Time to Take Control of Your Financial Future

by Dr. Lonnie G. McCowan

Life is about choices. When you and I were young choices were made for us but as we grew and matured we learned to make our own choices. This has been a slow and steady process that has brought us both the joys and frustrations of life.

Now it is time to make another choice. This choice is one of the most critical decisions that you will make in taking control of your finances. Why is this decision so critical? When you take control of your finances it empowers you with the possibility to achieve financial freedom so that you can live the life that others only dream about.

The decision to change your financial future is the first step to financial freedom. The most important decision is made when you commit each day to taking the necessary steps to walk in economic empowerment.

I am going to layout a roadmap for your new financial life so that you can travel the road to your dreams.

There are only two roads that every human being will take in life. The Bible teaches that the wide road is traveled by the majority and leads to destruction. Have you ever thought that this maybe the reason why 90% of the people in our country are broke? In order to reach financial freedom you must join the10% of people who choose the road that is less traveled.

The 90/10 Rule

Throughout history 90% of the money has been made by only 10 % of the people. The reason for this is 90% of the people choose comfort and security over financial freedom.

Mind Makeover

Before you can change your financial situation, you need to change the way you think as it relates to money. You must change your thoughts and beliefs about finances. Some of your beliefs have shaped your current financial situation and are deeply engrained into your minds. If you don’t identify these bogus beliefs it will hinder your ability to strive for financial freedom.

If you are ever going to have financial freedom, self-awareness is critical. This is where you must take inventory of your thoughts and attitudes about money. You must find out what attitudes are helping you and which attitudes are holding you back.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

When you look in the mirror what you do whisper to yourself? Do you whisper comments like: “I’m worthless”, “I’m over weight”, “I’m getting old”, “I don’t have anything worth while going on in my life”?

Can you stand tall and say, “I look great and I have great things going on in my life”?

A mirror reflects more than what your eyes can see. A mirror reflects your inner thoughts and beliefs and is projected back to you as what is referred to as self-image. You must listen to your thoughts because they come from your soul. Are they negative? Are they defeating? Are they poverty thoughts? You will never embark on the road of prosperity if inside your soul you harbor poverty thoughts.

Your old ideas about finances must change and new ideas must be birthed. There is nothing more Popular than when a new idea comes to realization. Also, there is nothing more devastating than someone who is stuck in an old idea.

If you are harboring negative thoughts in your soul, you must identify that negative thought and discover the truth behind its meaning. For example, if you have a thought that says “I can’t get ahead” or “I don’t have time to think about making extra money or financial freedom”, what you might really be saying is “I am afraid to try anything new” or “I am afraid that I might fail”.

If you really want to experience financial freedom, you must be willing to take the necessary steps. It’s time to dig deep and take a good look inside and discover what message you have been speaking to yourself in regards to your finances. Take some time to jot down any negative messages that are being whispered into your soul. Once you have identified the negative message, write down the real truth that lies beneath that negative thought. Once you know the truth beneath the negative thought, talk back to it. Throughout the day when that negative thought tries to send a message to your soul, speak the truth to it.

Negative thoughts deplete your life of the energy that motivates you for success.

I have just explained how to remove the traps that are blocking your mental path as you make steps toward financial freedom.

I have discovered five common traits possessed by individuals who have traveled the road to financial freedom.

1. Vision - the ability to see what others do not see

2. Courage - the ability to act regardless of having feelings of fear

3. Creativity- the ability to think outside the box

4. Self-confidence- the ability to stand in the face of criticism and skeptics

5. Self-control- the ability to delay gratification

When it comes to financial matters you must maintain an open mind. You must stay open to new ideas and strategies that can bring you financial freedom.

Imagine two men walking down the street on a very windy day. A piece of paper blows along the side walk in front of the first man but he never looks down. He keeps his eyes focused on the block ahead. That same piece of paper blows in front of the second man but this man glances down and takes notice of the piece of paper. It is a hundred dollar bill. The man picks it up and puts it in his pocket.

Question: Is the second man luckier than the first man? No! The same opportunity crossed the path of both men, but only the second man was willing to take a good look at what was before him reaching out to catch it.

Are your eyes open to this wonderful IFGC opportunity? Are you willing to see what others fail to see? Are you willing to seize the opportunity that is before you?

Don’t forget to browse through this website. It is loaded with life changing tips.