Destined To Be The Most Popular
Financial Club Of The Millennium

Maximize Earnings *Minimize Risk *Minimize Time *Keep It Simple *Keep It Fun

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Wishing There Was A Smart Way To Earn A Living? Had Enough Of Slaving Away At "Work" Because There Are No Better Options In Sight? Then Discover How To…


"Cash As Many Residual Paychecks As You Want Every Single Month So You Can Finally Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of Without Breaking A Sweat!"

Easy Income Potential = $5000+ recurring...
Your Only Cost Today = $100.00!

....I'll let you do the Math :)

Starting up your own
"residual income revenue machines" doesn't require you to be a computer wiz or business genius. Even if you lack drive, knowledge, time and/or money, this IS the business opportunity for you!


Dear Future Smart Paycheck Earner,

You've seen them on T.V. The Rich and the Famous living a lucrative life inside their mansions, playing with their exotic pets, getting beauty therapy weekly, driving their brand new Lincoln to the supermarket. Gee, they are working hard....NOT! 

I'm not saying I'm a Hollywood celebrity, neither do I live in a multi-million dollar mansion. I am however, becoming very wealthy for doing little more than staying at home (yes, sometimes even in my pajamas) , fiddling away at my computer working only part-time hours!

Smart work hey? My wife especially thinks so and loves calling me "Smart". That is....

"....until she sees my fat paychecks coming in month after month!"

It's the ultimate dream of us all. Becoming financially independent. Not tied down to a "J.O.B" (just over broke) which only sucks up our time and only purpose is to pay the bills month in month out and not provide any enjoyment or stimulation in life.

Do you want the freedom in life to do what you love? Rest On A Beach? Pursue You Hobby? Spend Time With Your Family? Or Just Be Smart?


You don’t want to depend on working a dull 40 hour week just to pay your bills do you? It's time to finally take your life back and start doing what you want when you want!

Freedom gives you the choice to live the way you want. You live in a country with the freedom to choose. But the sad truth is, many people use that freedom to choose a life like this: living your life paycheck to paycheck; working a 40+ hour week; and being a slave to your boss's demands; being a slave to money and the things you spend it on every single month.

Are you taking advantage of your freedom to choose a life of wealth or to be a slave to money and your J.O.B? (Just Over Broke)


Freedom is only great if you take advantage of it, use it to it’s full potential and make your life the way you want it to be.

So what’s the first step?

The first step is realizing what’s wrong with the way you currently make money. And that is if you work a regular job, you get paid in linear income.

What is linear income? It is when you get paid an X amount of money for every hour you work.

The problem with this is that you must keep working 40 hours a week to keep your income, you can’t stop because if you do you won’t have any money to pay your monthly expenses. This is bad, because…

You're Working too HARD!!


“…You Keep "Working" Your Hands To The Bone Because You Have To, Not Because You Want To”


So unless working at your job is your life’s dream, Linear Income will keep you a slave to money for the rest of your life – unless you decide to use your freedom of choice and do something about it.

So what is the right choice to make? What will give you the freedom to quit your job, easily afford your monthly expenses and have time and freedom to travel, spend time with friend and family, concentrate on the stuff you love doing etc.? 

Listen up...

Working Hard? or Hardly Working?

The Secret To Financial Freedom Is Having Multiple Streams Of  Automated Income. Sit Back And Watch Your Paychecks Come Rolling In While You Enjoy Life!

"Work Smart, Not Hard!!"

Please don't get me wrong here. Multiple income streams are something you have to work for in the beginning to set it up. 

BUT! And this is the beauty of it right here.....

Once you have set up an auto-pilot income stream, you don't need to touch it ever again! Leave it be as it makes you money every single month effortlessly.

That stream will continue to make you money on "auto-pilot" so you'll be free to start your next project or (if you're Smart) do nothing at all and sit back and watch the cash flowing in non-stop!


Here's a good example-

You buy an apartment and rent it out to a tenant. Every month, your tenant will pay the rent without you having to work for the money he pays you.

Of course not everyone has the money to invest in piece of real estate just to get a passive income stream. And if you have that kind of money lying around, chances are you are not too worried about financial freedom. 

Fortunately for you, there are other solutions that don’t require a lot of money and will allow you to…

“…Set Up As Many Online Income Streams As You Want! Even If You Are Broke, Smart, Have Only A Few Bucks In Your Pocket And Only A Few Hours Of Free Time A Week!”

In fact, you will discover several possibilities that you could even set up at least one passive income stream by tonight!

If you have a few hours to spare, you can be making money in your sleep when you go to bed tonight! 

Does that sound Smart enough for you? Keep reading because that is exactly what you are about to discover in…

"Image Financial Gold Club" The Ultimate Online University To Guide Smart People To Automated Online Income"

This new "private society" of entrepreneurs jammed packed the back office with the solid, essential "tips and tricks" to earning more money than you could ever imagine through multiple streams of cash generating revenue machines without the hard labor. Perfect for the "Smart Man" in ALL of us!


Here are just some of the things I’ll show you once you get your hands on "Smart Mans Paycheck: The Ultimate Guide To Automated Online Income":

Everything you need to know to set up as many Automated online income streams as possible! (Thanks to the internet, it has NEVER been easier)

A simple guide to successfully choosing, setting up and start selling information people want badly on the internet the EASY WAY!

How to apply killer strategies to your marketing that will multiply your outcomes and stop your competition dead in their tracks with minimum effort. 

All you need to know about a "List". How to Build a list of eager subscribers and How to Squeeze it like juice for MAX Profit! The easiest and most profitable way to sell anything on the net. 

Exactly how to promote your site and get targeted traffic! I'll let you in on the BEST free advertising secrets and how to extract more advertising for your dollar than you ever though possible.

How to become a marketing super-star overnight. Even if you're a complete "NEWB", have no skills and very little time on your hands. This one secret has changed many lives of the big names you hear today.
And you'll also find the Smart ways to...

Discover Everything you need ever need about Affiliate Marketing and how to apply little known strategies to get serious "Auto-Cash" Affiliate Paychecks.

5 things you MUST have if you ever are going to succeed in affiliate marketing. (without them is like trying to swim in the deep end wearing lead boots)

 Where to find "What's HOT and What's NOT" when looking for affiliate programs to join and products to promote. 

 Do you really even need a website of your own to be a power affiliate marketer? The truths behind this myth are finally unravelled. Newbies will love this one!

More secret affiliate techniques the pros never wanted you to know about.

And, what sort of Smart money could you make if you knew about...

  A crash course in "Residual Income" The ultimate way of earning money without so much as lifting a finger how you can beat the enemies that stop you from raiking in your monthly pay checks.

The art of using affiliate marketing to bring in Residual Income! How to make numerous referrals and keep them happy to open their wallets to you month by month, year by year!

 The 'Proven Grand Daddy' of all recurring income. Multi Level Marketing and Network Marketing revealing the timeless secrets of....

 "How to choose the right program for you" and how to be sure you're not going to be scammed and where to find all the help.

Most importantly, "How to be successful in your MLM or Network Marketing". Things to catapult your success and things to avoid that will doom you forever.

PLUS! You'll Also Discover Super Tips That Make It So Smart, Just Scratching Your Head Will Seem Like Too Much Effort...

Viral Marketing Tips....No, it won't make you sick, but it will spread your success around the internet like the plague!

Leveraging the use of Web 2.0 sites like and to get maximum results from these automated "robot" sites

2 "CRAZY" effortless strategies that will leave you absolutely dumb founded. These two secrets alone are worth 100 times more than the whole report itself! If nothing else, get it just for these!

And many, many more priceless gems of info that you will make you money as simply as flicking a switch....

And that is just a small sample of everything you I'll reveal in “Smart Man's Paycheck”. There are ton of different ways you can set up auto-pilot income streams. I've sorted out the good from the bad and just kept the one's that'll work for you. You could almost call it all too easy!

So even if you don’t have a lot of money to start, are working 40 hours a week and don’t have all the time in the world to start up your own business, the information in this guide can still be something that allows you to find the freedom you’ve always wanted. 


How Much Is All This Information Worth?

As I stated in the headline, the real income potential is more than $5000+ recurring monthly income. Now that's just a rounded realistice figure. Honestly, the earning potential is UNLIMITED because it is up to you how much you want to earn. The sky is the limit!

But first, you need to do two things.

First, make the decision to break free and pursue your dream from your linear income and gain the freedom in your life to do what you’ve always wanted. 

Second, make a tiny investment in your life right now so you can discover everything you need to get started as soon as possible.

Get your hands on the most lucrative opportunity on the internet today... we provide the Ultimate Guide To Residual Online Income” for only $100.00!  


How's this for extra incentive! It doesn't get much lazier than this..

Instantly Make $100.00 Back For Every Three Subscriptions And You Get In The Bonus Pool Too!


This Essential "Smart Money" Report

To make your life easier and to get you started on the fast track to earning online, you $33.50 for every yearly subscription you sell. That's 33.5% pure profit going straight to you. 

After your purchase, you will be given simple instruction on how you can use your own unique affiliate link and receive payment directly to you - we've made it that simple for you :)

Just Three Sales And Your Copy Is Literally Free!
Sell A Handful & Pocket Some Quick Smart Cash!


OHH! I forgot to mention the Bonuses! I've CRAMMED this offer with a fist full of awesome bonuses so you get even MORE value from your $100.00! You'll just have to wait and see what other extra goodies you get ;)


To Your Smart "Multiple" Paychecks,
Image Financial Gold Club Staff

PS: Seriously, If $100.00 is too much, take a packed lunch from home instead of buying lunch for a few weeks, even a month, you will never regret the sacrifice. It will be much healthier for you and will give you the chance to give you the freedom in your life to follow your dreams with multiple income streams. 

PPS: Remember, after joining our team you can turn around and promote this offer to your list (or with a link on your website) and earn 33.34% commissions! In 20 minutes from now you can make that $100.00 back times 10, 100, or even 1000! You get the FULL $100.00 back and enter a $10,000.00 bonus pool, the instant your third sale is made!

Maximize Earnings *Minimize Risk *Minimize Time *Keep It Simple *Keep It Fun

IFGC Login Join Product

IFGC - A Private Society Of Entrepreneurs

Image Financial Gold Club is an Association of Home Based Entrepreneurs. IFGC is not a network marketing company, nor a multi-level marketing company. In fact, we are not a company at all!

Image Financial Gold Club is a private organization that can provide steady income without you leaving your present job or requiring hours in front of your computer. Image Financial Gold Club offers an opportunity that no other company can match. We will help you, with our ongoing advertising program, to reach your goals of financial freedom and success, a dream income that can become reality, with very little work and more quality time to spend with your family, you and your family can achieve a better life and we will protect the stability of this program for the long term, so your success may be able to be passed on to your next generation. And with our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, you can't lose.

IFGC Policies and Procedures governing U.S. Independent Representatives are outlined below. Take time to read the entire document to fully understand the Policies and Procedures. These Policies and Procedures are incorporated by reference in the IFGC Independent Representative Agreement. In the case of any conflict between these Policies and Procedures and the Independent Representative Agreement, the Independent Representative Agreement shall prevail. IFGC reserves the right to change these Policies and Procedures at any time. 

IFGC Statement of Operating Philosophy

The Founders of IFGC, Inc. (IFGC) believe in leadership by example rather than management by directive. IFGC’s leadership has demonstrated a high degree of integrity and success at both sales and corporate levels. As such, they are committed to the following principles and standards as an expansion of their creed. For purposes of these Policies and Procedures, IFGC, Inc., its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates shall be referred to as "IFGC."

Commitment to Excellence

The IFGC corporate management team is committed to supporting its customers and Independent Representatives, to giving them quality service and to calculating and mailing reports and commission payments in a timely manner. IFGC has set these goals to give each Independent Representative the best opportunity to develop a successful business. IFGC will not exclude anyone from this great opportunity based on race, age, sex, national origin, religion, disability or any other similar grounds prescribed or otherwise prohibited by law.

What is our purpose?

IFGC's purpose is simple! Our purpose is to help you become PROFITABLE while building one last downline, one last time! Once you have your downline built, you can diversify into multiple sources of residual income! The primary focus of IFGC is YOUR SUCCESS!

Why was Image Financial Gold Club created?

Image Financial Gold Club was born of a desire to help others while, in all honesty, wanting to help ourselves as well. We have created a system whereby subscribers and company profit together. Image Financial Gold Club also realizes and takes ownership of our WORLDWIDE social responsibility. To this end, Image Financial Gold Club, fund and donate to a charitable organization or cause for every new subscribers who join us.

What is our product and service?

IFGC’s product is an informative and potentially profitable marketing program and a monthly email Newsletter! IFGC's newsletter is the Residual Income Advisor™, a step by step approach to networking by ASSOCIATION! This allows all who work the system to profit IMMEDIATELY, while building relationships, developing multiple streams of residual income, and keeping downlines intact! The IBO - Independent Business Opportunity total cost is covered by a $100 subscription per year!

The Image Financial Gold Club also offers a business plan that enables any AVERAGE networker the opportunity to earn an above average income with the full support of the IFGC staff.

What is the product you are selling?

Our membership newsletter is our product.  The benefits we will be offering are a number of downloads related to personal health and wealth generation as well as information regarding asset protection, included as part of your benefit. All compensation is a bonus if you will from us and no payments are guaranteed. We are also offering redeemable certificates for Investor Grade US Gold Coins as compensation as such.  You are joining a membership of like minded people looking to earn income in a passive way through subscription to our newsletter. 

Are there any back-end fees, surprises, upgrades or anything like that?

NO - never. We mean free of surprises and we guarantee that this program will stay free to our subscribers always.  Please copy our "contract" page and save it. It is our pledge and promise to you. Besides, if we did change our program, we would be come illegal.


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      Independent Business Opportunity

ISR - Independent Service Representative

The Founders of IFGC wanted a compensation program that would "turn the money upside down"! That is, heavily compensate the member, rather than the "company"!

Most plans are "Stair Step Breakaway", which means that you start it, you build it, you do all the work, but at some level, 6, 8, 10, whatever, it all "breaks away" from you!

Some are "Binary", which means you start it with two, you build it, and hope it balances!  If you lose the "balancing act", you lose your potential commissions!

The only other plan with a successful track record is the 'Forced Recycling 3x2 Matrix', which means you start it with three, but you benefit from the whole team!

This has never been done before!

Introducing the IFGC Compensation Program! We describe it as the
IFGC Three Tier Pay Plan which includes the Qualifier Matrix,  the IFGC Four Phase bonus Pool and Twin Residual Income Plans!

The only compensation plan on the face of the earth, and in the history of networking, that does not limit your potential earnings, neither width nor depth!

The AVERAGE networker makes only 3 sales.

This has been the industry standard for over 50 years. The Residual Income Advisor was built for the AVERAGE networker!

For example, why would we ask you to build six wide, when that is twice beyond what the AVERAGE networker can do?

The Residual Income Advisor will allow you to build as wide as you want, but not ask, and certainly not require, that you go beyond AVERAGE.

To qualify for all bonusES, all you have to do is make only 3 sales and help your first 3 make only 3 sales each!

How many times have you been placed in someone else's program, but were forgotten as soon as they had your money?

The Residual Income Advisor asks that you help your first 3, in order to maximize the compensation program for yourself! "If you help enough other people get what they want, you can have anything you want, and you deserve it!"

The Residual Income Advisor offers over 85% payout! All commissions are PAID MONTHLY! When you hit it ... you get it!

As anyone can clearly see, this is the most lucrative compensation plan ever, in the entire history of referral or network marketing!

No lotions, no potions, no pills, no shipping, no handling, no monthly purchases, no quotas to maintain your pay status, no monthly website fees, no check fees, no meetings, nothing to store in your garage or sell to your neighbors, no fuss, no muss ... just point, click and get PAID!

The only referral compensation program on the face of the Earth that truly offers to pay you over and over again INFINITELY!


The Pay Plan Is Designed So Members With
Only Three
Personal Referrals Could Earn Endless Profit!

Earn Over $10,000 (over and over again) from a single $100 purchase
Passive Participants are Welcome  and Can Succeed
Benefit from Admin Advertising, Spill-over and Easy Duplication.
Advertise Your Business to Friends, Visitors and Family on Your Replicated Website
Help Your Team to Succeed by Expanding Your Qualified Audience

How it Works:

With the purchase of an IFGC Subscription, the door opens an opportunity to earn entry into IFGC bonus Pool.  A single $100 subscription gets you started.

The money generator pays over and over!  And the remarkable truth is that this is done with just (3) three personal referrals!

How much MORE you will make depends on how many people the IFGC connects with.  Success is a numbers game - contacting enough prospects insures you and all IFGC member’s 'Financial Freedom'!

When your personal Qualifier Matrix is filled with three subscriptions you receive a position in the bonus Pool.  See the THREE TIER COMPENSATION OVERVIEW

* Members receive a credit for Gold Redemption Certificates for coins from Capitol Gold Group located in Sherman Oaks, California.

Independent Business Opportunity Qualification

Q:  What Are The Qualifications To Be An Independent Marketing Affiliate?

Step One: Simply Fill Out An Application For ISR Training

Step Two: Attend a Minimum Of Two IFGC Seminars Within 60 Days

Step Three:
Help Your IMA's Develop Their Marketing Skills

Step Four:  
Help Your Three IMA's Through The 'Qualifier Matrix'

Step Five:  Support Your Team And Teach Them To Do The Same

The COMPLETED Qualifier Matrix
  $100     $100     $100  



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Click Here To Start A New Career Today!


Each Phase in IFGC bonus Pool is a very small 3x2 matrix. This means each matrix is 3-wide and 2-deep.  There are three people on the first level and nine people on the second level.  It takes 12 positions filled under you to make you cycle through each phase. 

* Members receive a credit for Gold Redemption Certificates for coins from Capitol Gold Group located in Sherman Oaks, California.

ISR Phase 1 - 4
bonus Pool Payout Values

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Paid Directly To Member

200.00 $800.00 $2000.00 $5000.00

Gold Redemption Certificate
Paid To SafeAsGold Account

75* 200* 400* 800*

Paid Into Next Phase

250 500 1000 100
Paid Membership  Into
Residual Income Plan **
150 150 150 150

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Payouts 50% In Cash And 50% In Gold Coins

Your IFGC Pay Plan Is As Simple As - 1 - 2 - 3
And Your Success Is Guaranteed!!

Your Three  Sponsored  ISR's From The Qualifier Matrix Follow You Into The Image Cash Residual Income Plan And You Earn $15.00 Each Which Pays $45.00 A Month

Your position in the Image Cash Residual Income Plan 3x1 Qualifier Matrix can be filled with help from your up line, by new members you sponsor or when your sponsored members complete their Qualifier Matrices and enter behind you.

The Residual Income Plan is paid for from a credit to your cash account when an ISR cycles through Phase One through Four of the bonus Pool.

Now Really, Could It Get Any Easier Than This?

YES! Everyone you sponsor into the Qualifier Matrix will follow into the Image Cash Residual Income Plan.  This creates the Residual Income forever.

Congratulations!  You Could Easily Earn Whatever You Want A Month With Multiple Accounts!

OVER 90% of the people who join IFGC are expected to follow their sponsor into the Image Cash And Gold Residual Income Plan. 

When you sponsor three people into the Qualifier Matrix and they in turn sponsor three, you could be paid every month . . .through five levels


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