Message from the Founder of C.O.I.N.S., Dr. Lonnie G. McCowan

People can aspire to be rich, Popular, or famous but, one thing is for certain, most people live their lives with the desire to contribute to their world so that they can make a lasting difference.

Many of you have already overcome the challenges that life has brought and with the fact alone, you have already made a difference. Sometimes you may feel that all your efforts are in vain but in spite of those feelings, you continue to push through life’ challenges so that you can attain feelings of significance and make a difference.

My name is Lonnie McCowan and I applaud you because I too desire to make a difference in the life. I want to empower you and give you a system where you can live your dreams.

Do you remember the times when you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, fearful or full of doubt? These feelings are natural responses to the challenges and changes of life. The real problem occurs when you allow these feelings to rob you of you power and inner peace that gives you a deep sense of purpose and passion for life.

Hard work, big dreams, and great ideas are not enough. Without a proven system that works, you are wasting your time. Your job is not the key to unlocking your destiny. If you join my team, I can show you how to create the income that you need to live your dreams.

I can show you the Seven Secrets to building generational wealth.

What if this is what you have been waiting for all your life?
What if this is your moment to change everything for the better?
What if the quality of your life from this very moment was all wrapped up in your next decision?

The time has come and your destiny awaits your decision.

The time is now. Your life’s success is just one decision away. Stop for just a moment and take a deep breath. I don’t want you to miss the window of opportunity to live your dreams. For just a moment, I ask you to put aside anything that would distract you and find a quiet sacred place. Once you are there I want you to ponder this thought. All your life, everyone has tried to show you the way. Parents, teachers, and leaders have all attempted to guide you in what they know has worked best for them. Their attempts are to teach you the “right path” but in reality it is “their path.”

So, you wonder why? You wonder why you are not clear on what you want. You wonder why you are not living up to your potential. You wonder why you feel resistant, resigned or lazy at times. You wonder why you feel stressed, out of balance or overwhelmed. We are left trying to answer the question, why so many people are lost and suffering from addictions or depression?

These are the residual effects of adopting someone else’s dream or purpose and not discovering your own significance and purpose. When you choose to only follow and obey what you been told while at the same time ignoring or suppressing your dreams you are left with a life of dissatisfaction and discontentment. Your dreams lie wounded or even dead on the battlefield.

Many people have learned how to look successful on the outside while the inside waste away. The true test of success is confronted when ask yourself the following questions:

1 Am I living my dreams and passions?”

2 “If money and time weren’t an issue am I currently doing what I dream to do?”

I don't know how you found this web site, but you have an opportunity to really live the life that you dream about.

Your financial success is our focus of the Image Financial Gold Club team. We will provide you with the education and training that you need to stop yearning for other’s dreams and begin to live your own dreams.

Your future belongs to you. You deserve the financial freedom to live your dreams. As a society, we have grown accustom to fighting wars. We fight and war against terrorism, we war against crime, we war against drugs, and some of us have waged a war against poverty. We spend our lives fighting every other battle but never take the time to win the battle of success. We have unconsciously accepted the mindset that if we fight these other wars than we are succeeding. The real war that threatens to destroy your life is not the war that takes place on the outside but the war that occurs within you. The real battle is won and success is achieved when you make a choice to be true to yourself and live out your dreams.

If deep down you have been sensing there is more to life than this, then you know you must take action. Every time you choose not to take action, you act against your own will to live causing your fire and passion for life to burn a little lower. Every time you make an excuse not to take action, something within you dies a little more each day.