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Congratulations, You Found the Secret To Wealth!

My New Residual Income Plan Is Yours, 100% FREE.

You've just proven that old saying... it's not always what you know, but who you know! That's why the page you're at right now is extremely important.

Before You Close This, It Is VERY IMPORTANT That You Read This As If You Only Had One Chance!

So please read every word very carefully. It really could be that important to your financial future.

How Would You Like To Take Full Advantage Of Your Special Connection And Claim A Complete "Do-It-Yourself Residual Income Building System" (Worth $12,022)... Even If You're Completely Tapped Out.

(You can also activate your own steady flow of income by simply giving away the Special Opportunity we are about to reveal...)

You're obviously serious about taking action, or you wouldn't have come this far.  I'd like to give you an opportunity to take advantage of that special opportunity you have.

I promise to be brief and to the point.

I want to offer you something that change your financial future forever. It's an exclusive package that only friends and subscribers (that's you!) are allowed access to.

I know, you're probably thinking... "just what the world needs, another make money online package." And I don't blame you a bit. After all, there is a mountain of work at home products available online.

What makes this opportunity one that will start your rapid income growth?

Simple. My subscribers keep telling me it's happening to them!

Many of them had invested literally thousands of dollars before they came to me, and they had nothing to show for it -- until they laid their hands on my opportunity.

In fact, not a day goes by that I don't receive yet another message from my members...

And while I'm flattered each time I hear things like that from my customers, I cringe when I think of the thousands of people still throwing big money at their dreams every year. It truly is a shame. Because generating income on the web does not have to cost you big bucks.

Yet around every corner there's another program that some guru is telling you that you must join to succeed.

But how do you know who to trust?

Some programss tell you that you should be doing one thing, and other books tell you just the opposite!  Maybe that's because many of the programs are run by people who have never made a dime online. And most of the programs were designed with one purpose in mind -- to make money for the creator!

You'll be happy to know that I'm not in the business of selling you opportunities. The people I've helped make money online, are all doing it how they want to, in one simple niche building a residual income. That's important.  Everyone is unique, so their financial success will come from helping others succeed.

Don't get me wrong, if you're interested in helping others with Internet Business, I'll let you make money along with me. In fact, I pay out thousands of dollars a month to members who want to help others succeed.

But you should know that my residual income program is first and foremost designed to take what's inside you, and turn it into an abundance, spiritually, personally and of course, financial freedom.

So let's cut to the chase and get to the offer. I respect your time and decision making ability, so I'm doing everything I can to keep this web page from becoming one of those mile-long letters.  OOPS! Too Late!

Here's The Offer You Can Grab Right Now, And Start Using Today...

I've just finished putting together a Do-It-Yourself Residual Income Building System, designed specifically for people who are serious about using the Internet to create a new lifestyle.


The Abundant Profit Network is NOT the typical hyped-up Opportunity.
(You know, the offers with so much stuff you could never possibly use it all.)

I'm also not clearing out inventory that is not selling.  I don't sell products, lotions or potions.  More importantly, my members FREELY use these tools day in and day out, and I use them day in and day out. Simply put, this stuff has already changed lives and will change many more.

This is a chance for you to grab a web business income building package.  In fact, you can now get your hands on every single marketing product for myself and for my clients -- plus a few new products every month -- the products I use to generate income online. (I own the products and bought the rights to the top products I use, just so I could add them to this opportunity!)

I've gone to great lengths to make sure that every piece of the puzzle is in this opportunity.

Here's a simple breakdown of the opportunity...

This is a legitimate chance to earn a significant amount of money while giving away a much needed income generating service.

This will be my biggest opportunity ever, with a residual income that never expires, and I've mailed some sizable checks in the past.

OK, let's wrap this up. Now that you know what this opportunity contains, you're probably wondering how much it costs...

My biggest dilemma came when I tried to figure out a fair price for this new mega-kit. If you could go out and Buy everything included in this kit you'd pay more than $1,000. That's a lot of dough, but it would be worth every cent.

But as I mentioned earlier, you should not have to spend money like that to profit from the web. And I truly want this to be an irresistible offer so the people who desperately need this help can get it at a fair price.

That's why I decided I'd give my subscribers and their friends a single chance (at this page you're at right now) to get this entire Do-It-Yourself Kit for...

Why Am I Pricing This Internet Wealth Building Kit For Pennies On The Dollar?

After all, my individual websites already sell more than $1,000 worth of these products every single day. So why in the world would I package all the products together and sell the entire lot at 90% off the real value?

That's a perfectly legitimate question, and there's a simple answer...

In addition to getting this valuable help to more people who desperately need it, I was looking for a way to let my subscribers and customers earn more money online. Promoting affiliate programs can be difficult. Every merchant wants you to sell their product. Buy this, Buy that. Recommend this, recommend that. You know, there's a never ending stream of new products to sell.

Wouldn't it be refreshing to simply give something away instead?

With this program, all my subscribers and customers have to do is give away an eye-opening special report. Every time they do that and the person acts on this irresistible one-time offer, another commission is generated.

Of course I don't expect you to Buy my kit because you want to generate a commission for someone. I also don't expect you to Buy it just so you can give away the report and start earning commissions yourself.

Instead, I hope you'd get it for the very same reasons so many others are... because you'll own more than one thousand dollars worth of the best web business building information and tools at a price that's just too good to pass up. All the secrets and strategies I've used to grow my business, and my clients' businesses into "lazy bum empires."

And for the biggest reason of them all... this kit can truly change your life forever.

That is really what your decision is all about -- taking action to change your life forever.

If you're tired of struggling day to day to make ends meet, I urge you to act on this right now. This is an opportunity to get everything you need to grow your own web profit stream. An opportunity that simply does not come along often enough.

But I just can't keep giving away the farm like this, so this offer may vanish once you close this web page.

If you do pass on this offer, I strongly urge you to act if you ever find another opportunity like this again -- a chance to start living life on your terms, and a simple way to generate income along with a proven web business, while helping others succeed.

OK, I'm done. All that's left for you to do is decide. Will you take action? I'm standing by, ready to help you...


David Sherman

12200 Mentz Drive         Romeo, MI  48065         Phone: (586) 336-4165

Toll Free: (800) 498-99