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Welcome to the World of Relationship Marketing!

This Split-Second No Support 101 tutorial information will allow you to take full advantage of the most Popular No Support Mechanism available in today’s Market Place. Don't be surprised if you become the top Recruiter in your Company.

Sooner or later, usually sooner, we all run out of Qualified Prospects and that is where most people begin to give up.

Network marketing is a contact sport. Unless you have a plan that works for adding new recruits to your financial Army on a daily basis then your going to take forever to reach your financial Goals. This is a High Speed, Right Now, not even tomorrow, (Now) distribution of simple information and the kind of information people make decisions about to change their lives. 

Having your own Personal-Presentation-page is Image Financial Gold Clubing point to begin the informational Process with any prospect. Your Personal Presentation Page allows you to take your Prospects financial temperature in 3 to 4 minutes, those interested will qualify themselves by submitting the interview  This interview is instantly delivered to your personal e-mail address for future follow-up. Once we begin to spend our valuable No Support time working with qualify prospects, it's just a matter of time until we create the Success that has alluded so many for so long.

So, how do you drive traffic to your Personal Presentation Page??

Excellent Question!!

For starters, how about putting your Personal Presentation Page web-address in the following formats.

Put your Presentation Page on Electronic Business Card Disks. CD business cards and floppy Diskettes.

Having friends pass out a few CD's to their best people

Signature files on every e-mail that leaves your Computer

Perfect Starting point for any Internet Lead

Traditional business cards

Opt-in e-mail lists

Word of Mouth

Direct Mail

Warm Market


Our Objective is to Get our Prospects attention within 3 to 4 minutes and then have them Self Qualify themselves by completing the interview.

One liner Classified ads are a Brilliant. How about something like:

“Corporate Mom, earn more than Corporate Dad from home”

The Possibilities are virtually endless combining Classified Advertising with the power of the Internet.

Classified Advertising is one of the most profitable Mediums for locating Serious Prospects for your Financial Army. Please click on the free resource Link on the nitro-promotions home page. There you will find a link to one of the largest and most cost-efficient advertising companies on the Internet. Also review the one-liner Classified Ad samples in the free resource area.

Literally thousands of one-liners can be created and tested. Each of the differently worded one-liner ads will emotionally stimulate a different sector of the reading audience. The three most important keys to success using one-liners is to, test, test, test. Once you discover a few winning ads, it’s like hitting the lead-generation jackpot.

Another option would be to continue Buying those same old worn-out leads that everyone and their brother have been working with and continue to waste more time and money. With having your own Personal Presentation Page you can create an unlimited amount of Highly Qualified Prospects that you, and only you, are working with.

I hope this introduction has sparked your interest to read on. When you fully understand the principles shared and then take action: your Life, your Friends and your Net-Worth will never be the same.


Split-Second No Support 101 

Split-Second No Support is all about building an Army, a Financial Army, consisting of men and women into whose lives you have built and through whose efforts you can move from a Dependent income, to a source of Income where you're completely Independent. Where all your income, and there can be plenty of it, comes from the efforts of others; The efforts of your Financial Army.  

By learning the secrets of Split-Second No Support, you will become one of the most successful recruiters in your entire company. If you're like most of us, The Clock is Ticking. If we're going to get this Financial Army built, then it's time we get to work. 

Large amounts of People, in small amounts of time.

We have to turn the table on our current strategy, which is small numbers of people, in large amounts of time. 

The more you learn about the simplicity of Split-Second No Support, the more you'll sense, it's just a matter of time before you will start to enjoy all it's benefits. 


Contacting large numbers of people, with the right information, in a way that's acceptable to them, in the right sequence, in a small amount of time, we then simply teach our new recruits how to duplicated this simple Rejection-free process.

Split-Second No Support is just a matter of giving lots of people a chance to snack on things to stir up their appetites enough to fill out the Interview. Large numbers of the right kind of people, the right kind of Information, in the right sequence, in a small amount of time

Most down-lines are languishing because people don't know how to Parlay all the opportunities they get into No Support Opportunities. When you understand the speed and effectiveness of Split-Second No Support, then you'll know what it means to have more prospects then you can follow up on.

When you teach your Financial Platoon how to do the same thing, then your going to look up one day and find yourself.

"Financially fit for life".

What we need now, is to learn exactly what to do and exactly how to do it.

Ordinary people do the best with our easy to duplicate program because it doesn't require any lengthy speeches. That's why most sales types tend to have a more difficult time at first because they think the more they talk the better they'll do. Sales types are sometimes overly enthusiastic and can easily turn off a non sales type prospect without realizing why. They just have to unlearn a few things and realize that speed and doing things in the right sequence means more to their success then dispensing large amounts of the right information at the wrong time.

The enthusiastic part is fine but we need to make our message more Palatable to our prospects. Now, if you have been doing network marketing for a while it's highly possible that you have already received more than your share of refusals. All those turndowns you've gotten just makes it easier to understand how nice it's going to be to get involved with Split-Second No Support. It will become quite obvious to you how to take the enthusiasm and the good things you're already doing and just rearrange them a little bit to get a lot more mileage out of your No Support efforts.

"For example" 

If you rush up to a prospect and start attacking with heavy artillery all about network marketing, then your going to continue to get the stiff-arm just like you've been getting all along. You cannot propose marriage right off the bat to someone that you do not know. You can sometimes positively influence your prospect right away, but to last and to endure we have to influence people in such a way that they will do more than just sign up. We're seeking life-changing decisions that will last long term. 

So again, we have to go about it in the proper sequence 

Sometimes people in Network Marketing think just because they're excited about their Business they can charge Hell with a squirt Gun and when they get knocked off in the ditch by their prospects, they wake up with a confused look on their face and wonder how come this network marketing thing is not working out like the guy drew it out on the napkin. 

Here's the deal  

Your prospects make decisions, the kind of decisions you want them to make at the emotional level; down there where their dreams are, where the imagination is and where being tired of being disappointed is located. 

Like most people, prospects have a hard time changing what their doing in their lives. Unless you shake them up a little bit, you're trying to open up a door that has been slammed shut in the face of people like you for years. It's frozen shut because a lot of people, out of inadequate understanding, look at network marketing with about the same kind of enthusiasm as they have for British Beef. There's a lot of money to be made here, but a lot of people don't understand or see how they themselves can make it.

The ability to take a peep into your Business Offering through your Personal-Presentations disks is a slice of Life. In other words, if you start by talking to your prospects right off the Bat about network marketing or even about your Company as good as it may be, or about how many levels your pay-Plan goes down, then your giving them good information, True, but, your doing it in a way that's out of sequence and most times unacceptable to your prospect. 

You are trying to feed a newborn baby corn on the cob with the husks still on it and they're going to spit it up and maybe spit it up all over you. For those of you who haven't met up with it quite yet, this is called getting the network marketing Stiff Arm. The Personal-Presentation approach has been specifically designed to eliminate these Stiff-Arms. Within 3 to 4 minutes you qualify these people, if they do not get excited about your companies 3 to 4 minute presentation then Great, that was a person we never wanted to spend your valuable No Support time with anyway.

Large numbers of people are important because of the number one rule of No Support, and that is "It is easier to give birth, than it is to raise the Dead". How many times have you constantly badgered one of your friends to start working the program you thought they would be so good at. If only you could get them to see how easy it would be for them to earn the kind of money your earning or get them to a meeting or seminar or more training then they might start doing something, and they might. But there's only one problem, and that is they don't want to. You obviously want them to, but that doesn't count. Stimulus comes from the outside, but all motivation comes from the inside. You want success for your friend more then they want success for themselves. 

Instead of shaking your metal detector around trying to get it to register on your friend, leave your friend alone, get your metal detector back on the Beach where all the Rolex watches are buried. If your metal detector works, then all you need to do is get out of your comfort zone just a little bit and start talking to people other then your friends. Cover as many of the other sections of the beach as you can and then watch for your needle to jump. 

"It's easier to give birth than it is to raise the Dead". Large numbers of People, in other words you have a tremendous pool of people to draw from; all the people you know, people you hear about, that's (referrals) people you see around, people you meet, just everybody you come into contact with. You might surprise yourself with the power of a smile and a friendly, "Hello".

You need to make a decision as early on in your network marketing career as possible whether your going to run a successful sales organization or a Rehab Clinic for get rich quick Slackers. These slackers need what you have but are too eaten up by Monday night football and all the other extracurricular activities to do anything about it. Your opportunity is for people like you who are willing to do whatever it takes to secure the opportunity that comes to so few people in a lifetime.

My JOB is to be a Carrier Pigeon and so is yours, because that's where the money is. 

Our JOB is to share the concept of Hope and Opportunity to as many people as we can, but it is not our Job to feed these people Intravenously against their will. Remember there are thousands of people sitting down at the dinner table every night Begging to be told about what you have. Those are the people that your missing when you try to force feed somebody that you have clear indication does not have a pulse. 

Again, "It is easier to give birth, than it is to raise the Dead." 

Does this mean abandoning your friends, your neighbors, Relatives and Co-workers that tell you "No"? (N0) It just means that if you camp out on their doorsteps waiting for them to change, your burning daylight. I don't know about you, but I cannot afford to do that, So tell them, "Look, I love you, I'm going to check back with you later, but right now, I got to go!" I know it's more comfortable talking with people that you know, like your friends, but really it gets expensive to wait for people to change. 

Just yesterday, a man was setting across from me at a coffee shop, reading a newspaper. You can never tell, of course, but he struck me as a person that seemed to understand Success. Therefore, he seemed to be a good Candidate for my Presentation Disk.. After he got up to leave I followed and held the door for him. I said, "Sir, excuse me, I was sitting by you a moment ago. I don't know what you do but you seem like a person who has something to do with Money". The gentleman then said, "I'm a stock Broker." I said, "Really? I'll bet you would enjoy reviewing my Electronic Business Card"

If they answer yes, simply pass your disk along and thank them for their time. If they ask what the s all about, then you can say, "This is all about a plan for you to get paid more money than you can spend. I have a company, by-the-way, that's just waiting for you to break the financial Speed limit so they can pay you to the highest level of freedom you can Imagine."

By the way, are you talking to people this way?? And do you use language like this?? Do you take advantage of every opportunity with people that you know, meet, see around or everyone that you come in contact with on a daily basis?? If you are not passing along your Presentation Disks to these people then you are walking by Incredible numbers of People that are just begging for someone to help them get out of their financial Rut. 

At that precise moment, some people may not think that they are looking for anything, but you never know what might happen if you'd only ASK. If we do not have a daily plan to influence these people, where do we think our Financial Army is going to come from?? This Split-Second No Support plan is for everybody. 

You never know who your prospects might be or what they're thinking, or who they know. When you do things this way in Split-Second No Support, your training your prospect that they do not have to give lengthy speeches to be successful. Just Aim and Fire. Nobody has to go to network marketing school. You just have to Act and let the chips fall where they may. You never know what will happen if you just Ask. 

I heard a great, true story about a man that was traveling across North Dakota in a pickup truck. He pulled into a hardware store one day, needing a piece of rope to tie down a tarpaulin. The store owner gave him the rope and then ask him: "Would you like to take advantage of a special I'm running on Bridles today?" Well, the man said he didn't need a bridle, because he didn't own a horse. The hardware man said "your in luck Sir, because, I just took in a horse in trade from a couple that couldn't pay their bill, I have him tied up right in back. Why don't you come take a look at him?" The man said he would, because he liked horses, but he told the store owner he didn't have a place to keep a horse. "Well," he said, "Sir, your in luck again. I have a little place right over there, by that lake. Why don't we go over there and have lunch so that you can take a look at it?" The man took him up on his offer and here's what happened. He bought the property, he bought the horse, he bought the bridle and he even went on to marry the man's Niece, they had 4 children, 9 grandchildren and he still lives there with his family to this day. This was a man who just stopped by one day to Buy a piece of rope. You can never tell what's going to happen just by asking. 

Sir or Miss, Excuse Me, You strike me as someone who would probably enjoy this looking at my new-electronic business-card. Most people who are successful in Network Marketing don't have a lot of sales talent, its just willingness to Act. 

When I know the chances are very high that people will look at my Presentation Disks, it becomes a lot easier to dispense them. Now its time to see who wants to complete the interview and take the next step. Since our Presentation Disks are designed to do the talking for us, we do not have to be a smooth talker to succeed. 

When you teach your Financial Platoon how to Master Split-Second No Support, then your going to look up one day and see an Army.  You will find yourself with not only financial freedom but plenty of time to enjoy it as well.

Since Split-Second No Support doesn't take much time out of our day, you can give a supply of your Presentation Disks to other people that you know. Tell them the kind of people you're looking for and then show them how to join what you call a Quarter Back Club.  They can then make a hand-off to people they think might want to review your Presentation Disk.

This is how it works: 

"John, your busy, you told me that you don't have time to get involved with my Business right now but you are interested in the Benefits, so here's the plan. Join the Quarter back club and do what doesn't take much time and that's Split-Second No Support.  As a quarterback here's what you do, you stay in the backfield and make the hand-off, keep your uniform clean and when some one has a question, I will handle the follow up." You know what people like John will tell you? They will say, "Now I can do that." 

We don't care about the time people don't have, what about the time they do have? Split-Second No Support creates the best advantage for them, because prior to any commitment on your friends part, all they have to do is be a Carrier Pigeon and deliver the important message to others, just as you would. Then you call your friend once a week to see if they made any hand-offs. That way, you stay in touch with these people and give them a chance to be productive.  Once you begin to get responses from their efforts, give them a chance to partner up with you in your business and allow these new recruits they have generated to become the first recruits in their financial army. You will be surprised how much time gets found when people start receiving a paycheck. 

See what happens when they begin to see people respond as a result of these hand-offs. They will see that Split-Second No Support is going to make them Free, because it's so Easy and so fast to train people. A lot of people that wouldn't usually get involved are going to be joining your Army because the light goes on in their head. They see that anybody can do this, not just slick-talking people like they thought. It's not that people aren't willing to work; it's just that people have not yet been given a simple, non-evasive approach to building their Army. Once you initiate Split-Second No Support in their lives, it won't be long before you have a No Support Revolution on your hands. 

On the follow-up call, once someone has filled out the Interview or you see them face-to-face, keep in mind that people are busy.  Unless you hit them with a emotional Sledgehammer, they might not be paying attention. You have to open up Big. You have to create a vision with your prospect by talking about your prospect. At this point, DO NOT begin to explain your business, this is the most Crucial Point. This is where you should have a friendly visit with the interested party. Make a friend, find out what their Interests are, how much Money their interested in earning from home, what business experiences do they have in Network marketing or in any other area of business.

This is the way to determine which step in your Informational Process this person needs to be exposed to next. Maybe a conference call, perhaps a 3-way call with your up-line. Maybe send them directly to your company web-site.

Do Not attempt to tell this person all about your Company, Products, Marketing Plan or Company Founders on this first follow-up call. The second you do, you are selling your deal. We are not sales people, we are Split-Second Recruiters that know how to professionally sort through large numbers of people in a small amount of time. If they have specific questions about your business, then of course politely answer them, but get right back to directing them to the next step in your informational process. Don't forget to set the next follow-up contact at that time. 

It is actually to your advantage to have talked with your Prospect more than once. Each time you visit with them, you are getting more acquainted and it is absolutely true that people want to Partner up in Business with people they like and Trust.  

You're a storyteller, not a poll-taker. When you come back to your prospect, you want to understand what your prospect's goals and desires are. What we say to any given prospect varies, of course, based on how we meet and what we have previously talked about and so on. However, here's an idea of what to say to those close around you.

I have been wanting to share with you something I am personally involved with, you strike me as a person that understands Success. I've seen you around the building quite often and I can picture you benefiting from something so big that most people just dream about itI have my Treasure Map to a lot of money here, and I would like for you to take it home and have a look at it. I believe you will recognize its potential right away. It might be for you, it might be for somebody you know, but I think you'll enjoy reviewing it.

I have found it Profitable to always be building a Vision in the eyes of your prospect. A vision that's Bigger than their excuses to not get involved. People who get into network marketing have lots of Dreams, and they like to be around people that keep their dreams fresh and that might as well be you. 

If someone asks you, "Is this network marketing?", what they usually mean is, "Is this just another one of those Deals, like I've heard before?" Assuredly, this is not one of those Deals. Here's what you do: just say, "This is about High-Powered, Split-Second No Support my friend. It's about making more money than you can spend. It's about a company that wants to make a Financial Hero out of you and pay you to the Highest level of Freedom that you can imagine. It pays like network marketing, but this is all about Predictability, Money, Financial Armies, Special Vacations and Speed. If this sounds like what you want then you are talking to the right person. Will you take a look??

People don't hear about stuff like this at work! Even if they have heard about network marketing before, So what? They haven't heard it from you. And if they haven't heard about this high-speed, Split-Second Relationship Marketing System, then they are in for a Peasant Surprise. 

That's it People. Stir up their imaginations every where you go. Most people walk around in a Stupor. Their boss is trying to put a Damper on any enthusiasm they might have and they work for a company where you have to wait until somebody dies or has to retire for they move up. If and when they do move up, what are they moving up to?? Others like to be around people like you that think positively and offer life preservers to these people with the chance to get their Dreams back. This is a great business we are in.

Just imagine being able to attack your dreams everyday instead of a mountain of paperwork back at the office.

A lot of people in Network marketing might think that the people who do best are the smoothest talkers. That's nonsense! The people who really do the best, are those who expose the most people to the Money Fever disease they're carrying. Your prospects' hot-buttons are Emotional, not Factual. That's why their eyes glaze over when you start talking about statistics, facts, percentages, and all this other stuff that put people to sleep. These are people that have hearts, families and promises they've made but can't keep and some even have weddings they can't pay for. Right now, a lot of people couldn't even treat 100 people to a Whopper at Burger-King.

Don't get bogged down in details about the marketing plan. Just say things like this. "Chris, you don't need to pay too much attention right now to all these figures. Look at it like this, you can look at all this later when you have a need to know. Basically what this all means, is that a lot of other people are going help us get our credit cards paid off and go on special vacations. 

Now, here's the trick

It's not how good you can tell your story, it's how many of the right kind of people you can get to look at your personal-presentation Page and submit the interview. They'll start figuring out the details when you get their attention. Prime the pump! Not with what interests you, but with what interests your prospect. First of all, you have to approach them in a way that let's you get them in the cross-hairs, without spooking them into some kind of shock about network marketing. That's why you let your 3 to 4 minute on-line presentation grab their attention. When you stir up people's imagination instead of talking about a bunch of facts; you've got their attention. 

Your prospect is thinking, "Why would I want this network marketing thing anyway? Oh, yeah! So I can escape the Dungeon I'm currently in. (Check) So I can go on special vacations. (Check) So I can get home before the kids go to sleep. (Check) So I can put money aside every month and watch it grow for Retirement. (Check, Check, Check)  

When you talk to these people on an emotional level and show them how to solve their problems, you've got a new recruit in your Financial Army with a long-term commitment to what you're doing. If you speak the language of your prospect, then you'll be speaking to a member of your Army. If you talk about the inner workings of your deal too soon, then you'll be talking to yourself.

We are Carrier Pigeons with important information to deliver;  I'm going to do my best to prompt my prospect to review my Presentation Disk and submit the interview. I quickly find out who is motivated to join my Financial Army. Yes or no? (That's their Business.) My business is to deliver the information and get the best recruits. 

Exercise the 5 B's of Split-Second No Support,

(Be Brief, Baby, Be Brief.) 

I'm full of conviction, I only have time to talk to people that want to talk to me. How about you? Are you trying to manufacture interest from your prospect? Or are you just spending your time recognizing what's there? Split-Second No Support is going to free you to be productive, predictable, and profitable. Unless things are different where you live, there are no spare prospects, we have to use a system that lets us determine if every person we meet, see, know or hear about has genuine interest in our business offering.  

Your ability to share your Personal-Presentation-Disk with everyone you meet allows you to take that initiative and get the ball rolling. You create a Split-Second springboard for future talk where your prospect has made time for you to find out what is important to them. Were not trying to bag rabbits on some kind of a Saturday morning hunt, we have a life changing message and an opportunity of unbelievable significance. We need to talk to as many people as possible to have a good chance to invest our time wisely. Split-Second No Support let's us do that, it allows us to do some sifting so we can find out who is interested in what we have to offer.

"Bill, tell me something. Do you like money?" "Well, of course I do, it's my favorite subject." "That's great, I just happen to have one of my new Electronic Business Cards, will you take a look at it???

People, this is it. (It's just this simple) 

No lengthy speeches, no turndowns and no stiff arms. In a Split-Second you're already there, no extra time out of your day and no sweat. It just requires the willingness to expose people to your opportunity. The Magic is in the message you deliver not in your ability to be a slick messenger. 

Now here's another example of how this Split-Second No Support system really works. Day in and day out, prospect after prospect, here's how, for example, to turn all of what looks like just ordinary places of business into No Support gold-mines that you can dominate with no exceptions. Walk in blindfolded and backwards and you walk out 5 minutes later having identified and positively influenced the best potential recruits in the whole place and you do it every time by getting referrals from people you don't even know. This is one of many techniques in Split-Second No Support that not only makes it profitable but also makes it more of a game than work. 

I walked into a Large Store not too long ago looking for something. My number one goal, however, was the same as yours whenever you go somewhere. The potential of new recruits in your Army are swimming all around you, begging to be impacted. I want to talk as always to the best potential recruits in the whole place, isn't that what you want? (Of course it is) Just imagine actually being able to do that and do it predictably. Malls, by the way are pretty good places to visit when you need more people in your Financial Army. The only problem is some are too young to know anything about the fact that their JOB is choking the life out of them or they haven't had enough disappointments yet to realize how good what your offering really is. 

Once I'm in the store I begin to look around. I see several individuals there, getting paid just enough so they won't quit and working just hard enough so they don't get fired. Doing the best I can through my ordinary power of observation, I size up the work force in this store and ask myself a question. Who strikes me here as the most likely looking prospect to be a good recruit in my Army. Not the prettiest person or the one that dresses up the nicest but the one who appears to have the qualities that I'm looking for. (You know) Dependable, industrious, ambitious, spring in their step, competitive, friendly smile. It doesn't really matter, you just pick out a starting place with this person. 

This particular procedure is very exciting, because it works flawlessly. It takes so little time and it's so effective in establishing an unfair advantage with your prospect. Your objective is so clearly defined, that going in makes prospecting and No Support such a pleasure instead of something to be afraid of. (Again) Confidence breeds confidence, when you know what to do, why you're doing it and you know exactly how to do it and where it's leading you, then your confidence level is so sky-high that the more consistently you start taking advantage of Split-Second No Support, the more you continue doing it without even thinking about it. This method turns stiff arms into open arms and people start saying things like, "How are you?" Instead of "Who are you?" They say, "Come in and sit down." Instead of, "Hit the road, I'm busy."  

In the store I spotted a very capable looking women named Lynne. "Lynne, excuse me, could I ask you a question?" "Of course, what can I do for you?" "Lynne, I'm here to Buy something, but there's something else I need. You work here?" "I do." "You probably know everybody else that works here..." "I know most of them." "That's great, Lynne, tell me something. Who, of all the people that work here, do you think would be most likely to be successful in their own business? You know, likes people, wants to get ahead. Who strikes you that way?" Lynne thought for a moment, as the mental rolodex of all the employees fanned through her mind, filtering out for me the best one, and then she said, "Well, that would be Erick over in the ski Section." "Really, Lynne, I'm curious about something. What was it about Erick that made you choose him?" 

"Very simply", she said, "he is a hard worker and I know he needs extra income because he just had a baby." "Lynne, I appreciate your help. You know, when I came in here, I asked myself out of all these employees who would probably know things like this, who would know how to assess people? You struck me that way. Actually, I have two of these Electronic-business-cards, one for Erick and I think you should have this one. I'd like to give it to you because there's a special reward in it for people like you who are observant about other people and unless I missed my guess, you probably also like Money. Lynne said I sure do, I asked Lynne to check it out. "I will.", She said. "Thank you very much."

People, this is No Support magic. When you do things like this just by being willing to do it, you are going to run circles around the other people in your company. Often times, when you meet a capable person like Lynne, she will present herself as that most likely to succeed kind of person your looking for. Naturally, that's the way you felt when you saw her in the first place. You can say, "Lynne, I thought you might say that, because when I first came in here, that's what I said to myself. I told myself, I can't talk to everybody, so I asked this question: Who's got the best chance for success? From what I could tell, it was you, and I don't think I'm wrong."

People, this is Popular when you can be talking to your prospect like this, instead of trying to chase them down and give them a dumpster load of information before they're ready.  Lynne wasn't looking for me that day, but I was looking for her, because I'm always looking for people like Lynne and so should you. With Split-Second No Support, you can act on all those people instead of watching them disappear right in front of your eyes just because you didn't know how to approach them in a way that was acceptable.

When you're a Split-Second Recruiter, you don't wait for anybody; your as proactive as you want to be. As you play back and transcribe and customize all the No Support conversations in this training for your own personal use, you're going to see that each one of them contains a way of approach that is acceptable to your prospect. When the approach is customized based either on what you have observed, or more importantly, what someone else has told you, it's absolutely brilliant. 

It starts with what you see with your eyes or hear with your ears about your prospect and then you reduce that to just a couple of simple things to say, things that are true, things that are positive, then just open your mouth and say it as you hand your prospect one of your Presentation Disks. 

That my friend is Split-Second No Support

Like this for example:

I love to identify positive characteristics about Individuals that assist me in whatever I am doing: shopping, at the bank, visiting friends, or wherever I might be, it makes no difference. For Example, if Don, the person that is assisting me appears to have a good personality or leadership qualities or whatever type of qualities that are easily spotted, I would say to Don, "I really appreciate your help. I could not help but notice that you have great people skills." (Or leadership qualities or whatever skill the person might have) "I wanted you to be aware that a lot of people in the company I work for, from home, are making incredible amounts of money with half your talent." I then wait for their response. If they say, "Really? How so? I would say, "I see your busy here at work, take this disk and look it over when you get home. If you find the information of interest just simply fill out and submit the interview, I'll be in touch.

I was in my home office, not long ago, when the Fed-Ex man walked in. Actually, he ran in, those people are always in a hurry. I said, "Ron, I watch you everyday. You get in and get out in a hurry, you're always busy. You ought to get a medal for the 100 yard dash, you're always on the run. I also sense that somebody as energetic and as good with people as you are, would probably enjoy getting paid what you're really worth. I think you're a champion. I think you're waiting, however, for the chance to prove it, to get paid what your really worth, Ron gave me a big smile, said that money was definitely something that he needed because he had a baby with another one on the way and that was why he was running. 

What you call a person like this, is a prospect. A real live prospect. What you do is make a hot link in your mind with your prospect. Something positive you have observed about your prospect, like noticing they're a hard worker, being good with people or having leadership abilities or qualities. Always talk in terms of the other person's interests and you can make a new friend. People always remember nice things that you say about them, because it doesn't happen that often. 

Some years ago, a teacher passed out a piece of paper to each member of her 6th grade class, she had the students write down the names of all the other students in the class, leaving enough blank space to think of and then write down something they liked about each of their fellow students. The teacher then collected all these papers. She consolidated these comments onto a separate page for each Student containing all the comments that their classmates had written down about them and then she passed these sheets back to each one of her students. Some 10 years later this same teacher was attending the Funeral of a young Marine from that class who died in Viet Nam. The parents of this young man approached the teacher later and handed her a crumpled piece of paper that had been retrieved from the personal effects of this young soldier. "This was in Bill's wallet.", The father said, "He always carried it with him." It was that 6th grade list. As other classmates from that same class learned about Bill's paper, a couple more individuals said they had retained their page from so many years ago. One of them said, I keep mine in my top drawer, another one said, I have mine in my wedding album. 

People always remember when you say nice things about them. Establishing this type of link between what you observe and hear about your prospect and then what you say when you dispense your Presentation Disks provide the Split-Second type of personalization between you and your prospect. This not only prevents a stiff arm, but results in a relationship where even if your prospect may not be in a position to take you up on your offer, they're going to be a lot more likely to introduce you to their circle of friends. 

It is no secret "The Power of Praise" has long been forgotten in every aspect of Life. If your willing to look for and then Praise others on their good points, I can assure you that you will have their complete attention. After all, These are the types of people we want to Join our Financial Army.

Having duly praised Lynne at the sporting goods store who was my first contact, I had already accomplished my first objective which was to make a new friend, get the ball rolling for further discussion, I didn't spook her. I just peaked her curiosity a little bit and I created a nice spring board for future talk. What Lynne decides to do or not do with the Presentation disk I shared is her business, my business, as always, is to deliver the important Messages and let the chips fall where they may. I don't have time to be a vocational therapist for people that are not ready to get up off the sofa and say, "YES!".

A lot of people are ready to think a lot and talk a lot about doing something but they're not ready to do anything. I don't say that arrogantly: it's just a fact. Maybe they will be ready in 6 months or maybe they're never going to be ready. (Who Knows) maybe they will introduce you to someone else who is ready now. With Split-Second No Support, everybody stays friends.  If someone's not ready then that's not a crime unless you start forcing the issue with them. Usually people try to push the issue because they don't have anybody else to talk to. 

With Split-Second No Support, your never going to have that problem because there is no one that you see, meet, hear about or know to whom you will not get the chance to dispense one of your Presentation Disks in a nice and friendly manner. You can then look forward to the Interview showing up in your e-mail. This is someone you had a good experience with and is now ready to move to the next step. 

All right, so we made our way over to the Ski department to see what Erick was all about. I talk to a lot of people like Lynne and Erick and Mary and Harry. Things always seem to happen pretty much the same way. 

This is the casting part of a Fishing Business you might say  

The basic truth of network marketing business building is that 90 percent of the whole deal is in the casting. (Yes or no) You know somebody that wants to be successful. (Yes or no) Do you like Money (yes or no) If I give you one of my Electronic business cards, will you look at it (yes or no) Would you like to hear my story (yes or no) (yes or no) (yes or no.)  Little by little, Prospect by Prospect, it's basically the same thing (yes or no.) The reasons vary but really that's it. (Isn't it?) (Yes or no).

Just Sow your message of Hope and encouragement as widely as you can. Always remember the Power of Praise and
let the chips fall where they may.

"You must be Erick.", I said. He said, "I am. What can I do for you?" "Erick, I was visiting a moment ago with Lynne over in the bicycle department." "I know Lynne." "We were just talking about you and we were also talking briefly about the subject of success. The name 'Erick' came up predominately in the conversation. "Really? How so?".  

By the way, don't you like it like this? When your prospect starts asking YOU questions? "I asked Lynne to pick out the person, out of all the employees, she felt would be most likely to succeed in their own business. Lynne looked at me and said one word: Erick."  

"So, here I am to give you a gift. Lynne said that there were two things that stuck out about you: Number one, you're a hard worker; number two, you're ambitious. Because of that, I want to share with you one of my Electronic Business cards for your review and I would relish your opinion. Erick responded, "I will defiantly review it."

I left Erick pumped, primed, beans soaking over night, WD-40 applied, and ground tilled up a little bit. (Question??) At this point with Erick, am I at a No Support Advantage?

I just got a referral from Lynne that identified Erick as the hardest working and most ambitious person in the place. How much better is this going to get?? In other words, people, if this is not (IT), in terms of how to meet people, then what does (IT) look like?? If you want an inexhaustible supply of Prime Prospects, then this is (it). It's just not possible to be at any greater No Support advantage with anybody. Erick's imagination is about to get stirred up, his curiosity is on fire, he likes me, he loves Lynne for saying all those nice things about him and when he goes home tonight he has your Presentation Disks in his pocket to keep himself up all night No Support himself for your deal. 

This is the way it's done, it's not hard, it's not tricky, it's just distribution of the right kind of information in the right sequence to the right kind of people in large numbers and taking small amounts of time getting it done.  

We are Split-Second Recruiters and our Prospects are everywhere we go. A lot of people are sitting in financial Jail-Cells with the doors wide open. Let's spring them out with our life-changing Message of Hope and Opportunity!

Is this Really Network Marketing?
Or is this Really Relationship Marketing?? 

Never forget the power of Praise and always be willing to Praise where Praise is due. Be Sensitive and Observant, there is no greater joy then helping our new found friends Rise to their full Potential. 


Wishing you Success

Jerry Bradford  


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