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As we analyze those that are successful & those that struggle the biggest things that stand out are:


So, what do successful network marketers have that others lack? Here are some essential qualities you need to succeed in MLM:

 Vision... What do you want to accomplish in your MLM business? Be specific. Instead of saying, "I want to surpass my previous salary sometime this year," say, "I want to earn $4,000 per month by December of this year."

Goals... Why did you join this business? Seriously, what attracted you? What do you want to accomplish in the next 6 months? 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? Think about it, write it down, be specific & share your goals with somebody!

A burning desire to succeed... Desire is the internal engine that propels you toward your goals. Fuel your desire by reviewing your goals every morning and just before you go to sleep at night. Using all your senses, visualize yourself achieving your goals. If your goal is to earn enough money to Buy a sailboat by June, picture the boat; feel the railing; smell and taste the salty air; and hear the sound of the wind whipping against the sail.

A businesslike attitude... MLM opportunities typically have low start-up costs. Unfortunately, this often translates into a weak commitment on the start-up marketer's part. Commit to pursuing your MLM business as intensely as if you had invested $100,000 to get started. Prepare a written business plan--and follow it. Review your plan at least once every 3 or 4 months. When you treat your network marketing venture as a genuine business--as opposed to a hobby you pursue "when you feel like it"--you'll succeed.

A Plan of ACTION... How much time can you spend on your business? How many hours per day or week? Set your hours. Put them down in a calendar or planner and stick to it.

Self-discipline... Do what you plan to do. If you have 15 prospecting calls scheduled, make those calls--no matter what. Each action you plan and accomplish takes you closer to your goals.

Willingness to learn... Just because you were successful in previous jobs doesn't mean you'll automatically earn top dollar in network marketing. Networking can be done initially by anyone without a whole skill set as many other professions require. But do understand that this is a new game with a different set of rules.  Ones that you will need to study and learn to become truly successful. So take every opportunity to learn those rules. Study books on MLM, attend seminars offered by your parent company, spend time with your sponsors, and plug into any training that is offered by the experienced distributors.

Belief in your product or service...  

Get excited telling others about the products or services you sell!

Be proud to represent your MLM company!

Truly feel like you have something to offer that can help someone!

Firmly believe in what you have - the company and products you represent! Then you will increase the likelihood that prospects will, too!

Care & Share & Invite people to take a look, the decision is theirs!

Know that what you are offering has great value and you are proud to share the information!

Most important.... have FUN!

A long-term focus... Beware of get-rich-quick claims. Success in MLM, as in any type of business, takes time. Define the necessary steps and commit to doing them--even when you don't see tangible results right away. Be realistic in how long it will require to achieve your goal and be flexible as there are many things that can happen which may delay the time needed to reach that goal. Recognize and praise yourself for each step you achieve along the way, you earned it!

A positive attitude... Surround yourself with positive, enthusiastic people. Listen to cassette tapes and read books that spur you on to maximum achievement. When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, you generate the energy you need to make your business flourish.

How do you start your day?

Is it all about what you gotta do or what you get to do?

Are you grumbling when you get out of bed, stressed with everything you've got to get done, dreading the day?

Or do you get up and greet your day with optimism and gratefulness, ready to tackle the day with a great attitude?

Ok, maybe we can ask that question after coffee, I for one, open my blinds & let the sun in... I love the light & birds and think about who am I going to meet today!

Remember, how you start your day sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Persistence... As in any new business, you'll face many obstacles on your way to achieving your goals. Resolve to go the distance. When times get tough, call your sponsors for encouragement, re-read a favorite book, listen to uplifting songs or music, just relax and take several deep breaths. Do whatever works for you to bring yourself back into balance and then go solve the problem that was stopping you at the moment.

This industry has given me the best friendships I've ever had. Surround yourself with a group of people that think like you do. If you love what you do for a living you'll never work another day in your life! What do I love about this business? I'm my own boss, I set my own hours, I don't have to ask for time off, I have friends around the world, I get quality products for my family, I get to help other people achieve their goals....& YOU!!!

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