You should save this email...  TW Optin To TWMMS Email

Even though the Traffic Wave Money Maker System offers huge benefits in recruiting, I also use TrafficWave's monthly Ad Co-op which always gets me 4+ sign-ups per share.

So in this email, I am enclosing the "Welcome" email I send to people who join outside of the Traffic Wave Money Maker System.

This includes sign-ups from TrafficWave's Ad Co-op and could include any sign-ups you get directly into your TrafficWave affiliate link ... for example, personal referrals, any marketing you do directly to your affiliate link, etc.

The basic idea is to welcome the new sign-ups, let them know their sponsor is a real person, and to invite them to join the TWMMS opportunity. Remember, the more that participate, the more we can advertise, and the faster our incomes grow. 

So here is my Welcome email; you are welcome to copy it exactly or modify it. If you modify it, please replace my name and email with yours.

By the way, when you directly sponsor someone, you can email them from within your "Affiliate Reporting" screen inside TrafficWave. Just click on their username and an email form will pop up. Unfortunately, it does not allow HTML:

 If you skipped this crucial step for the added emails, splash pages, etc. join here:

SUBJECT:  Welcome To TrafficWave!


Welcome to TrafficWave!

TrafficWave is by far the best auto responder on the web with unlimited email campaigns, unlimited emails per campaign, and unlimited subscribers … all for a fixed low monthly rate.

Most of the other auto responders charge you more as you become more successful and increase subscribers, campaigns, and/or number of emails per campaign.

As you probably already know, TrafficWave also offers a fantastic income plan … paying up to $88,587 per month … just for referring others to join TrafficWave too. But sometimes it’s tough to build your downline and income all by yourself.

That’s why I’ve created a program to help my entire downline build their income. It’s completely optional and free for the first 2 months. If you would like to learn more about it, you can click the link below:

NOTE: If you decide to join us, you only need to complete “Step 2” since you have already joined Trafficwave (Step 1).
If you have not joined The Online Ad Network join here:-)

And we will build you a downline and place you in our rotator once you upgrade in one or both.  Next, we will give you the highest know converting system that pays a Dual *88K USD Residual Monthly Income*... Just start and never look back and you'll have made the best decision of your life. 

You now have pure gold in your hands with your TrafficWave and The Online Ad Network subscriptions, and I truly wish you wealth & prosperity!


To our mutual success,

David M Sherman, PhD
Clinical Christian Counselor

586-336-4165 Monday - Saturday
9 AM - 7 PM EST

P.S. I believe … in a network marketing organization (like TrafficWave’s income plan) … your upline/sponsor’s role is to do everything they can to help you become successful. And after years of participating in network marketing organizations and more than a decade of Internet marketing, I can’t think of any better way to help you than what’s revealed in The 5-Minute Millionaire video here: