The Dove Bible Study

Bringing Glory To God Is Your Goal

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n order to get a new perception of an old problem we must, as believers, be willing to grow and be changed into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Through accepting personal responsibility for connections to others and learning about our own person, we discover who we are.  Life’s lessons should lead to significant changes over a period of time.  To accomplish this intimacy we need to connect with our family of relationships to go beyond the grid of life experiences.  Our present perception of the environment needs a view that bases the truth on the facts of the matter.  To grow in truth we need to see how the environment has affected relationships we have, and the roles we play and rules we live by.

          Unless we are willing to examine the patterns of intimate relationships to detect the truth, we will not know if they empower us to value ourselves or hinder our sense of worth.  Our relationships need examination so that we can change our view and grow into the image of God.  When we find that some of the patterns are abusive, we need God to heal us.  We need to look beyond our hurt and see the needfulness of those who hurt us in the past.  What we do and how we see ourselves influences and defines our roles in personal relationships.  Person to person examination is going to cause anxiety on both parts, but it is the only way to bring about lasting change.




          Emotions are a natural response to pain or pleasure.  Emotions are amoral, neither right nor wrong.  It is not what we feel that is good or bad but what we do in response.  There are two avenues to a stimulus -- response or reaction.  How we view the immediate incident or frequent occurrence, through our grid of life experiences  relates, directly relates to the immediate response or reaction on our part.  A balanced response is the result of viewing the experience as non-threatening.  An unbalanced reaction is the result of perceiving the situation as somewhat threatening.  The response reaction is automatic.  The stimulation for fight or flight comes from an autonomous reflex whose basis relies on our preservation instincts.  The mind is always calculating the risks presented to us from the environment. 

          In the course of life we view the actions of others as being aggressive or threatening.  A reaction is normal behavior based on a perceived act of aggression or threat.  A reaction is a direct result of perceiving an immediate threat or aggressive act.  A response is only possible after we process the information available.  The basis for validating an aggressive or threatening behavior then dismissing them is based on our ability to perceive or render them as harmless.  Reaction is a flight from fear by fleeing or evading the perceived threat.  An aggressive reaction is a willingness to fight by attacking or threatening to attack.  It is a direct or indirect assault on the offense.  A passive aggressive reaction is flight from the fear by fleeing or evading the perceived threat.  It is also a direct or indirect assault on the offense.  Our fight or flight reaction is a direct result of not trusting the person(s) who confronts us.  Our fear of the unknown is the root of most of our fear.  Fear is the opposite of faith or trust.

          The struggle to return to peace is the cause of our fear, frustration, or anger.  When our world suddenly shifts out of balance it is natural to subconsciously seek homeostasis.  Homeostasis is everything we do in response or reaction to keep our world in harmony.   The ‘everything’ we do is either a righteous or unrighteous emotional reaction or response to the fight or flight instinct.  It preserve us; It is a gift from God.  Whether a response or reaction, it is a conditioned reflex based on our immediate perception of the current event.

          The questions remain: Do our life experiences justify and validate our emotions and behaviors?  Do we want to live responding or reacting to our emotions, or do we want to live in response to events, resting in God’s truth?  The answer should be obvious.  If there are any doubts, we need to seek the truth knowing that we are to ‘take every thought captive to Christ’. 

          To deny that destructive emotions exist would not be truthful.  Examine yourselves and commit your lives to Christ.  He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and fills us with worship, praise, and thanksgiving for what God has accomplished ‘in Christ’.  God is Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Our existence finds meaning in whom we perceive ourselves to be ‘in Christ’.  God chose us to grow into the image and likeness of Christ.  This is the very thing we need to do, willingly and continually, by examining the motives and intents of our hearts.  We are ‘feeling’ creatures whom God desires to be alive to others emotionally.

          What we may do through the eyes of a fixated emotion can be devastating to our personality and to others. The result of not knowing who we are can lead to mental and/or emotional disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, or spiritual deterioration.  When we lose sight of our identity, the conscious self, we lose touch with reality.  When we internalize an emotion, the deception separates us from God's truth, and alone we try to find ourselves through the use of logic, reasoning, and rationalization. The result is a person living according to their own corrupt nature.  We see the results in every type of mental and emotional disorder known.  Our true identity comes through accepting our spiritual nature, and accepting what God accomplished for us in Jesus Christ.  The Word of God reveals the truth.  We are spiritually dead until we respond to God’s invitation.  At this time He establishes a relationship with us and we find our identity ‘in Christ’.

          Internalized emotions can become a characterological style.  The person becomes the emotion.  In their own eyes, they are the emotion.  Identification, feelings, needs, and drives originate through the grid of life experiences acting upon our emotions.  They live through the looking glass tinted by the emotion.  In a process of constant reinforcement, they interconnect with to the emotion through audio and visual memories over a sustained period of time.

          To be emotionally bound is identify vicariously with the emotion.   Subsequently, people view any life experience skewed through the grid of the emotion.  Any valid feeling, need, or desire in a person triggers a response or reaction, and they feel the impact of the emotion and view reality it.  Emotionally bound people often experience the emotion with the same intensity of a past trauma when an event vaguely resembles a prior life experience.  The trigger comes from a collage of audio or visual memories. 

          Emotions internalize when abandonment or any other traumatic event occurs.  It can be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual; it is often a combination of the four.  Abandonment includes lack of mirroring, lack of developmental dependency needs, abuse of any kind, and enmeshment into the covert or overt needs of the parent or the family system.

          Identification with an emotion causes alienation from the authentic self.  When we suppress emotions or do not allow them to manifest, the emotion alienates, disowns, or severs from the person's emotional responses and reactions inventory.  This may cause splitting of the self.  As feelings, needs, and drives elude us, we become alienated from them, or split.  The split may result in long term emotional damage to the person's character.  Dave There is no way to share their feelings with others because they deny the emotion exists because it is now an object of contempt.  The authentic self is in isolation and it hides beneath our defense mechanisms.  The emotionally based person has become an object, not a person.  They have internalized the emotion and are obsessed with the self.  The alienation causes withdrawal, passivity, isolation, or inaction.

          As the internalization of emotion continues, the person may experience the split or severed parts of the personality when audio or visual memories trigger them.  The rejection of the authentic self also creates an inner alienation and isolation.  This may cause a low grade depression from losing one's authentic self.

          When we live by emotions, we may feel that we have lost our relationship with our Father, instead of knowing that we are totally secure ‘in Christ’.  This that may trigger depression.  Emotions and the resulting feelings are not to guide our lives.  We are to live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.




If we fail to temptation all we need to do is admit it to God.  Grace allows humanness and God’s mercy covers a multitude of shortcomings.  We need to allow for human frailties which allows ourselves to be less than perfect.  We do not become obsessed with being perfect since the Holy Spirit is working inwrought holiness in us.  Besides, perfectionism is not a fruit of the Spirit.  God knows when we are giving Him our best and that is all He expects of us.  We have been given a Spirit of love, power and a sound mind to guide us.

Do we need to forgive others, so that we may be forgiven?  Is there a root of bitterness?  If we surrender the problem to God, He can change us.  He is the only just judge.  He is the only one who has the right, and the one who paid the price.  Vengeance is God’s alone.  He alone is the only fair judge.

Judgment is the critical process in making decisions.  We may need to surrender specific problems in our relationships to God.  The judicious reasoning process should not begin until all the facts are presented.  Only God knows all the facts that is why vengeance is reserved for God alone.   God alone knows the hearts and hurts of His children and that is why all judgment is reserved until we come to a full understanding of the Truth.


          God designed our heart to be sensitive to inner pain.  Emotions are symptoms that reveal the realities of the heart, what is really going on within us.  Denying our emotions will never bring us to maturity ‘in Christ’.  If we fail to acknowledge the offense, we will fail to forgive the offender and not fully forgive what we have not fully faced.

          Life is a recovery process until we return home to God, who is the perfect parent.  When the Spirit starts to prompt and convince us to reveal the emotional trauma of our past, it's time to trust God.  He knows the abuse we suffered, even at the hands of the most gifted of parents, because only God knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts.  This is the very reason He came in the person of Jesus Christ; we know we can trust Him.  Jesus suffered in every way we suffer and still did not sin.  We can learn of Him and allow God to heal us through the process of sanctification, when we become obedient to the person of the Holy Spirit.  He will guide us into all truth.  In the security of being ‘in Christ’, we can face reality and allow Him to reveal the past so that we may grieve the loss, forgive ourselves, and then forgive others.

          It takes time for a person to connect with their own spirit.  God provides the support we need through the helpers He has already healed.  We need support for healing the past issues.  We may need someone to help share our grief and sorrow.  We may need to grieve alone.  We may need to ask God to send someone who will share the unresolved anger, hurt, sadness, loneliness, regret, depression, anxiety, etc..  Or, trust the Holy Spirit solely to do what God ordained Him to do.  God can be that One!

          There is hope in God!  Do not lose faith!  Trust in God and lean not unto your own understanding! He will supply your every need through Jesus Christ our Lord!  When we exercise faith by trusting in the written promises of God we will find out the truth and this will set us free.






ur regeneration produces a new identity, a change in our heart and spirit through the new birth.  We exchange our life in Adam for our life ‘in Christ’.  We do not exchange one behavior for another.  We exchange our life for the life of Christ living through us.  We become interdependent with our new family, His body on earth, the church, in order to share our feelings about this new life ‘in Christ’.  When we become a new creation, we usually lack the knowledge to be free.  In order to be set free we need to learn about the regeneration that has taken place.  We need to leave the old man, the Adamic nature behind, and render our false identity dead.  We need to learn how to live in the Spirit and deny the false identity.  We have to learn how to be responsible and what to do to maintain our new life ‘in Christ’. 

          The family of origin we leave behind may one day join us, but until they do we are responsible for our behavior and the consequences.  The sin of our old identity is still in the shadows of our memories.  We need to renew those memories, repair relationships, and grow into the image of Christ.  We have a new life ‘in Christ’, as children of God.  As His children, we need to learn of Him and allow God to heal us through His Word and the transforming power of forgiveness: the forgiveness we received, is the forgiveness we must now learn to extend. 

          Our relationship with Him rests upon the love He has indirectly shown us through other believers, and His love for us revealed directly through the Scriptures.  By accepting God's love for us, we can know our true parent who created the entire universe and everything therein. 

          Once God restores the relationship, we can begin to restore our relationship with ourselves.  The journey we travel to spiritual health will move us in a new way to connect with our inner child or spirit.  To be free, we need to be able to love and accept ourselves non-judgmentally.  We need to accept our humanness and the certainty of making mistakes.  Our freedom comes in knowing that God has already provided for our mistakes and ‘in Christ’ there is no condemnation.  Our total freedom will come through our sanctification the rest of our life.  When we come to know the depth of God’s riches ‘in Christ’, our relationship will flourish. 

          Fortunately God does not destroy our personality when we come to Him.  He simply restores our loving relationship with Him.  We still have our personality.  We are in essence the same person we were without the sin or tendency to sin weighing us down.  In order to be set free, we need to reconnect with His Spirit.  We have to go back and re-experience the emotions that we blocked.  We build walls around ourselves to stop pain, fear, or frustration that may bring on isolation.  Through repression or other defense mechanisms, we have severed relationships and need to repair these relationships, where possible.

          To experience emotional healing, we need to uncover the past and experience the unresolved pain and grief issues.  Throughout our developmental process we experienced trials and tribulations that were too much to handle as children.  All of those unresolved issues that were not uncovered, grieved, and healed must be exposed.  We all need our emotions validated or we become emotionally backed up, like a clogged sink.

          We will look at ways in which emotions clog up through the abandonment issues of neglect, abuse, or enmeshment.  Now it's time to start the process of healing by uncovering the hurt and pain, validating those feelings, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives often through a friend or mentor.  It is time, and it will take time to heal.  We need nourishment while we work through the grieving process and to remain focused on the blessings and promises of God’s revealed Word, the Bible.

          Problems will surface if some of our emotions are internalized.  Most times, we do not even know there is a problem.  We cannot see problems when we look in a mirror.  We need to see our reflection through the eyes of someone whom God has healed.  In order to heal, we need to come out of hiding.  The main problem is our carnal or corrupt nature is still being protected by our Self-Defense Mechanisms.  Christian or not, our spirit hides behind the defenses that allow us to survive an abusive childhood. 

          People bound up emotionally usually show some subtle symptoms.  We need the freedom to respond to God as He leads us, to be free to lead a lifestyle that pleases God (regardless of whether or not it pleases others), and accept responsibility for our relationship with Him.  If a person wants to have a grace-oriented, liberated life, they need affirmation and acceptance with accountability and authority.  We need a balance.  Too much liberty leads to license, too little leads to legalism.  We need to balance liberty with grace to find freedom.  We need to do all things by faith in love. 

          As we walk in grace we will find the benefits of the Cross.  Obsessive/compulsive or addictive behavior no longer is a driving force.  We are free to make our choices and no longer need to control others.  We live independent of other’s approval knowing full acceptance from God.  We are free to pursue our God and know we have total forgiveness and acceptance.

          People who are emotionally bound-up and under the control of the false identity reveal the following symptoms in their lives. They are self-centered and lack concern for others.  They justify their own actions and rationalize out-and-out sin.  They are often irresponsible, immature, and childish in their actions.  They will not let others get close to them, and disregard the emotional needs of others.    



          The false identity leaves us with a paradox that comes from the embattled mind.  The will, the intellect, and the emotions still retains the old thought and behavior patterns from our carnal nature.  In the light of God’s Word the will, intellect, and emotions are still corrupt.  However, our renewed heart and spirit make us a new creation in Christ.  Every new believer maintains their old personality.  We are still self-centered and we don't know how to set our life straight.  The battle is in the mind.  In order to renew the mind, we need to understand several things about the mind, the will, and emotion.

          The mind is like a computer; it is our ‘thinker’.  If you put garbage in, you will get garbage out.  The will is our ‘chooser’.  When we come to Christ, our will is captive to do the things our self-life desires -- good or bad.  We also have emotion.  Emotion is our ‘feeler’, nothing more, nothing less.  Facts alone are not the basis for emotion.  The mind, the will, and emotion are good in themselves, as long as the one in control bases their function on fact, reality, grace, and truth.

          The carnal nature leads to death and sin, but life in the Spirit leads to life and peace.  Before we come to Christ we have a corrupt or Adamic nature. After we receive Jesus Christ as Lord we have a spiritual nature, yet we retain our memories from the carnal nature, that is, from our past life.  The false identity needs to be understood to maintain our victory ‘in Christ’.  Understanding our identification ‘in Christ’ will give us the victory.  ‘In Christ’ we are his  children and have received eternal life, the gift of God.  Everything we need for life and peace, God reveals to us through the person and work of Jesus Christ.  The puzzle is why we have so much trouble living the Victorious Life.  What really changed?

          Before we came to Christ, the Adamic nature did not have any power over death and sin.  We were captive to the power of sin.  We could not help but sin, so our death was inevitable.  Upon receiving Christ, we received eternal life.  Once baptized into His death, sin no longer has any power over us.  We become a new creation.

          In Christ, God set us free from the power of sin and death.  This is the truth; we are dead to the power of sin.  Our old Adamic nature is dead.  The command in scripture is to ‘reckon yourself dead’.  This we clearly see in Rom. 6:11,  ‘Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God ‘in Christ’ Jesus our Lord.’  To reckon requires an act of the mind and the will.  We must accept the truth, believe the truth, and act as if it is the truth.  This is faith.  First, we must acknowledge the truth and believe in our heart that our ‘old Adamic person’ is dead, period!  Next, we must acknowledge the lies of Satan that cause us to think that our ‘old man’ has resurrected itself, and has life.  Then, we must confess and agree with God that we are dead to sin.  Finally, we must render or reckon ourselves dead to sin.  There the Paradox lay and the Victory over ‘the power of sin’ in our lives.  We may continue to sin, nevertheless, the truth is that our old man is dead, but we still have the tendency to revert to our old way of doing things.  This is where trusting God comes into our life.  We have to choose to believe God's word and act upon it in order to maintain our victory in Him.

          If emotions lead us, what will happen?  Turmoil!  Emotions can turn on a pin point.  Just imagine a dentist with a needle.  Do you feel terror?  So I know you don't want emotion in control!  How about the mind?  Surely, the mind is the organ of highest function.  Think about a hot fudge sundae, now strawberry shortcake, then roast pork with gravy and a heaping portion of mashed potatoes.  Are you hungry?  Now think about a fiery dragon ready to eat your house.  Are you scared yet?  Well, its time to make a choice!  Do you want to think about something to eat or do you want to crawl under the couch so the dragon does not get you?  Our mental and emotional problems are the result of the will being captive to our self-life.  If you have a decision to make, don’t make it on feelings.

          The whole point is: whatever we put in our head, our emotions will react to it.  We have the freedom to respond to the truth of God’s word or listen to the lies of the enemy.  The first step to freedom is to control the thoughts that we entertain.  We need to take every thought captive to Christ in order to maintain our freedom.  Who we become depends on what we believe to be true about ourselves.  The choice to believe God's word and act upon it is ours.  Do we choose to do and believe what we want to?  The will is in bondage to the corrupt nature, and it influences our choice.  So it is God alone who determines by His choice to give us our ‘free will’ back by quickening us, giving us His life.  Our lifestyle will line up with whom we perceive ourselves to be ‘in Christ’.  Remember, God makes us a new creation!




Stewardship: life is managed, not cured.  We are our own stewards; we are responsible for the quality of our life. Accepting and acknowledging personal responsibility for growth and change is stewardship.

Trials and tribulations are part of life.  We are accountable - we can react or respond. We choose reactions or responses to the fair or unfair. We have a choice. If we act recklessly, we are to blame.  The way we present our self, our personal style determines the response or reaction from the world.  We are accountable for our experiences for the choices we make. The choices create consequences.  We are not accountable for accidents or incidents out of our control.  We may not be to blame and yet we are accountable for our reaction or response.

Count your blessings continually for making the right choices.  Our choices have results that we experience from our thoughts, we control our behavior. Our emotions can control our behavior and our physiology, psychosomatically. We choose to accept our thoughts that result in consequences; and our thoughts result in physiology. Our attitude dictates the results we receive.  We reap what we sew; we determine the response and, that’s reciprocity!

One of the common problems counselors face is exposing denial for a client.  The hardest thing to do sometimes is to ‘tell yourself the truth.’ Omission is a form of denial; we neglect the evidence that there is a problem. Overt or outward forms of denial result in procrastination.  Self-defense mechanisms such as denial, repression or suppression protect the self.  We need to break through the denial and acknowledge there is a problem.

Accepting the reality of there being a problem benefits us by defining, ‘where we are right now!’  We need to admit our part and own the problem to overcome denial.  We overcome by defining the problem, owning it, and writing it down. We own the problem, and therefore, are responsible for the response.  Honesty demands that we see our part in the problem. We create our own experiences. We need to acknowledge our negative behaviors; what is not working; or change what doesn’t work.  We change our perception by confronting the destructive forces with - the truth. We come to terms with reality.

What if we don’t accept our responsibility?  If we do not accept responsibility for our life meaningful and lasting change cannot come. And, we’ll be tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea from the double-mindedness.  The consequences of not making a decision and face the need to grow and change leaves us in bondage to the past.

Are we always in control of our behavior and responsible for the results?  Whether the results are good or bad; fair or unfair; or if we are happy or unhappy, it is our life. We have a choice.  If there is a problem, what part do we play?  Our self-reliance was the center of the problem before, as a new creation, we learn we can overcome all things in Christ.

We are not victims!  God did not leave us defenseless.  If we have problems we own the problem until we give it to God.  In order to find a resolution we need to know what part does the past play?  What is the consequence if we allow our past to rule over our thinking?  Accepting that our memories are the problem and Christ in us is the solution, is the beginning of a healthy resolution.  Don’t wait to resolve newly discovered problems, this will only diminish the flow of the Spirit of God  in life.

We are accountable for the way people treat us.  If we are unhappy we need to measure their response and weigh the actions of others toward us.  When people change their behavior, they change the results.   If God changes our thinking, we’ll change the results.  If we have bad habits we need to find the benefits and values for not changing those negative behaviors.  To break the cycle, we must reveal the truth and break the cycle.

Wisdom is the exercise of knowledge with sound judgment at the appropriate time.

God is willing to give us everything to live a holy life through stepping out in faith.  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Therefore, we need to think, believe, and act upon the facts of faith to find the truth that will set us free.



           Denial of our emotional hurts will not overcome the need to forgive someone.  When we admit these feelings about others, we can forgive the person who offended us and get on with our life.  When someone we depend upon and love offends us, it may be easier to redirect those emotions inwardly than to admit we have these feelings about them.  It may seem safer to convince yourself the offense did not occur or doesn't matter much.  This is denial, and no matter how the offense occurred the result is unresolved emotional conflict.  When we deny or bury these emotions of anger, hatred, and bitterness they result in destructive expressions of resentment, and/or self-hatred.

          Resentment is the result of repressed emotions and self-hatred is the result of misdirected emotions.  This self-hatred can readily be the cause of low grade depression or eventual clinical depression.  To deal with resentment acknowledge that the offense really did matter and forgive the offender.  The problem will exist as long as you are in denial.  There is no way to deal with the past when people are in denial.  The first step to mental health is to overcome denial and forgive ourselves.  Upon taking the first step of admitting our true feelings and recognizing them, we can ask God to resolve them rather than deny them and let them boomerang back to hurt us.





          The false identity is a controller unless we are exposed to the truth about it’s nature and then neutralized by revelation of God’s truth.  The fallen nature is corrupt and in control from conception and until reckoned dead with its co-crucifixion with Christ.  Unless a person is born again through God’s quickening Spirit they are subject to the whims of the fallen nature. 

Avoiding pain is the reason people find themselves out of control and without peace of mind.   The instinct of fight or flight to regain control is natural.  A person has to escape or overcome the implied or real threat through physical violence or by fleeing the scene.  Self-preservation is autonomous even when the perceived threat is imagined.  The image(s) need to be exposed in terms that will explain the origin of their fear or anger.  The root cause is not often the presenting problem of the client.

Addictions are formed from double-mindedness.  The struggle is caused from being torn between obeying God and the spiritual forces that are exerting their influence on people’s false identity or corrupt nature.  The carnal nature cannot obey God and is at war with the Spirit of God.  People which have not surrendered their rights to God must obey the desires of the false identity and therefore cannot walk in the Spirit.  As Christian’s we are to surrender to God, reckon false identity dead, and walk in Spirit which leads us to freedom and obeying God.

When a person gains their freedom in Christ there is reason to have joy in the promises of God which lends itself to happiness and feelings of pleasure.  Joy is the result of knowing that our relationship with God has been restored while happiness is based on happenstance or the events surrounding our righteous standing with God.   Knowing our faith in God’s plan for our life with Him is on course is all the reason we should need to feel pleasure.  Whether pleasure or pain can be a motivating factor to get us motivated and act upon a goal the ultimate motivation should be ‘to bring glory to God’s name.’

Godly character will produce godly behavior and subsequently will gain godly rewards.  Godly behavior - i.e. walk in the truth, think, believe, and actions produces godly rewards - i.e. joy, happiness, freedom, righteousness, clear conscience.  When our actions do not line up with what God’s word declares their is reason to be concerned.  What has happened to our reasoning ability and logic?  What pleasure do we receive by taking action?  What is the loss if we take no action?  What are we trying to escape from?  Or, what are we angry about? 

Homeostasis is the balancing point where the body, soul, and spirit of man are content.  The body is a vehicle with senses to communicate to the mind the state of affairs in our environment.  The information is received by the soul of man. We will include the mind, our thinker or reasoning ability; the will, our ‘chooser’; and our emotions, the positive or negative energy in motion that is a response or reaction to the environment about us for a simple explanation of the souls functions.

The spirit of man is the eternal life force we are given at conception.  It is dead to God until we receive eternal life in Christ.  The spirit is the true child of God within us.  We are all eternal beings from the moment the fertilized egg receives their spirit from God.  God is the Father of all life.

The determining factor that transforms a person into a son or daughter is when the ‘spirit of man’ is quickened by the Holy Spirit being born again of spiritual seed, which is the Word of God.  There are only two states of spiritual consciousness for the sake of clarity – either a person is spiritually alive to the Spirit of God or in a state of eternal separation or death toward God.  In the remainder of this work we shall only consider people who are spiritually alive toward God.  If we are born again we have the Holy Spirit living within us.

Now we shall determine what our behavior is driven by in order to get control of our lives and continue to grow in the riches of the grace of God our Father.  Our response or reaction to events going on in our life is conditioned through learned behavior.

The behavioral patterns are an expression of our past experience from the memories we retain.  Our ability to recollect these memories has an integral part in determining the ways we respond or react to life’ circumstances.  Therefore if we recollect incorrectly we will not respond to a given situation in the manner we would have if we had the facts straight.  Therefore the truth may be distorted and we, like sheep, are all led astray.

Through the process of sanctification the Spirit of God is renewing our minds by infusing us with the Word of God.  However the process requires our willful cooperation.  God does not determine for us what we shall do, because of His love for us we have been given the freedom of self-determination.  Our destiny is of our own choosing.  We can choose to believe the evidence of God’s word working in our lives or reject the truth and be subject to the refining influence of our Father’s love through discipline.

Now let’s gets subjective.  Are we determined to please God or please ourselves?  If we suffer loss who do we blame?  Surely not God for we choose to obey or not to obey Him.

What is the motivation behind our inner desire?  Whatever pain or pleasure we experience in obedience to God will determines the association we tie to the memory.  When we are confronted with a similar set of events our behavior in part has the propensity to be determined by the memories we recollect.  A rational or logical decision based on the facts would be the appropriate response.  Therefore the generated “feelings”, our emotions would be a pleasurable experience.  An irrational or illogical response would solicit negative emotions or pain.

In order for us to be transformed through the renewing of our minds we must change our associations to pleasurable feelings to obeying the Word of God.  At the same time we need to learn to tie the pain we experience to disobedience to God’s will.  Through the positive reinforcement of God’s promises we can tie pleasurable feelings to our acts of obedience and control our thinking; therefore we take charge of our emotions until God begins to work on another area of our character.

When our wills are turned by the Holy Spirit working with us and in us we will be able to achieve God’s highest desire for our life.  We would do what Jesus did, obey the Father.  We would reflect the life of Christ through our daily walk.

When we assimilate the Word of God into the core of our being and draw our life from Christ as our only source; we will find the experiential reality of our faith will jettison our level of motivation heavenward.

All things work for the good of those who are called according to God’s purposes.  No matter what circumstance we find or place ourselves in, through blind obedience or human mischief, God knows what we are doing and will work it out for our benefit.  Yes, even if that means we need discipline.




One of the largest problems counselors face is exposing denial for a client. We need to acknowledge there is a problem.


We must own the problem; therefore we are responsible for the response or reaction..


Accepting the reality of there being a problem benefits us by defining, ‘Where we are right now!’


The hardest thing to do sometimes is to ‘Tell yourself the truth.’


Omission is a form of denial; we neglect the evidence that there is a problem.


Overt or outward forms of denial result in procrastination.


Self-defense mechanisms short-circuit the resolution process and may block the awareness of a problem existing.


Honesty demands that we see our part in the problem.


We need to acknowledge our negative behaviors; what is not working and change what does not work.


We change our perception by confronting the destructive forces with God’s Truth.


We need to admit our part and own the problem to overcome denial.  We determine many of our own experiences.


We overcome by defining the problem, owning it, and writing it down.


We need to allow ourselves to be less than perfect. Then we need to surrender the problem to God so He can change us.





What is the benefit of the behavior?  What is in it for them? 


When people change the behavior, they change the results.


Why we do is different than how we do things?  Our approach is the key factor to determining results.


Reason and logic are the things that determine the course of action for a positive payoff.


If we don’t determine the ‘Why’, we won’t determine the reason for the negative results.


When we question a person’s behavior, we must keep asking ‘What’s the payoff?’


Why is the negative behavior working?  On what level is there a payoff? What is the ‘root cause’ for the behavior?


Challenging the behavior is one way to figure out the payoff.  Analysis results in the root cause.


What is the incoming benefit?  Why are we repeating the behavior?


Negative behavior results in possible emotional, physical, and spiritual damage.


We may be blind to the payoffs!  We need to find the benefits and values for not changing negative behaviors. 


To break the cycle, we must reveal the truth.  There are payoffs for all behaviors.


Trials and tribulations are part of life. 


We are our own stewards; we are responsible for the quality of our life.


Ready, aim, fire = action..  Practice what you preach.  ‘Be ye doer’s of the Word’


The rewards, our Father’s blessing or discipline or just punishment is a result of the actions we do or do not take.


Intentions are not rewarded; it is what we do with our life that counts and is rewarded.


Grace allows us to be human  and God’s mercy covers a multitude of shortcomings.


We are accountable for the way people treat us.  We need to measure the response and weigh the actions of others toward us.  Are the outcomes what we desire?


The Law of ‘Be, Do, and Have’ apply to accomplishing any goal?  We need to ‘Be committed, Do what it takes, then we’ll Have what we want.


We must be doers’ of  what the word says to get the payoffs we desire!  When are you going to pull the trigger? 


Our tendencies are set in motion and momentum is gained when we continue to work toward the goals.


There are two motivators:  Pleasure or Pain.  Pleasing God or suffering loss from disobedience is our choice.


We want to escape pain; while we want to satisfy our craving for pleasure.  The false identity wants ‘Instant Gratification’.


Godly knowledge, understanding and wisdom eliminate the fear of taking risks and walking in faith towards God.  We can take risks knowing that God is with us.  Or, we can loose the rewards by playing it safe and staying in our comfort zone.


Fear debilitates while faith towards God enables.  Perfect love casts out all fear.  We will know God’s promises enable us to do all things in Christ.  We are worth our hopes and dreams.  God’s people perish for a lack of vision.  What are your dreams worth?