added bonus, low cost Products will garner a higher conversion rate of Prospects to Sales because they will suffer from less Product Comparison by the Prospects. Given that they are sufficiently attractive to the Prospect.

You could potentially sell a bag of candy to one person in every home in your country but a Mercedes automobile to only a few.

Yet another bonus is that there is less Price Comparison on a low-ticket product. If the prospect likes it they will often Buy it straight off.


Product Type

The first "Secret" is hardly a secret at all but is not obvious until you think about it: The most efficient product in terms of profit generation is one which has great appeal to the consumer - and therefore commands a relatively high price - but little cost to the producer to manufacture, advertise and distribute.

Generally speaking, when any product becomes popular many manufacturers step in and compete until the price is brought down to the cost of manufacture plus a "profit" of around 5% for the use of the capital employed. Adam Smith, Scotsman, the first economist and author of "Wealth of Nations", worked this out hundreds of years ago. It is still true today.

This means that, with normal competition, profit reduces over time to the minimum the Producers can stand. Look at the low prices that supermarkets all maintain - this is not because they are charities.

To generate maximum profit - and profit is not a dirty word - what you want is the opposite: The maximum profit that the consumer will stand.

To achieve this a low-ticket product has to be sold in a competition free environment at the maximum price the consumer thinks is reasonable and fair - the highest price that doesn't reduce volume - and then be produced and delivered in the most cost-effective way.


Avoid Competition

The way to make big money is to find a way around this competition problem. You need a product where the competition cannot undercut you yet the product remains in demand at the price you set. Besides selling a relatively low cost product, you really need a unique product which no one else can sell!

There are only a few products which meet this criteria: 

The original unique product is a work of art. There is only one "Mona Lisa". But she is not replicable unless we go into selling "prints". And the "Prints" business has limits - see below.

A well known unique product is an invention, where protection by Patent prevents competition. Patent protection was designed by "the powers that be" to give incentive to researchers to invest their money, time and effort to develop beneficial new products - video recorders, CD players, better mouse traps and so forth.

A Patent allows them to reap the rewards of their investment and risk without competition for a fixed period. Often 30 years.  

Another type of unique product is any kind of information product. The original information product was the book. With the invention of the printing press in the 1500s it became relatively cheap to produce a book by the thousand once someone had spent a year or a lifetime writing one. Copyright laws prevented, and still prevent, the theft of this effort by unauthorized copying.

From books, the advance of technology spread information products to encompass musical records then tapes, then CDs. The still-camera developed into the motion-picture camera and one movie might cost a fortune to make but it could then be sold to millions of viewers at little extra cost. The same with TV programs. Then Video Tape arrived to be followed by DVD. 

All of the above involve the effort, skill and cost of creating an original copy which investment can be recouped an almost infinite number of times through the production of identical copies of the original, very cheaply, for as long as the product remains in demand.

It costs millions of Dollars to make a movie but only a few cents to make a copy of it on a DVD. And nothing at all to offer it for download on the internet.

All of the above are protected by a form of copyright which protects and encourages the investment of the creators by outlawing the unauthorized copying of the finished product.

Probably the "Ideal" example of a unique product is the computer game which plays, not on a computer, but on a specialized platform to make copying more difficult. 

Compare the above product forms with how you have seen the price of computer hardware drop as competition forced price cutting.

One very important type of information product is a computer program or "Script" often referred to as "Software".

As an example, Microsoft spend countless millions of Dollars getting unbelievably clever youngsters to create the next operating system (Software) but each copy only costs a few cents to produce. Because of copyright protection they can then sell huge numbers of copies for hundreds of Dollars each. With no competition to bring the price down.

This what makes Microsoft so rich.

The moral of this story is that if you can obtain the copyright to an information product which is both protected by copyright and in great demand then you can sell copies at close to 100% profit. 

Similar to the computer program, for our purposes, is the Ebook or Report. It has the same production, copying and distribution advantages.

Once the copyright is obtained to a text in E format then that text can be sold an infinite number of times with no cost for production or distribution.


Making Copies

If you are going to sell huge volumes of product - maybe millions of copies - then you don't want to do much by "hand". For that matter you want to select a product which is easy, and therefore cheap, to make copies of. 

Some information products are easier to copy than others: Though book printing is now fully automated there is still a significant capital investment in the machinery of production. So much so that you would have to pay a printer for each copy of a book you were selling rather than setting up printing them yourself.

Think how this would eat into the profits of each book - certainly a significant percentage. It would also place you at the mercy of the printer as to production timing and costs.

Hiring a printer is not an absolute rule but the author has sold countless thousands of books and Reports before the advent of the internet and can testify to the cost in effort and time of producing books merely by the thousand per week on an office production line.

The answer to producing copies might seem to be copying CDs on your computer but even that takes time if you are going to be selling in bulk.

It would take you 104 days, nearly 15 weeks, working 8 hours a day for seven days a week to make only a million copies of a CD even if you could produce each copy in 3 minutes - including the packaging and mailing. This is "donkey work"

Though still profitable if you are making $20.00 on each CD.



Once you have manufactured your information product - be it a book, CD or video, you have to ship it to the customer. This costs money for packaging, postage and Labor. And creates endless problems with customers calling at all hours to say they haven't got what they paid for.

It can cost more to mail a booklet than to print it.

You generally get around 2% of customers who are a "problem" even with the best product at the lowest price. Some people are just born difficult - they would still complain if you sold them a $20.00 bill for $10.00. They "get off" on causing trouble.

Because they are not free of their unconscious issues.

In the above example, this is 20,000 difficult customers to write to or telephone with every million products sold!

Don't even think of trying to make 20,000 telephone calls. Bearing in mind that most people are not in when you call you will find it hard work speaking to 25 people per day. 114 weeks - over 2 years - on the 'phone seven days per week!

Much, much better is to have the product posted on a web site where each customer can pay you and then download their copy at no cost to you in cash, effort or time.

If they don't get the product first time they can download it again.

If they don't understand they can read the FAQ.

As a last resort they can email you and you can respond in your own time. Or get  staff to do it at modest wages with minimum supervision.

Some of the examples above of time and effort seem a little extreme but this Product Selection concept is a crucially important issue which I am trying to get across here.

So you know now that it is most profitable to sell a low-cost, copyright-protected,  information product and distribute it over the internet.


Product Selection

So all you have to do now is find yourself a product which fits the criteria above and which lots of people want.

It is much easier to sell a product which people want than a product which people don't want.

This may sound obvious but you might be surprised at how many people try to set up in business selling something THEY like rather than what the public likes.

There are several ways of looking at product popularity but for our purposes consider that there are some things that people NEED and some things that people WANT. 

And each of these two headers have numbers attached to them as there are few things that everyone wants or needs which meet our earlier criteria. We are still looking.

SOME people need things like computer programs to perform tasks they need to achieve. They need Ebooks to tell them things they need to know such as how to minimize their taxes or whatever.

This type of product is good in so far as people will pay you if you make them a good offer but while there will be no exact replication of your product it is likely that there will be similar products offering much the same benefits as yours attracted by the strong market.

All internet businessmen and women have searched high and low for a product which people need so don't expect any easy answers. Consider anti-virus software as an excellent example. Huge firms spend fortunes developing products to better their competition. Do you want to try to compete with them?

The list of products people WANT is a long one headed in volume terms by SEX. Sex is the most popular product in the world in any media you can name. This is just human nature - though some would seek to deny it.

The problem with selling sex is that so many people have hang ups about it that it makes the marketing difficult. You could even get into trouble in some areas of the world.

Though, to be fair, sex only commands its high price because of restriction - the same as drugs.

Sex also has a huge amount of competition on the internet as you may already know.

The next biggest seller is dieting followed by, ironically, cooking.

Neither of these lend themselves very well to the marketing format we are discussing.

Another big seller is music. The first problem here is the production of the original - you need a talented artist. (The same as fine art) And once you have the original, it tends to get stolen - as the music companies have discovered to their cost. 


The Perfect Product

Still near the top of the list however, we have two further subjects:

"How To Get Happy" and

"How To Get Rich" both in an "informational", downloadable format of some kind.

These are both winners, despite the competition. A great many people want to get rich and will pay for information if they can be half-convinced it is authentic.

Look at how many people throw their money away on the lottery: They have the desire for wealth even if they are not taking sensible steps to obtain it.

A great many more people want to be happy.

People Buy everything from video games to opera tickets, drugs to sailing boats, new shoes to hair styles just to get happy.

If you think about it, everything a person does in their entire life is to try to get happy. Or at least to get away from the pain for a while.


There is competition in products offering to help people make money but it is not overwhelming and there is room for major success if you can come up with something "different" in appearance or form. You just need a catchy title or gimmick. 

Unlike drugs or sex, there are minimal restrictions or regulations restricting helping people to make money in the FREE world. You don't need artists or musicians of great talent, nor a recording studio. And production costs are minimal - you just need someone with the knowledge and experience to produce the product.


There are few restrictions on trying to make people happy.

Which is a good thing from the point of view of trying to help people.

You just need to know how.


The IFGC Freedom Project Is The Perfect Product

The argument above suggests that The IFGC Freedom Project is the ideal product.

With The IFGC Freedom Project you have the perfect money-making product.

With The IFGC Freedom Project you have the perfect happy-making product.


And there are all the advantages of a low-cost product with a massive potential customer base.

There are none of the disadvantages explained above as the products can be sold and delivered automatically to clients all over the world.

And, much better, the system is set up so you don't even have to do the selling.


A Little More Background

Freed from his mental and emotional limitations, Robert has designed the ideal method to suit dissemination of his teaching.

The perfect way of persuading people to help other people improve their lives.

He has arranged that people receive a great deal of money for sharing his techniques.

How did he do this?

Robert set up a program called a "Creative Order" within himself for the best way of bringing The IFGC Freedom Project to a worldwide audience and this is the result.

If you have not come across Creative Orders yet - they are on this site - they are a way of bringing into your life just what you want.

We all want you to have this freedom.


So Where Are We Now?

You have your electronic product - a piece, or in this case pieces, of software, the purchase of which promises to make a person happy and/or rich in a convincing way - up for sale on your attractive new internet site. 

No one can under-cut your price because you own the copyright.

Millions of people could be paying you automatically every day and night and receiving the product automatically with no trouble to you whatsoever. 

You could be getting wealthy while on vacation as every industry sales-pitch tells you.

The trouble is, no one is coming to Buy your product!

This is a shame, considering how good the product, pricing, presentation, production, cash-collection and delivery is.

So how do you get hold of the customers?

To see how easy this is take a look HERE



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