IFGC University Resources

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Read A FREE Step By Step Report And Start Earning Today
Step One  Step Two  Step Three  Step Four  Step Five Step Six Everything For Success

The Combination Strategy

Our Competitive Advantage over the rest of the internet marketing world.


Combination Strategy

1.  The simplest way to combine the product and marketing system.

2.  To make you enough immediate cash to get by.

3.  And enough long term recurring profit to be financially comfortable within the shortest period of time.

4.  And the potential to make A LOT more money in the future.


What we have to offer:

The Image Financial Gold Club's Guide to Profits

Image Financial Gold Club Membership

What you get:

1.  Your our own personal Image Financial Gold Club sales site.

With your own "squeeze" or "landing" page to collect and personalize contact  with interested Buyers who ALMOST bought

For those of you new to internet marketing, below is an example of a very simple squeeze page.

For those of you that have been around for awhile, you probably notice that almost every successful site you see contains some kind of squeeze page.

There's a reason for that, a squeeze page is a MUST for any online Abundant Profit member to maximize profits, but is very complicated to create on your own, and very expensive to pay someone to create one for you.

That's why we are here.

The purpose of a squeeze page is to draw the focus and attention of each visitor to opt into your personal contact list for more information.  While a good sales rate is usually 1 in every 100 customers or so Buying your product, a well written squeeze page can convert as much as 30%-60% of all visitors.  Your squeeze page will be updated regularly to turn hundreds of prospects who ALMOST bought, into potential customers in the future.


Your own Image Financial Gold Club's Guide to Profits content page.

Everyone who purchases the Image Financial Gold Clubs Guide to Profits from YOU will automatically be redirected to your content page. (What you are reading right now)

They will be joining our Image Financial Gold Club, AdLandPro, and Mentors4Profit directly from your site, without any effort on your part. (You will be receiving cash and long-term recurring income from all three)

We will be integrating your join links for all three programs into your personal guide, so everything will be taken care of for you.

4. Your simple step by step guide to setting up all of your accounts correctly.

A detailed daily schedule telling you EXACTLY what to do each and every day.  (We mean EXACTLY that: we will write all of the ads and follow-up emails for you)


MOST IMPORTANTLY: You'll get us. 

We will be monitoring your account regularly and personally helping you to achieve your goal.

We can answer any questions or concerns you may have, and if you can afford more time and are keeping up with your daily tasks, will give you additional resources to make EVEN MORE income on the side of your primary business.


What does this combination strategy accomplish?

Even though they all have products, it is virtually impossible to promote Mentors4Profit, New Precedence, LTD,  and/or AdLandPro by simply promoting their sites, because their main sites are NOT sales pages.  You cannot send someone to either site and expect them to purchase, or even take the time to understand what each company has to offer.

That is why you will be sending them (using AdLandPro) to your personal Image Financial Gold Club sales page,  specifically designed to catch the prospect's attention from the second he arrives at your site, and converting the sale.

(or at least getting their contact information to follow-up later  with your squeeze page. The exact procedure to do this, AND prewritten email is also included in your step by step guide) 

Now that they have spent money on the guide that has guaranteed to make them financially independent for life, they will be willing to take a serious look into what you have to offer when they get redirected to your content page.

Just like you place a greater value on products in the offline world dependant on their price tag, it works just the same way with online information products.  If you were to give them this guide you are reading right now for free, most people would not take an intelligent look into the incredible system we have provided for them, which is why the combination strategy is so crucial to ANY marketers success, and why so many fail to make a sale, even if they have a great legitimate product. 

Once they begin reading through seriously (as I hope you are right now)  they will realize how great of an overall package you have to offer, and will join Mentors4Profit, AdLandPro, and the Image Financial Gold Club from your personal site. You will be receiving upfront cash, and long-term residuals from all three.

And then they will have the same "weapons" as you, and they will go through the same process, making you even more money, AND them money, and the person who purchased FROM them money as HE follows through the same process.....etc., etc., etc.

You will see how they will be joining, and exactly how much you will be making in the next section.


Basically all you have to do is:

 Promote your Abundant Profits sales page through AdLandPro.

Following the step by step setup and daily schedule we have provided.

And you will be promoting ALL THREE programs automatically.

The rest is done for you.

Pretty simple.

Don't worry, we will take a much more detailed look into this whole process, just
keep reading on for now.


So far you've had a lot of information to take in.

You should feel a little smarter now, because you know more than 95% of people about the internet environment.

These are some of the questions/concerns that are probably running through your head right now :

  • I still don't get what my own Image Financial Gold Club site has to do with IFGC, New Precedence, New Precedence LTD, and/or AdLandPro?
  • I know nothing is free, how much does all of this cost?
  • What if I'm already a member of one of these companies?
  • Can I just have people joining Mentors4Profit and AdLandPro under me without selling them the website?
  • How simple is your daily schedule to follow? (we show an example on the next page)

All of the questions above and more will be answered in the final section.

--- Putting it all Together ---