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Financial Club Of The Millennium

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The IFGC Compensation Plan

You may not totally understand the power of this but let me explain...

Would you rather have a penny doubled

every day for 30 days

or $100,000 dollars in cash?


How many of you said "Oh give me the $100,000"?

Do you realize a penny doubled for 30 days would be over 10 MILLION dollars? Don’t believe me? Get your calculator and try it, put in 1 then times it by 2 and do that 30 times. Pretty incredible!

So here’s our simple vision....Watch the Power of Duplication evolve!

It is November, month one, say I sponsor you. Now there are 2 of us on the team.

December, both you and I work together and find 1 more person. Now we have 4.

Each following month everyone repeats the same process. Finding just 1 person a month who will commit to doing the same next month.

January comes, there are 8 - that does not seem like much - but hang on!

February, then March (the process continues), April - May - June - July - August - September - October and finally November - just ONE YEAR after you started and there are 2087 Active Team Members all working together!


Can you even imagine the kind of income you would have created?

Now you know why we call it our IFGC Compensation Plan !

How do we earn income $$$$$ ?

With a 100% FAST CASH bonus paid out on the first
three orders of your personally enrolled subscribers.


This Fast Cash bonus enables you to quickly create a cash flow to help fund your new Enterprise from the very 1st day!  The 100% Fast Cash bonus paid by The Gold Project By IFGC is among the fastest in the industry!


Distributors fall into a 3X6 forced matrix.  A Forced Matrix is one of the best ways to help your team and you to be successful from the beginning. With a Forced Matrix, each person will help others as they bring in new team members. Here at The Gold Project By IFGC we all work together to achieve success.

The high percentage payout of the Compensation Plan means that for only a little work, you can be receiving a substantial reward. A reward that can quickly grow into a monthly check Every Month!

The Matrix is compressed monthly for maximum pay-out. The Gold Project By IFGC believes in giving the most that is possible to their distributors.  There is NO LIMIT to how many times you can cycle through the bonus Pool and no limit to your potential earnings!

To advance in our Compensation Structure to Higher Levels, you simply need to achieve VERY minimal requirements. 

*Note that an "Active" distributor is anyone purchasing $100 subscription annually.


Where else can you find a business opportunity with a start-up cost of $100 and the potential pay-out of $8,000+ a month once your 3x1 Qualifier Matrix is filled?


Now do you think you could find just one partner every month with all the tools and support we have? A partner who will then do the very same thing - find one person every month?

Would it be worth a little effort on your part to make that happen?

Can you commit to yourself and your team to stay focused on the end result?

Know that this is a people helping people business, so Be Real and Honest toward all.

What do I do to get started?

You just choose a product or products that you want and order them from The Gold Project By IFGC . You have just started your new "Enterprise" and are on your way. That's it!

You know, you joined The Gold Project By IFGC for a reason.... Perhaps it was simply to benefit from the products with no interest what-so-ever in the business opportunity.  In this case, you may not make any attempt to sponsor anyone but you may find that people have fallen into your downline matrix and, because you are purchasing a $100 subscription every year, you can collect commissions in your qualifier matrix through spillover.  A wonderful benefit that The Gold Project By IFGC provides.

The compensation plan will catch your attention rather quickly and you certainly want to qualify when you have a few people there ordering.

But don’t wait until then to share the products/opportunity with others - Look at the growth that can be achieved by following the simple plan of bringing one new person into The Gold Project By IFGC every month and everyone duplicating that process with our "IFGC Compensation" simple system.

Now, if you enrolled because you want to pursue the "Business Opportunity" available with The Gold Project By IFGC, you will find the systems in place to help you become successful, the training you need to begin, and a team of experienced and successful distributors in place to help and support you with your endeavors.

The Gold Project By IFGC is the most realistic and the most flexible home-based business on the net and I am proud to be a part of it.

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What would earning a little or a lot of money each month do for You?

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