The Dove Bible Study

Bringing Glory To God Is Your Goal

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When I am disobedient, to get my needs met for affection I ...


Act on the emotions of the moment

Adopt any type of behavior to have my needs met

Adopt the behavior and morality of the crowd

Compulsively seek love, affection and approval from anyone

Control people to meet my standards and terms

Express love and affection, then abandon people

Engage in possible sexual sin because of loneliness

Often react jealously to get people to spend time with me

Perform for significant others in my life

Fantasize sexually and romantically

Use alcohol and drugs to lessen the pain


When I do disobedient, I don’t get my needs met for affection
since I ...

Appear cold and withdrawn  

Appear not to want love

Do not ever allow others to meet my standards

Do not participate emotionally

Bend, mold, and browbeat people to get my needs met

Express love on a very reserved basis

Feel others should understand my need for love

Indirectly communicate my needs and confuse others

Limit my response because of the fear of rejection

Reject the expressions of love shown by others


When I’m disobedient and people don’t meet my needs for affection I ..


Become passive-aggressive by forgetting things

Become angry for lack of recognition

Become harsh (cruel and brutal)

Become hateful (malicious)

Become hostile (vent my anger)

Become unaffectionate

Become unapproachable

Become unfriendly (cynical)

Become unwilling to forgive

Get irritated easily

Have a quick temper (short fuse)

Harbor bitterness (unwilling to forgive)

Hold a grudge (be resentful)

Keep a scorecard of wrongs done to or by me

Procrastinate and am usually late

Punish myself or others

Retreat to the silent treatment  

Return hurt for hurt

Try to get even (seek revenge)

Undertake any behavior necessary to meet emotional needs

Use people to get love and affection

Want my mate to initiate and invest all the energy

Want others to fail or get hurt    

Will sacrifice only to get my need met



When I am disobedient, I don’t have my needs met I react and ...


Become sarcastic, refusing to communicate

Become slanderous (misrepresent the actual situation)

Engage my ‘dry’ sense of humor to irritate others

Fight unfairly (take cheap shots, backbite, slander)

Gossip (talking behind other's backs, spread rumors)

Hold off others with ‘dry’ sense of humor

Handle unaffectionate hostile people by attacking them

Hold off others with ‘smart alec’ remarks

Make ‘critical’ and ‘sarcastic’ remarks in order to resist sex with my mate

Use humor to hide deep, tender feelings

Use humor to protect myself from rejection

Use wisecracks and jokes to irritate unaffectionate people

Engage in communication sabotage


When I am disobedient and my needs are not met I escape and ...


Become overly introspective (spiral down)

Become self-absorbed (self-consumed)

Believe I'm OK only when I feel OK

Believe the truth is only what I feel

Daydream, fantasize

Deny anything is bad or wrong

Deny feelings or have difficulty expressing them

Deny my opinions and fail to express them openly and honestly

Deny reality and withdraw into my own world

Expect others to be responsible for my feelings

Feel I am being used and plan some sort of revenge

Ignore problems and hope they will go away

Live by my feelings and refuse to look for help

Fantasize sexually and romantically to meet emotional needs


When I am disobedient and do not have my wants met I ...


Become anxious when forced to be away from people

Become anxious (worry and fret over the unknown)

Become bitter if relationships are broken

Become defensive if confronted

Become dependent on other people to make me feel loved

Become distrustful of people

Become fearful (apprehensive)    

Become hypersensitive (always on the defense)

Become overly apologetic ( I can never do anything right)

Become paralyzed (go numb and wall out others) 

Become paranoid (overly suspicious of everyone)

Becomes possessive (selfish or jealous in most relationships) 


When I am disobedient, I act on the emotions of the moment and ...


Allow guilt feelings to control me

Assume I am always the problem

Avoid intimacy

Beat up on myself (hating myself)       

Become extremely self-sacrificing

Become inhibited

Become moody (sulk) 

Become overly submissive (give up all rights to people)

Become passive - lack initiative and quits too easily

Become self-depreciating (self-condemning/self-critical)

Become stoical (unemotional)

Become too hard on myself and live without grace

Become uncomfortable with success

Bottle up emotions

Center on the negative points of the relationship

Cling (become a leach) to those who finally accept me

Consider emotions foolish

Do not communicate on any level

Do not initiate physical contact

Do not participate emotionally

Engage in self pity     

Express love by doing things to get my way

Fake it (hiding what I really think and feel)

Feel others should read my mind

Feel sorry for myself  

Focus on suffering or trials to get attention and sympathy


When I am disobedient, I act on the emotions of the moment and ...


Act impulsively - leap before I think

Assume ‘if it feels good, I can do it’    

Become anxious when isolated from people

Become compulsive (lacking self-control)     

Become impulsive (hasty)   

Become irresponsible

Become perfectionistic and compulsive

Become restless and bored easily

Become self-indulgent (self-gratifying)

Become undisciplined in regards to completing a task

Buy things to feel better    

Get depressed by stuffing my anger and frustration      

Have difficulty forgiving myself   

Have difficulty receiving complements 

Have difficulty receiving forgiveness

Have difficulty receiving love      

Have trouble dealing with feelings

Hesitate because I could not stand being at fault

Lack follow through

Ask why others show me love and affection

Lose my focus easily

Lose self-control easily

Motivate others through emotions

Need to socialize endlessly

Perform to get attention and impress others

Play the role of victim/martyr    

Push my self beyond endurance

Read in rejection when it isn't there

Stay uninvolved to protect myself


When I am disobedient, I avoid responsibility becoming self-indulgent  because I ...


Can not control mood swings

Can not discipline the family

Cannot handle criticism

Cannot be confronted with failures and mistakes

Fear being punished for not doing the right thing

Fear looking incompetent

Fear losing control of my own life

Fear making mistakes, looking foolish, and being found out


When I am disobedient, in order to avoid personal responsibility I ...


Abandon tasks or blame others for my actions

Become extremely weak willed

Become indirect and stubborn

Become indirect and appear to want to be controlled

Become self-protective and never competent

Blame someone else if ‘things go wrong ‘

Depend on others to make my decisions

Depend on others to share responsibilities and decisions

Depend upon others and use them as the fall guy

Do not communicate my preference

Expect others to know how I feel or read my mind

Motivate others by guilt to take responsibility

Manipulate others through use of guilt

Procrastinate endlessly

Quit and exaggerate the demands (duties and tasks)

Swing abruptly from self-sacrifice to self-indulgent modes

Swing from total independence to total dependence


When I am disobedient, in order to stay in control I will ...


Be arrogant (cocky)

Be conceited (smug)

Be blunt

Be boastful(proud)

Be demanding (pushy)

Be dictatorial (bossy)

Be dominant

Be egocentric (acting pompous)

Be head strong  

Be highly critical of others

Be hostile

Be legalistic      

Be manipulative

Be overbearing (controlling)

Be paranoid (overly suspicious)

Be preachy (lecturing others)

Be proud (haughty)

Be self-assured (self-confident)

Be self-disciplined (self-reliant)

Be self-righteous, selfish 

Be stern (solemn/formal)

Be stubborn, obstinate, unreasonable, and unyielding

Be stubbornly independent and non-involved


When I am disobedient, in order to stay in control I become perfectionistic and ...


I am never satisfied

I am very difficult to counsel

I become independent and difficult to motivate

I check out everything you tell me

I do not submit to authorities

I know no one else can do the job like I can

I legally keep the agenda

I live ‘by the book’    

I live by rules (should', must's, ought's)

I must always be right

I must always be the best

I must always win

I must avoid failure at all cost

I never feel satisfied

I overcompensate so as not to fail       

I pretend to know it all

I will be extremely disciplined


When I am disobedient, in order to maintain control I will ...


Be argumentative, inflexible, rigid, or close-minded

Be capable of cold, calculating, neurotic behavior

Become bitter, resentful, anxious and vengeful  

Cause dissension (strife)

Demand my rights

Get angry and cruel

Intimidate and irritate others

Manipulate (use coercion)

Not delegate responsibility

Use a ‘biting’ sense of humor

Use blackmail to control (make threats)

Use guilt to regain or maintain control

Use people against one another

Use policies as law

Use profanity (swearing)

Use ungodly means and poor behavior


When I am disobedient in order to establish and maintain power I ...


Blame others for my own failure

Cooperate in order gain more power

Dominate and control all people and situations

Get angry and physically seek revenge

Show favoritism

Take extremely high risks

Use any possible form of abuse to gain control 

Use good or bad behaviors to regain control


When I am disobedient in order to take or maintain authority I ...


Become legalistic on most topics

Depend on myself instead of God

Depend on others instead of God

Distrust everyone

Do not delegate responsibilities

Do not share decision-making      

Give unsolicited advice or badger to get my way

Make decisions for others and not listen to advice 

Stubbornly refuse to move or change

Take over others’ responsibility  

Undertake any behavior to squash the opposition


When I am disobedient in order get my need for attention and affection I will ...


Be a busybody (become too involved in other's affairs)

Be a caretaker (rescuer)

Be a doormat (let others take advantage of me)   

Be a people pleaser

Be controlled by emotions - anger, doubts, fear, etc.

Be controlled by others emotions

Be indecisive (not making decisions)

Be irresponsible (become unreliable)

Be lax on discipline

Be lazy, apathetic, lethargic

Be overly analytical

Be overly compliant   

Be overprotective/ rescuing others      

Be passive (play helpless)

Be too changeable

Be too compromising 

Be too insensitive to criticism

Be too submissive

Have difficulty asking for help

Have difficulty saying ‘no’  

Have difficulty setting boundaries/standing up for myself

Try to be all things to all people 

Try to do the ‘proper/correct’ thing    

Try to keep everyone happy

Try to keep peace at all cost      

Try to prevent others’ failure      


When I am disobedient, in order to escape pain, I may become obsessed with...


Alcohol         Drugs         Caffeine            Sugar         Junk Food        Carousing       Sex              Talking      Television          Sleep      Athletics    Religion     Hobbies/Games  Reading     Computers         Fantasy     Movies     Pornography Religious Activity     Service      Work            Accomplishments       Recognition Status       The Past    Past Hurts         Past Failures Order     Rules Regulations               What Others Think Of Me        My Personal Performance 


When I am disobedient, in order to maintain control I...


Defend myself with a ‘biting’ sense of humor

Hurt others with my ‘wiry’ sense of humor

Manifest my anger physically to seek revenge

React by being mean, intolerable and cruel

Tend to be verbally cruel

Tend to be very stubborn

Use anger as a defensive mask

Use cruel behavior to get my way

Use my twisted sense of humor

Uses humor and sarcastic remarks when opposed

Ventilate my anger with a cruel sense of humor


When I am disobedient, I become self-righteous or self-justified and ...


Assume I am never the problem

Appear cold and indifferent

Appear insensitive, uncaring, unconcerned, or apathetic

Become critical of others (blaming others)

Become extremely serious in every aspect of life

Become judgmental (opinionated)

Become unapproachable     

Show critical attitude of self and others

Display a frequent and uncontrollable temper

Have difficulty admitting I was wrong


When I am disobedient, I get angry and get even by ...


Always reversing punishment

Avoiding social events

Excusing my abuse of people

Lashing out with my ‘dry’ sense of humor

Releasing my hot-temper and forgetting why

Stubbornly refusing to change

Using ‘put down’ remarks to belittle

Using sarcasm when hurt (emotionally)

Using verbal or physical abuse


When I am disobedient, I deny or avoid reality and ...


Become pretentious (phony, unreal)    

Become restless (high strung)

Become gushy (too sentimental) 

“Con” people to get what I want

Control the conversation

Cover up and hide mistakes

Deceive, lie or mislead others

Exaggerate (overstate matters)

Fake it (hiding what I really think and feel)

Find fault with others, myself, and everything around me

Ignore problems and hope they will go away

Make excuses (rationalize)  

Play games to hide real intent

Put on a show

Put up a front (can't be real)

Run and hide (escape)


I live through the emotions of the moment and..


Become hypersensitive (touchy)

Become indecisive

Become pessimistic

Become skeptical (suspicious)

Become tense (nervous/agitated)

Become touchy (irritable)

Complain a lot (become negative)

Get angry if not recognized for services

Get depressed easily

Get extremely serious in every aspect of life

Get trapped by gloom & doom thinking

Have difficulty relaxing

Lack confidence and optimism

Knit-pick things to death


I get angry when someone tries to control me and ...


Become anxious and fearful

Become critical of others

Become defensive

Become prejudiced (intolerant)

Become spiritually abusive

Become stubborn and will not change

Become very cruel and abusive (usually verbally)

Become very irresponsible and unsociable

Distrust others, myself, God, church, and/or government

Expect perfection of self and others

Internalize my anger and seek vengeance

Lash out at others with a dry sense of humor

Lash our with an uncontrollable temper

Screen out individuals for profit and power

Tend to get hostile and seek vengeance

Use my cruel temper

Use people as objects or commodities

Use people to accomplish tasks

Usually dominate others to reach goals


When I am disobedient, I withdraw emotionally and ...


Avoid others (become a loner)

Become emotionally insulated    

Become stoical (unemotional)

Become unenthusiastic

Become inexpressive

Become uninterested in life

Become very irresponsible and unsociable

Distance myself from others       

Do not communicate  

Go into a shell  

Isolate myself from other people

Keep people at a distance  

Set things up to bring about rejections

Take life too easy - the path of least resistance


When I am disobedient, I tend to have indirect behavior and I ...


Am easily manipulated and controlled

Am undisciplined in regards to completing a task

Appear to be apathetic and expressionless

Appear to be shy and withdrawn

Become complacent or nonchalant

Become extremely shy and withdraw socially


When I am disobedient, I tend to have indirect behavior and I ...


Become neurotic

Become overly introverted and isolate myself

Communicate poorly

Do not initiate but wait upon you to set the stage

Expect you to read my mind

Act indecisively - ‘I want it, I don't want it’

Rarely feel accepted or wanted

Say things like, ‘It doesn't matter ... It's OK 

Take the path of least resistance

Take things too personally

Tend to be no more than an observer in life

Tend to be very confusing to others

Want peace at all costs