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$uccess $ecrets
The Principles of Success

What is success? I am not going to try to define success. I think a precise definition is impossible. Is it winning a Gold Medal at the Olympic Games or winning Wimbledon, or being awarded a Nobel prize? What else? I believe personal success could be anything at all--it does not have to involve public recognition. Who is more successful? A millionaire who is unhappy, or an unnoticed person who has led a simple, happy life? The simplest definition of success I think is 'to set out to do something and to succeed in doing it'. It really doesn't matter what, or how humble the undertaking is...

Believe you can succeed and you will. Achieving success in whatever endeavor you choose may be the goal of life, because it gives you freedom from worry. Could that be? Success means different things to every one of us. Some people believe it is measured in financial terms, i.e. having wealth; others believe it is helping others rather than helping themselves. A bit of both perhaps?! Or it could be simply achieving for achievement's sake? Success is such a personal thing. To many people, it is the very root of their being--the reason for existing is to achieve something worthwhile in our lives. To the vast majority of the population it doesn't matter much whether they want to be successful or not; that's OK by me, as long as that is what you really want and you are happy with life.

However, most people want and are motivated to a great extent by public recognition and a relentless pursuit of achievement. How many people too are really happy? How many people are really doing what they want to with their lives? (Incidentally, the ability to imagine, makes us different from animals).

No matter what motivates you personally...whatever you choose to do with your life, don't expect instant success. The years of struggle, commitment and learning in excelling at whatever endeavor or trade you choose, is no easy task. I would wholeheartedly agree with that statement. It takes a lot of courage, character and discipline to achieve success in any field. Nearly all successful people have doubted themselves at some point and wanted to give up. Yet they carried on. So many people give up within an inch or two away from the gold in the seam down the mine--a "whisker" away from success. One thing is for sure: success breeds SUCCESS, as it gathers a momentum of its own and you get on a "winning streak", when everything seems to fit into place.

"Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worthwhile goals."
- Tom Hopkins, American motivator

"Success is to be able to look back when it is all said and done and here Gods voice say well done."
-Lonnie McCowan, Pastor, Author, Entrepreneur

Most of all, I believe success is a matter of personal growth. If every day you are developing or growing just a millimeter (or acquiring a "teeny weenie" bit of knowledge for improving yourself that you didn't have before), I believe one is successful.
Just being a slightly better person each day for me is success. I've got a very long way to go then!

"Success to others may be apparent in what you DO; but significance, meaning and purpose lies, then reveals itself in what you ARE and BECOME down the 'river of life' - how and the spirit with which you face, then overcome the daily obstacles, the frequent trials and tribulations along the often rocky path-way of life's magical and mysterious journey. Light YOUR path brightly."

"Do not follow the well-beaten track of others towards success - like the rainbow, it is often an illusion always just beyond our reach. Make your own path and let your spirit blaze a brilliant trail towards the pot of gold, the prize for the gift - one that is uniquely you and YOUR successful journey down the river of life.

- 17 Extraordinary Human Capacities

People have a tremendous capacity for outstanding achievement. There are also many extraordinary capacities that allow them to become high achievers.

- Success Is A Good Habit

Ever wondered why some people just seem to have it all together, and the rest of us are running around trying to keep it all together? Success is not an accident - success is a good habit. These 7 smart habits can work wonders in your life too.

- 7 things you can do to reach the success you truly desire

Ever have those days where no matter what you try life seems to be a series of one step forward and two steps back? Well today is the very best day to take charge of your life and develop strategies to achieve personal success.
You will need to work hard and make a commitment to your personal success plan, but once you break the inertia you will find that small achievements will help you gain momentum, and each step forward will attract more success.

- How To Take Up To $500,000 Out of Your Corporation -- TAX FREE!

Here's a LEGAL LOOPHOLE that will allow you to take up to a half million dollars out of your small business corporation --- TAX FREE!

- Financial Intelligence - Do You Have It?

The rich and successful stand out from the rest because of their Financial Intelligence education, not their scholastic education. This is something that we are not taught in school but rather something that is acquired. To give you an example:

Is your home an Asset or a Liability? The general consensus is that it is an Asset. But is it? To answer that question we must first understand the difference between Asset and a Liability (financial intelligence).

Simply put: "An Asset puts money into our pockets." "A Liability takes money out of our pockets." Knowing these two basic rules of financial intelligence lets re-visit the question.

- Building From A Budget

A budget, in the context of a business, is basically a financial statement of your business plan. As such, the budget is a projection of the future activity of your business, as opposed to a statement of the current status of your business (i.e., the balance sheet). It looks at where you want your business to be within a given time frame (usually one, three or five years) and what you need to achieve in order to get there, and consists of three fundamental elements: your fixed expenses, your variable expenses, and your required income/profit.