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My Two Step Blueprint For Getting Unlimited Cash Guaranteed!

Let me assure you that this book does not contain BS! What you are about to learn will put cash in your pocket any day you want it to and then turn it into $1,000,000 in 3 easy steps.

What you are going to learn is the very methods used by big corporations and billionaire capitalist around the world to make sure they are never short on cash needed to accomplish their financial goals, both personal and business goals. And the real secret is how to do this quickly and honestly.

Look, the super rich are not any smarter than you are, they are not luckier than you are, and they don't deserve to be rich any more than you do. So, what is the difference between the super rich and you? Since we have never met nor ever spoken with one another, I'm not sure that I can answer that question properly as it applies to you. I can however, tell you the difference between the super rich and most people who will read this book.

It is simply this... They want more than most people. Let me illustrate what I mean by saying the super rich want more than most Insider Methods To Raising Cash!

But in order to illustrate it effectively I must explain what the super rich do not want. They do not want...

· A job...

· A savings account

· A financially secured life...

· A pile of money around the house...

· A business...

· A new home...

· A fancy car...

· A college education.

Yes, it is true that the super rich have all these things, or most of them, but they obtained these things after they got the one thing they wanted. If any of them ever did want these things before becoming rich, they had the good sense to realize that their wants were not going to come to them until something else happened. So what did they want before becoming rich?

Two things...

1. Cash
2. Multiplying Cash

That is it, nothing more. This is more than most people want and that is why they do not have it. Most people never have any money left at the end of the month. Everyone uses the excuse that they do not have enough to make ends meet. This may be true. But I will assure you that everyone you also, have junk in their home or garages which they purchased with extra cash they had at one time or other.  All this junk are things they didn't and don't need. This is the difference between the super rich and the average person. The super rich don't buy anything from cash they earn. They buy their junk from profits gained as a result of their extra cash earning more cash.

The super rich understand the law of multiplying. You see humans and animals multiply.  Cash can and does do the same for some people.  Does your cash multiply for you? If your answer is no then this book is your guideline to make that change.  And if you do not, at least, you will understand the difference between you and the super rich. And that difference is not their fault. It is yours. It needs to be said that an education or business, for examples, can bring cash. But neither of these will multiply cash. And neither is used by the super rich to multiply cash. It should also be pointed out that the stock market does not multiply cash either. True, some people get rich through the stock market. But the markets history shows that stock market kings of today will be tomorrow’s paupers.

I don't know if you are in business or not but let me tell you why most people fail in business. And it does not matter if their business is located on Main Street or on the internet. Better yet, let me tell you why you will fail in business unless you have a different approach, unless you use the methods of the super rich.

To succeed in business, to succeed in providing what you and your family want out of life, to succeed in a secure, solid financial future for your children, you must have one burning thought deep in your sub-conscience mind. That thought is CASH! CASH!! CASH!!!

Every time you go to spend your hard earned money, forget that it is money. Think of it as CASH! Cash that that has the potential of producing more cash if you allow it to. If you do not train yourself to think this way you will never be rich. And you have no right to harbor hard feelings toward those who are rich. Those of you who are trying to make money on the internet think of this. Most people trying to make money on the internet are using affiliate programs. If you think affiliate programs are going to make you rich you are dead wrong. Affiliate programs can and should be used to earn cash which can earn more cash and make you one of the super rich.

Most people involved with affiliate programs don't think cash. They only think in terms of making money or earning a living. This kind of thinking will keep you in the poor house.  However, the affiliate program owner thinks CASH. Because he knows it does not matter if you ever purchase his product or service as long as you are trying to make money with his program you are helping to make his product or service a household name, like coca cola, throughout the entire internet community, which is huge. That’s why you can join affiliate programs for free.

These affiliate program owners know that the only people who will join them are people who don't think cash. They also know that if they can get enough people who don't think cash marketing their product or service they will make sales to those who do think cash.

Please don't misunderstand me. I think you should belong to some good affiliate programs. But only for the purpose of raising additional cash and use that cash to produce more cash.

If you need money to live on then do not get involved with affiliate programs. But rather raise cash first which will multiply into more cash. All that is needed is for you to follow the instruction provided in this book. Once you have reached the point that you don't need to make money, by all means, become an affiliate. So how do you raise cash?

The same way the super rich do it. And how is that? They use other people’s money. Before I explain my answer, I need to ask you a question first.

What would you do with $100,000 you could easily raise using the methods of the super rich? Would you do something stupid with it, like buy junk or invest in the stock market, or even more stupid, pay your debts?

I know you don’t like that but bear with me because I’m going to show you how smart it is to use other people’s money to make money.

If you have a mortgage you should already know this because when you financed you used other people’s money to purchase your home. That is why you are making payments that are taking from your financial future monies that could be used to secure your future, it is call interest.

So don’t pay off a mortgage. Use their money. Use the money you would normally give them to make more money for you and your family. Please understand I am not saying don’t make your house payments. What I am say is, it is more profitable to pay the bankers monthly and use the money you are going to raise to make more money.

One question for you and the answer you give will decide if you should read any further. The question is would you place $100 in the hands of a company or individual who would pay your $.25 cents per day for 365 days as interest? Did you say no? Then don’t read any further because you have no concept of the value of earning $.25 per day on $100 cash you can get by using the insider secrets.

Since you have come this far I’ll tell you what $.25 per day for 365 days produces on $100. You would have added $91.25 to the $100 you already had. That is $91.25% increase in one year. If that doesn’t excite you then consider what the super rich get per year. You must admit that 91% annually is a good return but even the rich would agree with you that it is not the best return. So they place their money where it earns $.25 per day compounded.

As a result this is their bottom line earning at the end of one year, $125.94 profit per $100 dollars. Think of that they earn 251% annually on their money. At this point, it is not nearly as important to know how they do it, as it is to know, would you do it?  If your local bank called and said deposit $100 and we will pay your $125.94 each year, which you can spend on the junk you want, and you will still have the $100 on deposit to earn again next year, would you do it?

If your answer is NO then the rest of this book is not for you. Delete it now! But if your answer is yes, then read on, because I’m going to show you how to do it after you follow the instruction provided for raising all the cash you want. Now it is time to answer the question…

How to raise all the cash you want.

It is simple and will only take about 30 minutes of your time to get the ball rolling. However, there is a catch. There always is, right? And that catch is this. If you are not willing to help other people reach their financial goals then it will not work for you. If you are willing to help others reach their financial goals than you will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars over and over again to reach your financial goals.

Here is how you do it.

You help other people become financially independent.  How do you do that?  You spend $199 dollars to the TV Box Net site and have them build you an affiliate website.  All of the instructions are included to do this on your own or you may pay to market the entire system for you.

After they have been built you will receive an email from the TV Box Net stating that each has been built along with their addresses so that you can write them to make sure system was designed the way it was intended to go. You will also receive a copy of this book with your affiliate ID in the correct link positions. Then you simply distribute this book to your mailing list.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a mailing list.  The Abundant Profit Club's Embark Marketing Group will help you learn to distribute this book to raise money for you. I’ll explain this later.

It is important for you to remember that your name as an affiliate will appear on hundred of different websites being distributed across the internet. So what kind of results are we talking about? Let’s say you are help 10 people and then those 10 people are each helped by 10 more people, etc., etc., etc.

What are the end results?

10 x 10 = 100

100 x 10 = 1000

1000 x 10 = 10000

These are realist numbers but not what you need to become one of the rich.

What I’m going to show you next is how to take a small portion of the money you will raise and multiply it into a real solid fortune for yourself and family. You are going to see how the super rich do it and how you can do it. What do the rich do with their cash that makes it multiply into millions year after year?

Now I’m going to explain what the super rich allow experts to do with their money. But I’m not going to explain how the experts do what they do because it would require another book to do that, plus, it would only bore you.

The super rich allow the experts to buy and sell their cash. They sell it when its value is high and they buy it when its value is low. And this is done on a minute by minute time period. By doing this they profit whether their cash is going up or going down in value. They do not care what is happening with its value. They earn between ½ and 3% every single day, 24 hrs a day, 6 days a week. This chart is going to show you what happens with $1,000 earning only ½ % compounded daily for 1 year.

Months Cash Percentage Earnings Total

I know you don’t have $1,000 dollars but stop thinking about what you have or don’t have. It is not important. I have already shown how you are going to get the cash you need to become one of the super rich. And consider this, the above chart is based on ½ % daily earnings, but remember I told you earlier that the rich earn between ½ -3% daily. And so can you. What would that $3,514.37 be at the end of one year, if your average was only 1% per day? Here it is: $12,274.00.

Now the question is, was the junk your wasted $1,000 on last year really with $12,274.00. Now don’t try to weasel, I know and you know you did in fact waste $1,000 or more last year, on things you did not need, and some of those things probably don’t even work today. Keep it up and you will remain in the poor house. The only between being poor and being rich is desire.

What do you want? You want cash? Then use this plan and get it. You want to be one of the super rich? The use the second part of this plan and become rich. If you are not rich this time next year it will be your fault. And reason I say it will be your fault is because you now know the Secret’s Of The Super Rich, so ignorance is not an excuse, and… I’m going to help you get rich. That’s right I’m going to help you get rich, if you will allow me. Remember what I said before? You can only become rich if you are willing to help other people become rich. This financial plan will not work for the greedy. Here is what I’m going to do to help you get rich. The moment you send me an email with your full name and where you are from, with a small message “I want to help other people get rich” that very moment I’m going to make contact with 1,000's of people who are interested in raising cash.

And each of those who respond will be instructed that they are required to join you as an affiliate in TV Box Net to help you get rich. Remember our chart above that illustrates how this works. 1x10=10;10x10=100;100x10=1,000; 1,000 x 10 = 10,000. That is the formula. Now you are thinking but what happens if no one responds. Look here, why did you read this book all the way through? Because you want to get rich, right? You need cash, right?

Do you really think you’re the only person on the planet that needs cash? Do you really think there are not 10 other people out of the 1000's we will help you contact, who do not need cash.

I challenge you… I dare you to prove me wrong, to prove these methods of the super rich do not work. Here is my challenge to you. As stated earlier, you must be willing to contribute $20 to help other’s reach their financial goals… But wait… I challenge you to allow me to help you find 10 people who are willing to support your goal of financial independence. Will you let me do that for you? Before you say yes, there is a catch.

I personally do not believe in the ideas of the welfare state. I do not like a welfare mentality. So if you think I’m going to spend my time working for you without some kind of commitment on your part delete this book now. I want to be paid for my time. That’s right, if you want me to make you rich I want you to take the Two FREE Trials to produce an affiliate website that will propel you toward your financial success.  You will also need to send me $20.00 for a copy of this website with your links embedded in it if you do not upgrade in Traffic Wave.  If you are not willing to do that you don’t deserve to be rich.  Sorry, I didn’t mean to be harsh, but we live in a real world and I have to support my family just like you do. And to prove to you I am real, I’ll return your $20.00 anytime you want it prior to the website I am going to produce for you. I can’t be any fairer than that, right? So let’s get start right now. Go I'm Ready