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Why Are Daily Sweats Beneficial?

I know, sweating doesn't have a glamorous connotation. However, used correctly, it purifies the body like no other modality. Combined with the unique penetrating effects of infrared heat, and you have multiplied the benefits of stimulating sweat detoxification.Traditional wisdom has suggested that saunas work largely by promoting detoxification through the sweat but saunas also stimulate cells to release toxins, which can then be eliminated by the liver and bowel. Several published studies have now shown that this hyperthermic therapy can bring about the rapid removal of a wide range of toxic substances from the human body.The far infrared energy emitted in these saunas may induce two to three times the sweat volume of conventional saunas, yet they operate at a much cooler air temperature range: from 70 to 150 degrees F. compared with 180 to 235 degrees F. in a conventional sauna.Table of contentsFar-infrared sauna purification 1Its a Toxic World 3Detox: Infrared
Sauna vs. Conventional Sauna

Far-infrared Sauna Purification

Dr. Toshiko Yamazaki, MD owns an infrared therapy clinic in Japan where she has done extensive research on the uses of Far Infrared Therapy or Infrared Light Therapy. In her book, "The Science of Far-Infrared Therapies," she explains that one of the reasons FIR (Far Infrared Therapy) has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the ability of FIR waves to remove toxins with mercury detoxification, which is often at the core of many health problems. Since humans are bio-accumulators, numerous toxins that disturb natural body healing and cannot be removed immediately after entry are stored in our bodies and prevent future natural body healing. A 10 micron far-infrared light wave reaches up to 2 inches deep inside the body's tissuecellular vibration occurs when the light waves penetrate the cells and reach the large water moleculesthis vibration reduces the ion bonds of the atoms that are holding together the molecules of water.

Detoxification and Far Infrared Therapy  

When toxic gases such as sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide or toxic substances such as lead, mercury, or chlorine meet large water molecules, water clusters encapsulate them. Where these toxins accumulate, blood circulation is blocked and cellular energy is impaired. Mercury detoxification begins when a 10 micron Far Infrared Therapy wave is applied to these large water molecules and the water begins to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds of the atoms that are holding together the molecules of water. As the vibration continues, breakdown of the water molecules occurs and encapsulated gases and other toxic materials are released. Scientists in Japan report that in the Far Infrared Therapy wave treatment of clogged capillary vessels, a similar process occurs: heat expands the capillaries from Far Infrared Therapy and then initiates the process to dissolve hidden toxins. Far Infrared Therapy also helps to improve nervous disorders, digestive disorders, weight loss, and normalize blood pressure.


Heat Treatments Get Rid of Toxins
By Raymond Francis, M.Sc.
Reprinted from "Never Be Sick Again"

Not only do saunas feel good, they are good! Saunas get your heart beating and your blood circulating, helping the body to detoxify in unique and important ways. Toxins do the damage, and saunas help with damage control.

Saunas or other treatments help to accomplish detoxification in the following manner: A layer of fat and oil exists just below the surface of the skin. Heat from the sauna increases skin temperature, causing those fats and oils to "melt" and ooze out of the skin's oil glands. As sweat and oil are secreted, the toxins dissolved in them are secreted as well. By excreting these toxins and then washing them off your body, your toxic load is lowered and cellular health improves.Choose a temperature that can be tolerated for an extended period of time-thirty minutes to an hour or more. The point is not to sweat out a lot of water, but to rid your body of oil-soluble toxins.

Our skin contains sweat glands and oil glands, both of which help us detoxify. Sweat gets rid of water-soluble toxins, and even helps to eliminate toxic heavy metals such as mercury and cadmium. Oil glands help remove oil-soluble toxins that the body would otherwise have a difficult time eliminating. We have created a world filled with oil-soluble toxins such as gasoline, solvents, pesticides and ingredients in toothpaste and personal care products, and the body is not able to dispose of them efficiently.

The longer the skin is heated, the more oil-soluble toxins are eliminated. Be careful not to overheat! The challenge is finding an environment where you can keep your skin temperature up for an extended period of time without overheating or dehydrating. Overheating and perhaps feeling dizzy can happen easily if you stay in a steam room, a hot tub or the top bench of a hot sauna too long. Choose a "low temperature" sauna (110-120 degrees), and use it for an extended period of time-an hour or more is best though you may have to work up to this duration gradually. Remember: Drinking adequate amounts of water before, during and after your sauna is essential in order to prevent dehydration. A good supplement program, containing fat-mobilizing vitamins and essential fatty acids makes the sauna even more effective. Be sure to shower afterwards; prevent those toxins from reabsorbing back into your body by washing with a nontoxic Castile soap.

Taking saunas or other "heat treatments" is not a luxury, but like exercise, is a physical responsibility and an important element of the physical responsibility and an important element of the physical pathway. Incorporating saunas after exercise is even better. Exercise begins to mobilize toxins and saunas continue the process. You may need to make a few sauna visits before you can tolerate extended periods of time, but the benefits of these heat treatments are incredible. These treatments feel good for very good reasons; they provide beneficial physical stimulation-including increased lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation, as well as the removal of toxins-all of which are good for the health and function of your cells.


Its a Toxic World

Today more than 77,000 chemicals are in active production. Our exposure to these chemicals is greater than at any time. More than 3,000 chemicals are added to our food supply. More than 10,000 chemicals in the form of solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives are used in food processing and storage. When ingested these chemicals can remain in the body for years, altering our metabolism, causing enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, creating hormonal imbalances and lowering our threshold of resistance to chronic disease. We are continually subjected to poor air quality, chemically contaminated food and water, household cleansers, paint fumes, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, heavy metals (including mercury) and the list goes on and on. Today, studies show that most of us have between 400 and 800 chemical residues stored in the fat cells of our bodies. These chemicals and heavy metals make up the "total toxic burden". When our bodies exceed the limit that we can excrete, we begin to store these toxins. This bioaccumulation seriously compromises our physiological and psychological health and leads to chronic disease.

Toxicity Symptoms
The following symptoms are often related to toxicity: allergies, acne, anxiety, burning skin, brain fog, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities, depression, eczema, frequent colds or flu, feeling "sick all over", insomnia, loss of dexterity, low body temperature, memory loss, mood swings, muscle and joint pains and poor concentration. If you have three of more of the above symptoms, you should strongly consider Our High Tech Health Far Infrared Sauna.

Detox, Detox, Detox
Far Infrared Saunas are recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most effective method of removing both chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. The combination of "resonant absorption" and low heat makes this the detox method of choice for chronically ill patients as well as those that are well and wish to stay that way by reducing their "toxic burden".

"A sauna used to be thought of as a luxury. But studies now confirm that diet and environmental chemicals cause 95% of cancers. Furthermore, as the first generation of man exposed to such an unprecedented plethora of daily chemicals, we have learned that stored or undetoxified chemicals can mimic any disease. "Incurable" chronic diseases that were thought to have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are gone. Since the far infrared sauna is the safest, most efficacious and economical way of depurating stored toxins, this makes it a household necessity."

Sherry A. Rogers, M.D., Northeast Center for Environmental Medicine
Internationally known expert in environmental medicine
Author of; Detoxify or Die, Tired Or Toxic? ,
Total Wellness, Wellness Against All Odds, Depression Cured at Last, Pain Free, and No More Heartburn

Our methods of eliminating toxins in the body are few. We are limited to expelling via the bowel, urine, perspiration and respiration. When the liver, kidneys and lungs have been damaged by chronic exposure to environmental toxins our ability to rid our bodies of toxins becomes severely limited. Through various methods we can cleanse the liver and kidneys, which will help us address future toxins, but we are still left with the fat-stored (lipophilic) toxins and heavy metals stored in connective tissue and the brain.

Detox: Infrared Sauna vs. Conventional Sauna

In one study performed by American researchers, the sweat of people using a conventional sauna was found to be 95 to 97% water while the sweat of those using an infrared LuxSauna system was 80 to 85% water with the non-water portion principally cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals (such as mercury and aluminum), sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia and uric acid. This unusually high concentration of heavy metals and other fat-soluble toxins is not found in the sweat from normal exercise. Mercury is the most toxic element on earth, second only to plutonium.

Hyperthermic detoxification using these saunas is not only uniquely helpful in removing fat-stored toxins from the body, but also as an adjunct to mercury removal. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., of Seattle, who has been called "the holistic doctors' doctor and teacher," is one of the pioneers in combining the use of far-infrared saunas with the chelating agent DMPS in a heavy metal detox protocol.

Dr. Klinghardt explains, "Since hyperthermic sauna therapy removes metal contaminants from the body, we have found that it may be used to further the benefits derived from chelation therapy. And we have also found that it may be an alternative for those who are unable to undergo chelation. Research conducted by U.S. scientists has demonstrated that close to 80% of individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome will improve markedly by a guided detoxification program. We combine this approach with hyperthermic therapy using the far-infrared sauna, as well as exercise and chelation. The results we are seeing are very promising."

Dr. Klinghardt adds, "If far-infrared saunas work, why wait to use them? People need information about what nutrients and minerals to take, how to stay hydrated, and a reminder to shower after the sauna. It's not going to do much good to spend time detoxifying if you don't wash off those toxins afterwards. And don't overlook the importance of educating yourself and your children about sources of environmental toxins and allergens. Your future health depends on it!"

Did you know . . .
Radiant heat therapy will improve your general skin tone through increased blood circulation and low temperature perspiration. An increase in blood circulation encourages a healthy flow of nutrients to your skin that in turn helps to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis, and burns.

It will also encourage the healing of lesions and minor cuts. Perspiration purges clogged pores of deeply imbedded impurities and dead skin cells, leaving you with glowing, radiant skin.

For more information, you can access online or download extensive research materials at


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