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The Web Site Marketing Page

To collect lots of money you only have to do one thing:

Get people to look at your Offer Letter Page by placing an advertisement somewhere.

On this page you will be shown how to "do advertising".

This is VERY, VERY EASY, and can be FREE, if you just carefully follow the simple instructions below:

What Is Advertising About?

To draw huge numbers of people to your ISR Affiliate Page you just have to create a suitable advertisement or text link to your ISR Affiliate Page and place it where people are looking.

Sometimes you don't even have to do as much as that:

The best results are often generated by simple link exchanges, run by commercial firms, where people just get your Invitation Page put in front of them.

Seeing the link to your page, people will come to your site and give you money for the First Year Subscription and to join this project.

Then people will become IFGC members themselves.

Then they will go on to earn you $$$$$$ by bringing in Recruits .

All without your doing anything else.

Your Down-Line of these people earning money for you will grow rapidly as you collect money while No Support and then you will collect lots more money from the No Support efforts of your Recruits.

Lots and lots of money.

This is really very easy!


Free Advertising?

You can advertise using all the methods explained below either FOR FREE or by paying for your ads.

The main differences are that paid advertising tends to get results quicker and with free advertising the firms generally want you to do something for them - such as show a link to them on your site or read other people's advertisements.

The point here is that shortage of money now is no reason not to be successful and make yourself wealthy.

If you are short of money start with free advertising.

We have many Support Managers who started with nothing and made themselves sufficient money with free advertising to have moved on to paying for large "paid" advertising campaigns.

And have then gone on to make themselves very wealthy.


How To Write Advertisements

The best sort of advertisement is brief because words cost money - generally - and short text is easy to read and catches the eye. 

Say as much as you can afford but keep it snappy.

Make the viewer curious.

Consider these 3 examples:

"For true happiness and a lifelong private income click HERE"   

(This is an example - not a real link)

"Happy relationships and Financial security looks like THIS"

"THIS is what dream lives are made of."

The viewer doesn't want to know about you they want to know what is in it for THEM.

And what they want to be in it for them is either a solution to all their life problems or the chance to make a lot of money.

Try your own ads: We don't supply the words as, if everyone used the same, they would get stale.

The most important thing is to get the words in front of the right people - in bulk.

Internet surfers switch pages faster than a 5-year-old changes TV channels.

So you need to catch their eye and interest long enough to earn a click.

Once they come to your ISR Affiliate Page a good percentage (for the internet) will Buy.

We have IFGCs getting one new Recruit for every forty Visitors! 


Where Should I Advertise?

The easiest way to get visitors to your site is to place an advertisement or text - with a link to your ISR Affiliate Page - on any web page that gets lots of visitors.

There are several ways of doing this and all of them allow you to check your results:

  1. Join a free link exchange program - your link is shown on other sites in exchange for you showing a link on your site. 

  2. Pay for inclusion in a newsletter of some kind - relating to sales or not.

  3. Pay for an ad (Link) on a site which is busy with people who might have an interest - not technical people.

  4. Send out thousands of emails to people interested in improving their lives or making money (Opt-in Lists ONLY - see below for HOW)

You will have to find your own newsletters to advertise in as if we give a specific recommendation they will be swamped - again.  

There are tens of thousands out there so just use a search engine directly for various kinds of newsletters. 

Search or for "Spiritual Development" or "Business opportunity newsletter" - or one of the thousands of variations on this theme.

The secret is to make up your own expression such as "XXXXX Newsletter" and search with it.

This will give you results unseen & unused by other Team Leaders.

Then look for where each newsletter accepts advertising.

Be sure not to get lured into a shady business opportunity while browsing.

Site advertisements work well on busy sites of a general nature.

Computer technical people (As site visitors) don't like head-work or business much, so avoid technical sites. 

What you want is any site that gets lots of general visitors - a site about almost anything. 

Statistically, males Buy easier & females operate the system better once they have joined. So both work well for you.

One of our Top Recruiters is a lady who brought in 69 Recruits in her first week!

And she had never done any marketing on the internet before.

You can approach webmasters direct to negotiate an advertising deal or link exchange if you wish - this is a good idea if you find an exceptional site -

But it is a lot easier to use firms which arrange it for you. You can find them with a search engine.


Advertising Made Easy

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day

                           – teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.”

We are going to teach you how to advertise because we believe that arranging your own advertising is the only way you can be sure of finding fresh, effective advertising outlets. 

It is not that we are lazy - we just want you to be successful.

If we recommended a group of, say, link exchange companies everyone will use them.

For a short while they will make a relatively few people a lot of money but they will soon become stale through over use.

Each of their mailing lists will be used time and again for this project and returns will soon drop to a point where your new Recruits will think this project doesn't work.

The only way to permanently solve this problem is to show Advertising/Support Managers like you how to find advertising firms for yourself.

And we have to do this in such a way that every IFGC chooses different firms to use.

The only way is to make you an advertising expert!

If we do this no advertising firms become saturated as there are thousands and thousands of advertising firms - and they reach hundreds of millions of potential Recruits all over the Internet - 

So learning how to find advertising outlets for yourself means you will always have fresh Visitors to read your ISR Affiliate Page - many of whom will be keen to pay you and suitable to join us.

Teaching you to find your own advertising which is both efficient and cheap or free is fairly simple in principle but requires some small effort  on the part of each IFGC.  

Because of the initial selection procedure built into the ISR Affiliate Page we are confident that all our IFGCs have the ability and determination to successfully organize their own advertising. 


This Is What Has To Happen:

We have to ensure that different IFGCs use different Advertising Firms which reach a different audience.  

By advertising in this way, to fresh batches of viewers, our Advertising/Support Manager - you - will maintain a situation where you can expect a steady stream of Sign-Ups.  

This is a license for you to print money.  

And, because every new IFGC in our organization will continue to use different advertising outlets, the No Support will remain quick, cheap and easy for everyone - including you.  


Advertising Is Quite Simple:

There are only a few main ways of advertising on the internet and, principally, these are  

Link Exchanges  

Advertisements On Sites

Advertisements In Newsletters

Advertisements in Emails

Pop Ups  

Search engine placement

Pay per click ads in search engines


What Doesn't Work

Of the 7 methods of advertising shown above I will tell you straight off that the last 3 DO NOT WORK.

Pop Ups irritate people - and a person irritated will not Buy and may complain. Pop Ups are “frames” – pages on your internet browser carrying an advertisement – which “pop up” when a viewer tries to leave a site. They are generated by something called a meta-tag on the page viewed. Most don't get seen nowadays as everyone has a Pop up blocker installed.

Search engine placement for a business opportunity has so much competition you will never get near the top.

Pay per click with "Google Adwords" or similar is far too expensive owing to the competition for useful key words. We actually have one person who is an expert and makes it work but there are much cheaper ways of advertising.

You can waste your money learning these lessons for yourself but don't say we didn't warn you.


What Does Work

Advertisements On Busy Sites: Place a text hyperlink like "Click here and retire in 3 months" on a busy site and you will receive loads of fresh visitors who are keen to Buy. Banner adds are just as good.

You can either pay the site owner direct at so-much-a-month or go through a firm which arranges these things.

There are lots and lots of both site owners and intermediaries wanting your business if you use the search engines with a little imagination.

You can search for either web site owners (Webmasters) who want to make money from their busy site by charging people directly for advertising or you can go through an intermediary which is a firm that brings advertisers and Webmasters together for a commission on the deal.

Link Exchanges are one type of intermediary for the placing of advertising on a range of sites. They specialize in placing enticing text and links to your Invitation Page on sites which are busy with Visitors. The Visitors see the links and some click on them – they are then transferred to your site.  

The firm organizing this takes a commission or a cut of the Visitors.  

Very often a person, such as an IFGC, wishing to attract visitors will place a link on their own site in return for having their link placed elsewhere by the organizing firm. The firm again takes a margin of visits or “clicks”.

Banner Advertisements are block advertisements such as you might see in a newspaper Classified Section. The content of each banner rectangle can be changed and varied either by the owner of the domain upon which they appear or by the firm organizing the distribution of advertising.

In this latter case the domain owner agrees merely to host a banner frame and the advertising firm fills it remotely.  

The payment and organization can be purely cash or there may be an exchange system employed.  

The outcome is you get lots and lots of fresh visitors eager to give you money.

Link exchanges can work very, very well but you do have to find your own and then learn how they work - as each has slightly different rules and commission structure.

Search for any permutation of "link exchange" on Google or Yahoo.

Take a look at: - Paid Text Links Advertising - Buy Text Links

but remember there are thousands of you seeing this link.

Advertisements In E-Newsletters

There are thousands of electronic newsletters distributed about the internet. Some of them have vast readerships.

If you can place an advertisement in a newsletter without a great deal of competition you can make a great deal of money.

You need to consider the cost against the site of readership - price per thousand readers.

Aim for a newsletter which is not designed to sell business ideas as this will avoid the competition.

One of the many advantages is that you get your Visitors almost instantly upon publication rather than in a trickle from a site.

Again, the only way forward is to search for the newsletter yourself.

A little patience here will pay off handsomely.

Take a look at: Paid eZine Advertising to get the idea.

Paid Advertisements On Sites And In E-Newsletters can be a safe and sure way of reaching a target audience but beware of crooks – they may make exaggerated claims as to the visitors they are receiving.  

There are huge numbers of busy sites on the internet. Approach the webmaster of a site which seems busy and ask for a price to place an advertisement. 

There are group interest sites where these webmasters offer space for rent if you search for them.  

Likewise, there are hundreds of thousands of Email Newsletters and Bloggs. Many of these would be only too happy to accept your cash or promise of a reciprocal link in return for running an advertisement of your own design.  

And many of them have a readership in the hundreds of thousands!  

Remember there is no limit to how many people can pay you money through your Offer Letter Page!

Email to webmasters where they do not offer a contact email by creating an email address in this manner: would become This will generally reach the webmaster.  

Advertisements In Emails
I have left this until last and given it a special header as I want to catch your attention.

Sending your advertisement out to thousands of viewers overnight by email so they only see you ad seems a marvellous way to generate business and make loads of money.

Actually, it can be!

But you do have to be careful as there are a couple of pitfalls.

Because of these pitfalls I want to go to some length and trouble here to make sure you understand how you can make a lot of money using email without getting yourself into trouble.

I don't want to put any honest advertisers off emails but you must be aware of the Spamming problem.


How To Avoid Being Accused Of Spamming

You are only allowed to send out advertisements to people who have either requested the information or who have signed up to say they will receive emails on a certain subject.

Such people are called "Opt-In" recipients and the lists they appear on Opt-In Lists.

Anything else is Spam and a criminal offence in most countries.

In any event, an accusation of Spamming will get your site shut down in short order.

To avoid the accusation of Spam, most firms now use what is called the "Double Opt-In System" where a person gives their email address on a site to say they want to receive information on a subject, then they are sent a form to confirm their subscription before an advertisement is sent.

Or they only mail people who have paid to join their organization.

Just like we do on the Registration Page with the Registration for our newsletter.


Mailing A List

Trying to build your own list is like trying to lift yourself up by your own bootstraps. You need lots of clients you have sold to before you have a list to sell them something else. This is called "back end".

If you know about "back end" you don't need to read the rest of this letter.

So you want to get hold of a good list of people interested in your product.

A firm which owns such a list will not give it to you - if it is any good - so you have to pay them to mail it with your advertisement.

The trouble is that sometimes people who are actually on an Opt-In List forget and complain when they get mail - or they have been mailed so many times they are sick of it.

This causes trouble for the ISP who is hosting the site and providing the email service.

As crooks can hide the source of the email, the site receiving the benefit is the one which gets into trouble.

Do you see where we are going here?


This Is Unjust But A Fact Of Life:

The ISP cannot deal with thousands of complaints and judge whether each is Spam or the result of a false complaint so they take the position that OPT-IN LISTS CANNOT BE TRANSFERRED.

This means they will ban you and block you if you get a complaint from even the best authenticated Opt-In List.

And if we are hosting your site we would get some flack and have to close you down.

Isn't that unfair?

Sadly, it is life and we have to deal with it.

So what do we do?

There Is A Way Around This Injustice!

How To Avoid An False Accusation Of Spamming

In a perfect world you would send out your emails to an opt in list with an advertisement in them saying, "Come and look at my site - here is the link!" - but in the real world you would be shut down before you signed up your first Recruit.

So what you do is send out the emails (Or have it done for you) but you DON'T TELL THEM TO COME STRAIGHT TO YOUR SITE.

No, what you do is put an email return link on the email you send out saying, "Click here to find out more," or something similar.

And you pre-set the email to be a request for information - set the head to say, "I want to know about XYZ" and the text to say the respondent wants information specifically about what you are advertising.

This makes the person an Opt-In of your very own and you can show their email if there is a problem later.

The return email comes back to you and you simply send them an email with a reminder of what they asked for (Because they might have forgotten) and a link to your Invitation Page.

They will click on your link and send you some money.

This system is devastatingly effective if you follow the instructions carefully.

The only two things to get right here: The first is the list provider - and it must be a reputable Opt-In List to begin with - which you have to discover by testing small numbers (For results) to begin with.

The second is that you have to work out how to set up a pre-filled email.

Almost 80% of surfers use Outlook as their email browser so I can tell you it just takes a little playing around with the controls.

Those who don't use Outlook generally know what they are doing and don't need our help.

To see a pre-filled email click HERE

And here is the code that makes this happen:

<a href=" Concerning The IFGC Freedom Project&body= Please send me further information on The IFGC Freedom Project by email.">HERE</a>

Change to html in your text editor and insert the above code.

So now you know how to make a fortune with targeted email.

Do remember to follow the rules and we won't have any problems.


Deciding Who To Advertise With

Takes A Little Thought:

We have had to think up a way that is easy and straight forward so that all IFGC can do it – not just the cleverest ones – and make it not too much trouble so most will want to do it.  

I know YOU would do it anyway, but you and I need to make sure your Recruits do it too don’t we?  

The way we have settled upon involves using search engines.  

Most everyone knows how search engines work – you go to a search engine such as or and enter a word for something you are looking for.

The search engine then flashes up thousands and thousands of pages, each having something to do with your subject - or not. You either read the first one or you wade through page after page depending on your personality type.  

What we have to do is tell you how to search for advertising firms yet make sure everyone doesn't get the same results.  

This is what we have come up with:

First of all go to one of the above search engines and type “search engine”. You will turn up a large number of search engines. Pick one.  

Decide on a form of advertising – say link exchange and then add an expression to it such as freeor low cost or easy. You will need to think of your own expressions here.  

There are countless expressions, and the more effort you put in to thinking of unusual ones the more Recruits you will get for less money.  

Read through the whole text above and below which relates to the subjects you are looking for. This will give you ideas for key words and phrases to search for and each IFGC's ideas will be different.

Go to your chosen search engine and enter the advertising term you have settled on together with an "expression" or modifier.  

A whole list of options should come up. 

If they either don’t, or they are not the subject you are looking for, try a different expression. 

Continue until you have a selection of potential Advertising Firms, Web Sites, Emails, Bloggs Newsletters or whatever you are searching for.  

Depending upon what they are, and how they work, you just need to either contact them or learn how their system works.  

And if you use an advertising firm you MUST learn how their system works before you part with your money.  

Some firms only allow a certain size of page to be presented as a Pop Up or whatever – one of these at least cuts off the bottom of our Offer Letter Page.

Then get on with your advertising and make some money.



Do remember this warning about testing - one complaint we receive regularly in Support is that people have used several methods together and don't know which one brought them all the business. Then they moan to us.

One of the most important parts of your advertising strategy is called "Testing".

Testing is where you test one firm or type of advertising at a time so that you know exactly how many hits and how many sales each effort generates.

This will allow you to avoid places that don't work and put your money where it will do most good.

If you run two different adds at the same time pointing at one site you don't know which is working.

One of our Team Leaders brought in 25 Recruits in a few days with $2.18 worth of advertising.


No Spam


There are firms who offer to mail their own Double Opt-In lists with your advertisement. 


Double opt-in is where a person has to respond to an email after signing up for an email newsletter so as to confirm it is really them. 


Sort of like when you Registered with our email update system.


Double opt-in is fine. It is a great system which ensures the sender can prove that he is not spamming - because he has the recipient's authorization to email them.


But remember that ISPs don't accept the transfer of Opt-In-edness as it causes them too much work and they will shut you down. See the technique above.


Make sure any firm you use is a reputable firm as you don't want to be involved in Spam.


Spammers would be out of our organization and reported to the police before they drew breath - though we haven't had any as yet.


This warning should not be allowed to discourage honest marketers - the Spammers who get in trouble are the villains who mass-email on purpose.




Advertising By Bullet Points:


Can you afford to pay or do you need to start with free advertising?

Decide what form of advertising to use - links, emails etc.

Choose a search engine

Pick an expression to search

Search for your advertising firm or site/outlet

Sign up or do the deal

Test one outlet at a time so you know what works

Ensure you NEVER Spam

Everyone is given access to an over-abundance of marketing tools to help contact the millions of people who want to improve their fortune in life.

To learn how simple it is go to 'The Email Set-up Page' click HERE


A golden opportunity to make money at no cost at all with these high return agencies.  Also use TrafficHoopla to join a variety of great places to advertise.  The programs are all located in the back office after you sign up.



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The IFGC Freedom Project Affiliate Course

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The Freedom Project The Conflict Resolution  The Swish  The Life Path 
The Affirmation Conflict Response Downloads How To Collect All Your Money The Agency Principle
The Example Page What You Need To Do The Web Site Marketing Page The Email Set-Up Page
Your Email Response Page Actually Collecting Your Money A Final Word The FAQ Page