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Whether you are brand new with little or no experience or a seasoned veteran who has been around in our wonderful profession for 20 plus years, take a review of some information on just exactly what "Network Marketing" really is and what it is NOT.

Others will almost certainly ask you about "Network Marketing".   Having some information available to offer to the person who is questioning "Networking" can certainly help to put aside any uncertainties or misconceptions they may have heard from "somewhere".


In understanding what Network marketing really is, you must first understand what  it IS NOT.

Network Marketing IS NOT a SCAM

Network Marketing IS NOT a Pyramid Scheme

Network Marketing IS NOT a Ponzi Scheme

Network Marketing IS NOT chasing down your friends and family to Buy

Network Marketing IS NOT sitting at home and never having to "sell" anything to anyone ever


Network Marketing IS NOT a SCAM

A "Scam" is defined as a "fraudulent scheme". Now if we look up the definition of "fraudulent" we find that it derives from the word "fraud" which comes from the Latin which means "deceit". When you are being "deceitful" or deceiving someone, you are "Tricking" them by offering misleading and untrue information for them to base their decision upon.

A genuine Network Marketing company or any legitimate company does none of this. The exact opposite is true, a genuine Networking company wants the customer or distributor ( you ) to stay long-term with them. This ensures the success of the company now and into the future. It would not take their customer base very long to vanish if their policies were biased on "scamming" the customer. Any short term gain the scammer might receive, would pale when compared with the potential long term benefits to be gotten with a strong, stable and loyal customer base.



Network Marketing IS NOT a Pyramid Scheme

A Pyramid Scheme is a program where people invest their money based on the promise that other people will also enroll into the program and put their money into the system.

Generally, the only monies earned are based upon the "enrollment of new people" and not a product.

When you do get a new person to invest into the scheme, you will receive a direct financial reward because when the new person joins, part of the new person's money will flow up to you and thus you get paid for the "recruitment" of the person rather than on any 'goods' that are sold.

In fact, usually there is no product at all, there is simply money changing hands.

In today's world, many of these schemes may have some questionable "product", often a virtual one you download, but clearly that product is there to help hide the fact that it is merely a money game where only those who got in early will make anything at all (maybe?)

A "money game"  has no real basis in true commerce.

Pyramids are absolutely illegal and work because they take advantage of people and their wish to receive a supposed huge return on their money with the promise of little effort on their part to achieve that return. In order for a person to actually make money in a Pyramid Scheme, someone else has to Lose Money and that someone is very likely to be YOU.

Pyramid Schemes have unfortunately become associated with the Network Marketing (or multilevel marketing) business model, because the Pyramid Scheme often will mimic the way that their members are paid with a multilevel structure which provides incentives to sell the business opportunity to new prospects. This Network Marketing Business Model has been proven over and over to work extremely well in the marketplace. Hence it has become the chosen method for the Pyramid Scammers to promote their money games because it gives them the "appearance" of being a legitimate company which then makes it easier to "fool" prospects into joining them.

Remember, the BIG DIFFERENCE is that in a Pyramid Scheme the total focus is really on No Support new sales people to the plan and to make money from their recruitment and NOT on selling any real product or service. And the entire scheme is greatly dependent on a continual influx of new people or it quickly falls apart.

So even though a Pyramid Scheme may "look" like a network marketing company, it could not be further away from the true Networking Business Model that it attempts to copy.



Network Marketing IS NOT a Ponzi Scheme

A Ponzi Scheme is defined as a plan where the "payout" to the person is larger than the income derived from each transaction. This requires an on-going, endless and ever-increasing supply of new participants to maintain the viability of the system.

To simplify, in a Ponzi Scheme, you would pay an amount to the company who promises to pay you a specific return on your investment, let us say they  promise to 'double' what you put in and to do so in a short period of time. The company can only do this by finding others who are tricked into also believing the same promise and invest their monies into the scheme. Then their monies are used to pay the promised amount to the first person.

Let's look at Carlo Ponzi himself to understand this better. It was back in the early 1920's when Ponzi started his plan. Ponzi offered to return $1,500 on an investment of $1,000. When person 1 paid him he went out and found person 2 and 3 and took all of 2's money and half of 3's money and paid the stated amount to person 1. To keep his scheme going he had to repeat this process again and again.

That he did, very well! He did this so well that the attention of the government was brought to bear on him. He gained millions, and died penniless and a convicted criminal. Every since then, many others have attempted to do the same as he in many different ways to the detriment of everyone.



Network Marketing IS NOT chasing down your friends and family to Buy

Network Marketing also is not, in today's world, all about taking advantage of relatives and friends. Some years ago being involved with Network Marketing meant, more often than not, just retailing to and sponsoring people from what is commonly referred to as your "warm market" (i.e. family and friends) of prospects.

There is still a basic foundation of indeed sharing what you have with those you care about and it is important that you at least offer your products or services to them, but it is no longer the 'primary' way to market your business.

There are many very sophisticated marketing techniques such as the Internet, voice-broadcasting, conference calls, on-line web casts, and targeted small ads to mention just a few, which allow you to reach virtually anyone across our planet and not just your next door friend or your family.



Network Marketing IS NOT a get-rich-quick scheme

Network Market is also not a "get-rich-quick scheme" as so many of the "supposed, just formed today, newest and greatest company ever just in pre-launch", would lead you to believe. And contrary to much of that misleading and much hyped information you are given, you actually have to WORK at Network Marketing to make it successful - gasp! - and you have to become SKILLED as you would with any other 'professional' position, be it a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, Corporate ISR or the like. There really is 'no free lunch'! 

Your success or lack of success is very much dependent on your "work" ethic. The same can be said of ANY employment that anyone has or any business they may begin. Without "work" ( i.e. effort ) nothing can grow and prosper.



Network Marketing IS NOT sitting at home and

never having to "sell" anything to anyone ever

Network Marketing, nor any other business, can function if there are no "sales of goods" to a consumer. If a company does not "sell" to someone, where is the income of the company going to come from to keep it operating? If a company tells you that you do not have to "sell", they they are not telling you the truth.

It is very true that almost everyone, when asked, will say they "do not want to sell". Somehow, the very idea of "selling" has become uncomfortable to most of us. Before you throw up your hands and run away screaming, let us clarify what we are talking about.

By "selling", we are not talking about the traditional concept of a "salesman" type of person, one that can get a penguin to purchase ice. Here, "selling" simply means a way to "Market" your goods  to a consumer and there are an almost infinite number of ways to do that.

What is factual and true, is that whatever way you market to your consumer, if you do stay sitting at home and never "expose" ( market ) your product or service to anyone, you can Never become successful and will Never have any sort of income from your business. That you can count on completely.

It is always required of any business to "expose" their products to potential customers. If you prefer not to use the term "sell", that is ok. Nevertheless, you must still find ways to market your products to customers and they must purchase your products in order for both you and your company to prosper and grow.

Whether or not we realize it, everyone, everyday, all-the-time, "sells" to others. On your regular "job", you sell yourself and your talents to your fellow co-workers and to your bosses; at home, you sell yourself to your family members, to be respected, liked, and loved; you sell yourself to your neighbors to again be respected by them. The culture of our entire world is engaged in the process of "selling" everywhere. We have been raised on it, thrive on it, and the world as we know it would not exist except for it. Puzzling, then that when asked a person declares loudly that they "do not want to sell!"


Now that you understand what Network Marketing IS NOT, let's take a look at what it  ACTUALLY IS and how it is being used throughout the world in so many countries.